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1. a) Millions of species inhabit our planet, each living in a particular type of place. What does the term natural habitat imply? b) Look through the list of animals, birds and plants below and indicate their natural habitat. Model: The lion’s natural habitat is the savanna.
2. a) Skim through the text and say what the message of the text is. (1.5 min.) Up to 4 million people live in the Arctic, spread out between the eight countries – Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States. The Arctic tundra is expected to shrink over the century as climate warming causes the sea level to rise. Most scientists say climate warming can be attributed to human activities. The UN Environment Program said in a recent report that widespread disintegration of permafrost in the Arctic can cause serious damage to buildings, roads, pipelines and other infrastructure in places such as Alaska and Siberia. The melting permafrost could also threaten a nuclear power plant near Murmansk. The plant, located on the Kola Peninsula, is the only one in the world built north of the Arctic Circle. Warming could also have some economic benefits opening shipping lanes and access to valuable natural resources. Melting ice could open polar passages historically clogged by ice. A revived Northern Sea Route could shorten the journey for goods and raw materials from North-East Asia to Europe by 40 percent. Climate warming is likely to bring extensive fishing activity to the Arctic. Recent studies have also projected that in a few decades there could be lucrative fishing grounds in waters that were largely untouched throughout human history. Russia is planning to develop Shtokman gas field in the Barents Sea. The development costs are estimated at $15 billion to $20 billion. The field is reported to hold more than double all of Canada’s gas reserves. As polar ice melts, nations stake claims to potential riches. As long as it’s ice, nobody cares except the indigenous people, because they hunt and fish and travel on that ice. However, the minute it starts to thaw and becomes water, then the whole world is interested. (After The New York Times / The Moscow Times, 2004-2005) b) Sum up the text in three sentences. c) Scan the text for details. d) Answer the teacher’s questions. 3. a) Open the brackets using the correct forms of the verbs. demise [dI'maIz] – (very formal) the time when something stops existingto shroud – to cover or hide somethingNothing _____________ (1 – to last) forever. Changes in climate can make a friendly place less welcoming. Catastrophes like volcanoes or giant earthquakes can kill a city quickly. After the New Orleans disaster of 2005, it ______________ (2 – to be) hard not to think of other places that _______________ (3 – to fall) to time and the inconstant earth. Take the library of Alexandria. ______________ (4 – to found) sometime around 300 B.C., it grew into an enduring symbol of culture and knowledge before ____________________ (5 – to disappear) into the sand and sea less than 1,000 years later. It was the library. It __________________ (6 – to influence) everybody who ever thought about building a library. Nobody ______________ (7 – to know) how large it ____________ (8 – to be) or what _____________ (9 – to be) actually in it. The library’s demise ________ (10 – to be) equally shrouded in mystery. One legend says the books ____________ (11 – to burn) during Caesar’s conquest of Alexandria in 47 B.C., but the library was still around in the 4th century, according to historical accounts. Later, in 642, the Arabs ______________ (12 – to move) Egypt’s capital to the Cairo region and Alexandria ___________ (13 – to shrink) into obscurity. The most famous lost city of all is one that probably never really ________________ (14 – to exist), Atlantis, the fabulous island civilization ___________________ (15 – to swallow) by the sea, which ____________________ (16 – to refer to) by Plato. Some scholars think he might have been inspired by one or more real events. Among them is the destruction of Helike, a city on the Corinthian coast, which ______________________ (17 – to swallow) by an earthquake and a tsunami in 373 B.C., during Plato’s lifetime. Archaeologists ________________________ (18 – long / to seek) the remains of the sunken city. After a dozen years of _______________ (19 – to search), a team of archaeologists said they _________________ (20 – to find) the lost city – not in the sea but on the coastal plain next to it. In expeditions every summer, they ____________________ (21 – to uncover) more and more of the city, _________________ (22 – to include) walls, buildings, coins, pottery and a cemetery, although they ________________ (23 – not / to find) the center of the city yet. (After Dennis Overbye, The New York Times, 2005.) b) Answer the teacher’s questions.
4. a) Read the text filling in the gaps with the proper words. carbon dioxide [LkQ:bRndaI'OksaId] – the gas produced when animals breathe out, when carbon is burnt in air, or when animal or vegetable matter decays. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. Energy saving in the home Have you ever stopped to think about how much damage your own home may be doing to the ___________________ (1 – environment / ecology / surroundings)? In the UK people’s homes are responsible for an alarming twenty-five percent of all carbon dioxide ___________ (2 – fumes / emissions / smoke). But there are a lot of simple steps that can be taken to put things right and help reduce our CO2 ___________ (3 – production / produce / output). For the start, get into the habit of clicking off the light switch when you leave a room, and swap regular light bulbs for energy-saving versions. And when you go off to bed, don’t just turn off your TV, video/DVD recorder or hi-fi system with the ____________ (4 – remote / distant / distance) control: in standby mode they still use up a lot of energy, so switch them off at the plug socket instead. Washing machines and dishwashers are also hideously _____________ (5 – extravagant / wasteful / careless) in terms of water, electricity and money when you run them with less than a full load. Never overfill the kettle if all you want is a single mug of tea; don’t use large saucepans when you only want to cook small ___________ (6 – number / amounts / quantity) of food, as they will take longer to heat up. And when it starts to turn milder in the early spring, you can turn down the central heating by several degrees and ____________ (7 – turn / run / operate) it for fewer hours every day. Summertime air-conditioning in the home may be ______________ (8 – modern / fashionable / sophisticated), especially for hi-spec city apartments, but it’s an unnecessary luxury when all you need to do to let a breeze blow through is open a window or door. b) Answer the teacher’s questions. HOME ACTIVITIES (1) 5. a) Go through the texts in exercises 2 – 4 and find the English for естественная среда обитания; белый медведь; голубой кит; уменьшаться в размере; потепление климата; уровень моря; деятельность человека; вечная мерзлота; наносить серьезный ущерб; трубопровод; атомная электростанция; Кольский полуостров; Северный морской путь; районы рыбных промыслов; на протяжении всей истории человечества; газовое месторождение; запасы газа; коренное население; как только он начинает таять; бессмертный (вечный) символ знаний и культуры; легендарная островная цивилизация; окутанный тайной; раскапывать древний город; керамика; выбросы углекислого газа; энергосберегающий; дистанционное управление; страшно (ужасно) расточительный, неэкономный; нагреваться. b) Illustrate the word combinations with sentences from the texts. 6. Retell any of the three texts (see exercises 2-4). CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES (2) 7. Paraphrase and add a sentence logically connected. 1. I prefer to see animals in the places where they normally live, rather than in zoos. 2. As a result of colonization, the native people of America were driven away from their lands. 3. The exhibition of oriental ceramics and sculpture attracted thousands of visitors. 4. The polar bear is indigenous to the icy wastes of the Arctic. 5. Washing a woolen sweater in hot water will make it smaller in size. 6. New regulations are aimed at reducing toxic waste produced by motor vehicles ['vi:Iklz]. 7. The legendary wealth of King Croesus ['kri:sRs] has become proverbial. 8. In ancient times, Britain was known to be a faraway land covered in mist and mystery. 9. I recognized the man as soon as I saw him. 10. The old block of flats was eventually demolished because it had become awfully uneconomical to maintain it. 11. Leonardo’s Mona Lisa is generally regarded to be an eternal symbol of beauty. 12. The number of employees has dramatically reduced from 130 to 75. 8. Translate into Russian. 1. Melting ice could open three Polar passages historically clogged by ice, allowing shipping companies to greatly reduce the time it takes to cross the globe and deliver goods. 2. If the melting continues, the mass of floating ice that has crowned the planet for millions of years may largely disappear for entire summers this century. 3. No one knows what share of the recent thawing can be attributed to natural cycles and how much to heat trapping pollution. 4. Interest in ice-breaking ships must have picked up so much that a giant shipbuilder based in Helsinki created a subsidiary (дочерняя компания) to develop ice-hardened ships. 5. There are likely to be a number of foreign policy issues that must be addressed by the Arctic countries. 6. Some countries that one might think of as being half a world apart appear as startlingly close neighbours. 7. An Arctic Bridge could drastically cut the distance to Canada, a revived Northern Sea Route could shorten the journey for goods and raw materials from Northeast Asia to Europe by forty percent. 9. a) Read the article and say in one sentence what it deals with. Северный Ледовитый океан может растаять(1) Площадь арктического льда стремительно сокращается. Если ситуация не изменится, то уже к 2050 году льда станет еще меньше, и суда смогут ходить летом прямо через Северный полюс. (2) Большинство специалистов настаивают, что основной при-чиной происходящего является глобальное потепление. Свиде-тельств тому, что оно действи-тельно происходит, с каждым днем становится все больше. Летом 2006 года европейские ученые были шокированы состоянием шапки полярных льдов на Северном полюсе: воды Северного Ледовитого океана, обычно покрытые льдами, не исчезающими летом, очистились от льда практически до полюса. Если глобальное потепление будет продолжаться, через 10-20 лет станет возможным проложить мореходные пути прямо через Полярный регион. (3) Многие ученые уверены, что потепление климата связано с антропогенным (человеческим) фактором и возникло вследствие “парникового эффекта”. В атмо-сфере накапливается все больше парниковых газов (водяного пара, двуокиси углерода, метана и др.). (4) Глобальное потепление также может быть вызвано извержениями вулканов, увеличением солнечной активности, изменением магнитного поля земли. При этом все модели, построенные на этих гипотезах, предсказывают значительное усиление процесса в ближайшие десятилетия. (5) Глобальное потепление, вероятнее всего, сильно изменит нашу жизнь. Профессор Лондонского университета Билл Макгвайр предсказывает следующее: изменение климата заставит жителей Северного полушария ездить на средиземноморское побережье зимой или весной, а летом устремляться к горячему песку и пальмам норвежских фьордов. Однако значительная часть территорий, лежащих почти на уровне моря, исчезнет под водой. (6) Во второй половине ХХI века уровень Мирового океана поднимется, поэтому местами суша отступит. Участятся ураганы, засухи, проливные дожди и штормы. Сотни миллионов человек останутся без крова и станут беженцами. Из-за таяния ледников недостаток питьевой воды будут испытывать до 6% населения земного шара. (7) В Сибири оттает около 2 метров вечной мерзлоты, что приведет к высвобождению значительного количества газов, на которых возлагают вину за парниковый эффект. Чем выше температура летом, тем больше лесных пожаров. Огромное количество сажи, поднимаясь в атмосферу, изменит распределение осадков. Европа, скорее всего, будет испытывать недостаток питьевой воды, а Азов повторит судьбу Арала. Кроме того, экологическая катастрофа вызовет массовую гибель животных. На планете исчезнет до 40% фауны. (8) Удастся ли современной науке найти решения для предупреждения природных катаклизмов? Прислушаются ли правительства к рекомендациям ученых и захотят ли вкладывать средства в их реализацию? Хочется надеяться на лучшее. (По материалам еженедельника Мир новостей, январь 2007 г.) b) Choose the most appropriate English words/phrases corresponding to the highlighted Russian ones. (More than one word/phrase may be right.) (1) сокращаться (to reduce / to decline / to shrink); (2) специалист (specialist / expert / authority); проложить мореходные пути (to follow sea-routes / to lay sea-routes / to create sea-routes) (3) накапливаться (to store / to accumulate / to amass) парниковые газы (greenhouse gases / heat-trapping gases / hothouse gases); водяной пар (steam / vapour / smoke) (4) увеличение солнечной активности (greater solar activity / increase in solar activity / the rise of solar activity); (6) проливные дожди (downpours / heavy rains / showers); остаться без крова (to become homeless / to live without shelter / to be left roofless); беженцы (refugees / exiles / runaways); таяние ледников (glacial melting / ice warming / ice melting); питьевая вода (still water / fresh water / drinking water); (7) оттаивать (to melt / to thaw / to fade); высвобождение (release / emission / disengagement); осадки (rainfall / sediment / precipitation) (8) природные катаклизмы (natural calamities / natural catastrophes / natural disasters) c) Answer the teacher’s questions. HOME ACTIVITIES (2) 10. Give a brief summary of the article (see exercise 8) in English using the suggested key words and phrases: 1. Introduction:
the Arctic ice-cap; to shrink; to sail across 2. Main body of the report: The ... suggest / claim that... to be caused by; global warming; there is more and more evidence that...;clogged with ice; to be free of ice; The article goes on to say that... to be attributed to; greenhouse effect; heat-trapping gases; vapour; volcano eruptions; magnetic field of the planet; hypotheses; According to... / It is pointed out that... The Northern Hemisphere; the Mediterranean coast; beaches; fjord; to lie at sea level; global sea levels; land / to be flooded; shortage of drinking water; soot; animals / to perish 3. Conclusion: In conclusion / Finally, the writer wonders if... to prevent; natural calamities 11. a) Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the Verb. Arctic Thaw Melts Away Old Habits in Far NorthFreed by warming, waters once _______________ (1 – to lock) beneath the ice are gnawing at coastal settlements around the Arctic Circle. In Bykovsky, a village on Russia’s northeast coast, the shoreline ____________________ (2 – to collapse), ________________ (3 – to creep) closer and closer to houses and tanks of _______________ (4 – to heat) oil, at a rate of 4.6 to 5.5 meters a year. Eventually, homes _________________ (5 – to lose), and maybe all of Bykovsky, too, under ever-longer periods of assault by open water. “It ______________ (6 – to eat up) the land,” said Innokenty Koryakin, a member of the Evenk tribe and the captain of the fishing boat. Fyodor Sellyakhov, a native Yakut, adds, “The sea _________________ (7 – to wash down) the coast every year. It is practically all ice – permafrost – and it _____ _____________ (8 – to thaw).” Scientists say that the __________________ (9 – to shrink) sea ice over the next century is inevitable and that humans need to adapt. For the four million people who live north of the Arctic Circle, in remote outposts and industrial centers, a _______________ (10 – to change) climate presents new opportunities. But it also threatens their environment, their homes and, for those whose traditions rely on the ice-bound wilderness, the preservation of their culture. A push _________________ (11 – to develop) the North, _______________ (12 – to quicken) by the melting of the Arctic seas, carries its own rewards and dangers for people in the region. The discovery of vast petroleum fields in the Barents and Kara Seas __________________ (13 – to raise) fears of catastrophic accidents as ships _______________ (14 – to load) with oil and, soon, liquefied gas churn through the fisheries off Scandinavia, _______________ (15 – to head) to markets in Europe and North America. Land that ___________________ (16 – negative prefix /to touch) could be tainted by pollution. Coastal erosion is a problem in Alaska as well, ________________ (17 – to force) the United States to prepare to relocate several Inuit villages at a __________________ (18 – to project) cost of $100 million or more for each one. Across the Arctic, indigenous tribes with traditions shaped by centuries of _________________ (19 – to live) in extremes of cold and ice are noticing changes in weather and wildlife. 155,000 Inuit scattered across Canada, Greenland, Russia and the United States ________________ (20 – to try) to balance tradition with the inevitable changes that are sweeping their lands. Their leaders claim that the United States, by __________________ (21 – to reject) a treaty requiring other industrial countries ________________ (22 – to cut) emissions linked to warming, is willfully threatening the Inuit’s right to exist. But some Inuit ask, how can they push countries _______________ (23 – to stem) global warming when the Inuit’s own prosperity is often tied to revenues from oil and gas, which are sources of greenhouse gases when burnt? “It’s how we do business that’s more important,” said Sheila Watt-Cloutier, the chairwoman of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference. “There are more environmentally friendly ways in which we can do development and still live in a certain way, with a way of life and business that can balance both.” While it is the people of the Arctic who ____________________ (24 – to feel) the melt and the rush for development most directly, the world, too, will have to give up something – its _______________ (25 – to treasure) notion of the Far North as a place of wilderness, simplicity and unspoiled cultures. (After The New York Times, 2005.) b) Write five questions to the text of the exercise.
Modal Verbs with Suppositional Meaning
12. a) Read and find modal verbs. wetlands – low land that is often covered with water from the lake, river, or sea next to it game – wild animals, birds and fish that people hunt, usually for food Should the Sport of Hunting be Completely Banned? The sport of hunting must have been one of the most heatedly debated topics in England since the early 20th century. Animal rights activists stress the cruelty of killing animals for sport, whereas hunters argue that it can’t have any negative effects in the natural environment. It may be true because legally allowing hunting during particular times of the year prevents overpopulation of certain species. Moreover, hunters’ groups and clubs actually protect endangered species by financially supporting the preservation of wetlands, which gives the animals the chance to breed and let their offspring reach adulthood, thus resisting the threat of extinction. Opponents of this view argue that it is an aggressive, cruel, pointless activity; it may have been vital for man’s survival many years ago, but now such a need does not exist. All things considered, before deciding to completely ban hunting, one must take into account the positive aspects of organized, controlled and legal hunting. In addition to the pleasure hunters enjoy when tracking game in the great outdoors, conscientious hunting could actually be doing nature some good. (After Virginia Evans – Jenny Doodley, Mission, 2000.) b) Answer the teacher’s questions. 13. Read the following sentences and translate them into Russian. Comment on the forms of modal verbs. 1. The company must have expected a sharp shrinkage in profits. 2. Could the company be planning to expand their activities in South America? 3. Many buildings and roads must have been damaged in the earthquake. 4. He can’t have been engaged in political activities without the manager’s permission. 5. Increased emissions must have had a damaging effect on the environment in that part of the country. 6. Could you have believed his story about the fabulous kingdom? 7. The indigenous people might have left the island centuries ago. Still there is little evidence to prove the hypothesis. 8. He must have been speaking with a hideous accent, even some of his countrymen failed to understand him. 9. This air-conditioning equipment can’t be too wasteful and expensive. Most offices in the area have already installed it. 14. Paraphrase using modal verbs. Model 1: T – John doesn’t answer the phone. Perhaps he is very busy. St – John doesn’t answer the phone. He may be very busy. T – Perhaps Sarah is still working. St – Sarah may still be working. Model 2: T – Perhaps she has left office. St – She may have left office. T – Perhaps Diane has been working hard lately. St – Diane may have been working hard lately. Model 3: T – We are sure that the Lockhearts are on holiday. St – The Lockhearts must be on holiday. T – We are sure that the Lockhearts are holiday-making. St – The Lockhearts must be holiday-making. Model 4: T – I am sure the Lockhearts have gone on holiday. St – The Lockhearts must have gone on holiday. T – I am sure the Lockhearts have been holiday-making for over a week already. St – The Lockhearts must have been holiday-making for over a week already. 15. Express surprise and disbelief, add a sentence logically connected to support your opinion. Model 1: T – The film is said to be very popular. St-1 – Can the film be so (very) popular? I personally didn’t like it at all. St-2 – The film can’t be very popular. Most of my friends find it boring. Model 2: T – They say they covered 100 miles on foot yesterday. St-1 – Can they have covered 100 miles on foot? They must be fooling you. St-2 – They can’t have covered 100 miles on foot. It’s humanly impossible. 16. Develop the situations using must and can and the words suggested in brackets. Model: – The doorbell rang, but I didn’t hear it. (I / to listen to music)
1. The computer you bought is very up-to-date. (it / very expensive). 2. I haven’t seen my next door neighbours for over a week. (they / to go on holiday). 3. The policeman has been walking behind us for the last fifteen minutes. (he / to follow)? 4. My Dad can’t find his gloves. (he / to leave / in the office / yesterday). 5. As I went out, I saw a man standing outside the pub. (he / to wait for sb). 6. The Huxleys haven’t lived here for very long. (they / to know many people in the neighbourhood). 7. Mary didn’t attend classes last week. (she / to be ill). 8. Mike’s new car is very fast. (it / cheap). HOME ACTIVITIES (3) 17. a) Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the Verb. Scientists warn that half of Greenland and vast areas of Antarctic _________________ (1 – to destine) to melt if global warming __________________ (2 – to continue) at the same pace until the end of the century. Climate scientists looked back in history _______________ (3 – to find) a time when sea levels were higher that they are today. They identified a period when glacial melting _______________ (4 – to increase) sea levels by several metres. They used a computer model of the environment ______________ (5 – to work out) how warm the world ________________ (6 – modal / to be) to trigger the mass melting and concluded that the Earth __________ (7 – to be) between 3º C and 5º C warmer than it is today. ________________ (8 – to use) the same model, the scientists spun the clock forward ____________ (9 – to see) when climate change is likely ______________ (10 – to make) the world as warm again. That level of warming _________________ (11 – to come) unless we act on carbon emissions. An Arctic warming of 3º C to 5º C is enough _____________ (12 – to cause) four to six meters of sea level rise. A one-metre rise in sea level would see the Maldives ______________ (13 – to disappear), make most of Bangladesh uninhabitable and put cities such as New Orleans ‘out of business’. b) Translate into English. 1. Ученые уже давно предупреждают, что в результате глобального потепления может измениться климат нашей планеты. Климатические изменения могут нанести серьезный ущерб не только отдаленным островам в Тихом океане, но и большой части Европы. В результате таяния арктических льдов значительно поднимется уровень мирового океана. Это, скорее всего, повлечет за собой затопление значительной части суши. Некоторые эксперты предсказывают, что с лица земли могут исчезнуть некоторые европейские города и даже страны. 2. Считается, что таяние вечной мерзлоты разрушит среду обитания и привычный образ жизни народов Севера. Этот процесс может привести к разрушению строений, дорог и трубопроводов. 18. Complete the sentences with the proper modal verbs and the appropriate forms of the verb. 1. There was no reply when I rang him. He ____________________ (to leave) the office already. 2. Jess ________________________ (to tell) about it on the phone last night but I really can’t remember. 3. Harry looks exhausted. He _____________________ (to work) since morning. 4. Keith ______________________ (to get) your e-mail. He hasn’t got access to the Net. 5. You _____________________ (to read) the book attentively if you don’t remember this episode. 6. Shakespeare _______________________ (to write) that play. – No, Shakespeare _______________________ (to write) it because the historical events the author refers to occurred in the 19th century. 7. _________________ _______________ (Liz /still/ to take) driving lessons? 8. ____________ _________________ (they/to meet) in secret? Everybody seems to know about their love affair. 9. He ___________________________ (to walk) so long, it’s far too cold. 10. The child ______________________ (to walk) so far, he is not strong enough. 19. a) Listen to the text London Calling. Read it after the speaker. b) Get ready to discuss the text in class. c) Give the English for the following words and word combinations. Write out the sentences illustrating them. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES (4)
Modal Verbs with Suppositional Meaning
20. Paraphrase as in the models: Model 1: – I can’t imagine that Inga didn’t keep her promise. – Inga can’t have failed to keep her promise. Model 2: – Is it true that they didn’t reach a compromise? – Can they have failed to reach a compromise? Model 3: – I know for sure he didn’t pass his driving test. – He must have failed to pass his driving test. 1. I can’t imagine that the company didn’t manage to sell their new software product. 2. Is it true that their new product didn’t meet the demands of the clients? 3. I’m almost sure that the manager didn’t give you the details of the project. 4. It is true that they were not able to buy energy saving equipment. 5. We are almost sure that the scientists didn’t manage to uncover the remains of the ancient city. 6. I can’t imagine that green activists didn’t manage to persuade the government to close down the power plant. 7. Didn’t you really see the difference between the original and the copy? 8. I’m sure he didn’t understand the joke, it was too subtle. 9. I can’t imagine that the CEO didn’t understand what we were aiming at. 10. It’s ridiculous that you don’t understand how important it is to revive the economy of the region. 11. I don’t believe that he didn’t read the manual before starting the engine. 12. I don’t believe that he didn’t attend the seminar on global warming. He has always been so environmentally conscious. 13. It’s impossible that he didn’t understand you properly. He is so smart. 14. I don’t believe that he didn’t recognize his defeat. He is almost ruined. 15. Barbara looks depressed. I’m almost sure she didn’t pass the job interview. 16. It’s most unlikely that John was unable to get in touch with the manager.
Cross-cultural Notes: 1. Docklands – an area of new houses and offices in East London, on the north side of the river Thames where London’s commercial docks used to be. The old docks were too shallow for large modern ships and this had become a poor area. The London Docklands Urban Development Corporation was set up by the government in 1979 to develop it. The area now includes one of Europe’s tallest buildings, the Canary Wharf tower. 2. lingua franca [LlINgwR'frWNkR] – a language used between peoples whose main languages are different. 3. Big Bang (Brit.) – the name given to the introduction of important changes to the London Stock Exchange rules on October 27, 1986, when some controls were removed and new ways of trading allowed. 4. Dickensian [dI'kenzIRn] – Dickensian living conditions (factories, buildings etc.) are poor, dirty, and unpleasant, like conditions described in the books by Charles Dickens. * * * London Calling |
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Демонстрационная версия Ма step by Step не несет ответственности за убытки или ущерб, причиненный вследствие использования информации исследования третьими... |
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Демонстрационная версия Ма step by Step не несет ответственности за убытки или ущерб, причиненный вследствие использования информации исследования третьими... |
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Бизнес-план Открытие боулинг-клуба в региональном центре г. Москва Ма step by Step не несет ответственности за убытки или ущерб, причиненный вследствие использования информации исследования третьими... |
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М аркетинговое Агентство Step by Step Полное описание отчета (цель, методы, структура, источники информации, выдержки из текста, графическая информация, диаграммы-примеры... |
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М аркетинговое Агентство Step by Step Полное описание отчета (цель, методы, структура, источники информации, выдержки из текста, графическая информация, диаграммы-примеры... |
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М аркетинговое Агентство Step by Step Полное описание отчета (цель, методы, структура, источники информации, выдержки из текста, графическая информация, диаграммы-примеры... |
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Step I |
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Tyler gets me a job as a waiter, after that Tyler’s pushing a gun... |
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Методические указания к лабораторным работам для студентов IV курса автф (специальность 220400) Для решения задачи автоматизации необходимо использовать языки программирования step в них |
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И нтерфейс состоит из двух частей Шаг данных (data step) обычно используется для создания или модификации существующего sas набора. Иногда шаг данных может использоваться... |
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Tests 6 of the most important parameters of aquarium water in one quick and easy step Выньте полоску из колбы, после чего сразу закройте колбу. Погрузите тестовую полоску в воду и проведите ею 2–3 раза из стороны в... |
Поиск |