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оценка |
Решение коммуникативной задачи |
Лексико – грамматическое оформление |
Организация |
Произносительная сторона речи |
«5» |
(Оценка 5) Задание полностью выполнено: тема раскрыта в заданном объёме (все перечисленные в задании аспекты были раскрыты в высказывании). Социокультурные знания использованы в соответствии с ситуацией. |
Используемый лексико-грамматический материал соответствует поставленной коммуникативной задаче. Учащийся демонстрирует большой словарный запас и владение разнообразными грамматическими структурами. Допущены отдельные ошибки, которые не затрудняют понимание |
Логичность высказывания соблюдена: вступление, основная информация, заключение. Средства логической связи адекватны поставленной задаче и разнообразны. |
Речь обучаю-щегося понятна: не допускает фоне-матических ошибок, практически все звуки в потоке речи произносятся правильно, соблюдается правильный интонационный рисунок. Социокультурные знания использо-ваны в соответствии с ситуацией общения. |
«4» |
(Оценка 4) Задание выполнено частично: тема раскрыта не в полном объёме. Социокультурные знания в основном использованы в соответствии с ситуацией. |
Используемый лексико- грамматический материал в целом соответствует поставленной коммуникативной задаче. Но учащийся делает языковые ошибки или допускает языковые ошибки, затрудняющие понимание. |
Логичность высказывания вполне соблюдена: вступление, основная информация, заключение. Средства логической связи адекватны поставленной задаче, но однообразны. |
Речь понятна: не допускаются фонематические ошибки; практически все звуки в потоке речи произносятся правильно; соблюдается правильный интонационный рисунок |
«3» |
(Оценка 3) Задание выполнено частично: тема раскрыта в ограниченном объеме, социокультурные знания мало использованы. |
Демонстрирует ограниченный словарный запас, в некоторых случаях недостаточный для выполнения постав ленной задачи. |
Логичность высказывания не вполне соблюдена: вступление, основная информация, заключение. Средства логической связи неадекватны поставленной задаче и однообразны. |
В основном речь понятна: не допускает грубых фонематических ошибок; звуки в потоке речи в большинстве случаев произносит правильно, интонационный рисунок в основном правильный |
«2» |
(Оценка 2) Задание не вы выполнено: тема не раскрыта. |
Используемый лексико-грамматический материал не позволяет выполнить поставленную коммуникативную задачу |
Логичность высказывания не соблюдена: вступление, основная информация, заключение. Средства логической связи неадекватны поставленной задаче и однообразны. |
Речь плохо воспринимается на слух из-за большого количества фонематических ошибок и неправильного произнесения многих звуков |
Практические занятия: Меню и его разновидности Сервировка стола |
Упражнения по по теме «Ресторан» 1. Вставьте необходимые слова подчеркните их и переведите предложения : experienced, hors d’oeuvres, receive guests, a rest, to serve, located, the staff, menu, the suppliers, apprentice, manages, fresh, customers, uniforms, neat and clean, cuisine, recommends, recipes, cash, table-cloths, menu, cutlery 1. Restaurant “Morris” is _______in a place famous for its theatres and cinemas. 2. The ________offers a variety of dishes from which the guests can choose. This is called an a la carte menu. 3. The restaurant is closed on Monday because the staff has ______. 4. Mr. Black, the manager, prepares the accounts for _______ and organizes the work for the next week. 5. The main part of his job is to control and coordinate the work of _________ in the dining room. 6. Their job is to take the order and ________ the meal to their guests. 7. Jim the, ________, works two months already and has learned a lot of things at a short time. 8. Today he will make the ________, some of the entrees, main course and dessert dishes. 9. The restaurant is famous for its dishes of Russian _________. 10. All the staff in the dining room- headwaiter, waiters and waitresses- get ready ___________. 11. He ________ them special dishes or specialties of the restaurant. 12. ___________always choose the restaurants with good service by waiters. 13. Waiters work with food and serve customers and they must be __________at all times. 14. The barman is very ________ in wines and cocktails. He knows a lot of __________ of cocktails and strong drinks. 15. First they wash their hands and change into their ____________. 16. Victor counts the money and gives the __________ to the cashier, cleans the tables and then he is free to go home. 17. She plans the menu and _________ the staff in the kitchen. 18. The restaurant hall has modern design with light-blue carpet and walls, black chairs and white _________, sparkling __________ and glasses. 19. All dishes are always ____________. 20. Customers like the ________ of this restaurant and the reputation of the place. 2. Вставьте нужные предлоги и переведите предложения. (at, in, on, of)
1.Kitchen a) profession 2. valuable b) cook 3. future c) course 4. sanitation d) menu 5. skilled e) descriptions 6. main f) rules 7. to design g) experience 8. detailed h) staff |
Тема : Оборудование на предприятиях общепита. |
Содержание |
Практические занятия: Бытовая техника в столовых и ресторанах Название и назначение бытовой техники |
1.Переведите с англ.яз на русский: Glass Grater Jug Juicer Kettle Kitchen scales Knife Ladle Meat fork Microwave Mincer Mixer Napkin Oven Oven glove 2. Переведите с русского на англ.яз барбекю, мангал миска хлебница тарелка для хлеба буфет тумбочка лопатка для торта банка для круп стул ведёрко для шампанского морозилка фарфор сервант кофеварка 3. Составьте 5 вопросов к тексту: The specific feature of the USA is its multinationality. In this country ,one can meet people from all the corners of the world. This peculiarity has a strong influence on the lifestyle of the USA in general, on the American culture, and, of course on its national cuisine. In fact, the traditional American cuisine is very diverse. It is composed not only of fast food and Coca Cola, as many people believe. Quite the opposite, from year to year more and more Americans choose healthy and natural food – vegetables, meat and seafood. In general, the traditional American cuisine is a mixture of Indian and European (mainly British and Italian) cuisines. Corn, beans, maple syrup, pumpkins are very popular ingredients that can be found in many dishes. |
Тема : Приготовление 1-х и 2-х блюд |
Содержание |
Практические занятия: Разновидности супов Виды гарниров |
Лексико-грамматические упражнения по теме «1-е и 2-е блюда» 1. Прочитайте и переведите диалог.
- Very good. I can offer you a wide choice of snacks and main-course dishes. - What would you like to begin with?
- Veal for my friend and the rare beefsteak for me please. Bring us also two minced vegetable salads and a bottle of red wine please. - Okay gentlemen. I'll serve you immediately. 2. Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках в нужную форму.
3. Найдите по словарю перевод данной лексики. Bread and butter plate; fruit-dish; soup-bowl; stew-pan; luncheon knife; Madera glass; dessert fork; salt-cellar. 4. Преобразуйте данные предложения в отрицательные. 1. He gave a dinner party yesterday.
5. Выберите правильный ответ. 1. Will you order... cup of coffee and ... cake for me? a) the; b) a; c) an; d) - 2. ...me two helpings of salmon please. a) to bring; b) bring; c) brought 3. I'd like ... to skate. a) can; b) could; c) be able to 4. Here ... your lunch. a) were; b) are; c) is. 6. Задайте общий и специальный (к подчеркнутому слову) вопросы к следующим предложениям. 1. He lays tables for lunch at 11 o' clock.
7. Переведите данные предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на употребление предлогов. 1. Между закуской и вторыми блюдами я ем суп. 2. Рядом с чашкой лежит чайная ложка. 3. На завтрак я пью кофе.
Тема : Овощи и фрукты |
Содержание |
Практические занятия: Овощные салаты Десерты из фруктов |
Выполните лексико-грамматические задания по теме «Овощи и фрукты» Дайте определение следующим продуктам: 1. It is a vegetable that grows under the ground. It can be boiled, baked or fried. It can also be made into chips or crisps. 2. It is the meat from a bull or a cow. 3. It is a vegetable. We eat the dark red part that grows under the ground. 4. It is a shopkeeper who sells fruit and vegetables. 5. It is a large shop which sells all kinds of food and things for the house. 6. It is a plant which has seeds called grains. 7. It is a vegetable. It looks like a large ball of leaves. The leaves can be green, white or purple. 4. Переведите на русский язык кулинарный рецепт “Mushroom Soup”
Yield: four or six servings. 5. Выберите правильный ответ:
a) is b) does c) do 2) They … serve roast goose today. a) don’t b) aren’t c) doesn’t 3) My sister … a pie on Sunday. a) bakes b) baked c) is baking 4) I’d like a table … the window. a) by b) at c) on 5) The same … me, please. a) to b) for c) about 6. Переведите содержание следующей ситуации на английский язык: - Добрый день, сэр. - Вот меню. - С чего желаете начать? - Предпочитаете овощи и фрукты? - Тогда возьмите наше фирменное блюдо – овощное ассорти. - Не желаете ли вино? - Очень хорошо. - Я принесу Вам вино и закуску прямо сейчас. |
Тема: Хлебобулочные и кондитерские изделия. |
Содержание |
Практические занятия: Хлебопечение. Виды кондитерских изделий |
Перевести на русский язык рецепты приготовления английской выпечки Recipe Russian cake with cabbage and eggs In Russia like to say: "red hut pies". Has long been a favorite dish in Russia were pies with cabbage. They put on a feast in the center of the table and was served to all guests. We offer you a modern Russian cabbage pie and eggs. Ingredients:
Method of preparation In warm water dissolve the yeast. Divide the flour into 2 equal parts and pound to mix with the swollen yeast. This is the basis for the dough – dough. The resulting mixture ist cover with a towel made of natural material that penetrated through the air, and set aside for 2 hours. 2 beat eggs, adding salt and a spoonful of sugar. A lot to combine with the remaining flour, pre-sifted. To enter into the milk and knead the dough. The dough is mixed with yeast mixture until smooth. On floured Board knead the dough with oil. Pre-the butter should be frozen. To hit and roll out. To prepare the filling you need to grind the cabbage with a sharp knife and pour boiling water. In a pan melt the butter, add chopped cabbage and fry until soft. 3 boil hard-boiled eggs, finely chop. Mix them with the cooled cabbage, salt and pepper to taste. On the rolled out layer of dough evenly put the filling, sumipntg edge and place on a baking sheet. Bake in a preheated oven at 180-200 degrees for 35-40 minutes. Bon appetit! Charlotte Ingredients: 3 eggs 1 cup sugar 1 cup flour 3 apples Method: Wash and dry the apples then cut each one into four wedges, then core and slice. Set aside. In a large bowl mix thoroughly the flour, sugar, and three eggs to form a batter. Line a 3 inch deep baking tray with parchment, greased to prevent sticking. Put the apples in the dish then pour the batter over them. Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 35-40 minutes till brown and a wooden pick inserted into the cake comes out clean. Ham and egg sandwich - Ingredients: 4 eggs, hard-boiled 2 tbsp reduced-fat mayonnaise 1 pinch ground black pepper 8 slices wholemeal bread from a large loaf 4 wafer-thin slices roast ham 4 Iceberg lettuce leaves, shredded 4 tomatoes, sliced carrot, celery and cucumber sticks, to serve Method: Shell the hard-boiled eggs and chop them finely. Mix with the mayonnaise and season with ground black pepper. Spread the egg mixture over 4 slices of wholemeal bread, top with a slice of ham, then finish off with the lettuce and tomatoes. Sandwich together with the remaining slices of wholemeal bread. Cut the sandwiches in half. Wrap in cling film and keep chilled until ready to eat. Serve with carrot, celery and cucumber sticks. Tip 1: Use cress or watercress instead of Iceberg lettuce, if you prefer. Tip 2: For a vegetarian version, use 50g grated reduced-fat hard cheese instead of ham. Tip 3: Try topping the ham with some grated carrot or sliced cucumber instead of tomatoes, for a change. |
Тема: Рыбная продукция |
Содержание |
Практические занятия: Виды рыбной продукции Рецептура приготовления рыбных блюд |
на употребление глаголовto be, to have.
Fish and Chips Perhaps, the most popular food with the English is fish and chips. There are special “Fish and Chips” shops and restaurants which sell this food from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. and from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. A shop-assistant puts chips into a paper bag and a piece of fish on the top, then he sprinkles it with vinegar and salt and wraps all this in an old newspaper to keep them warm. You can eat fish and chips in a café or take it away and have them while walking down the street, just like the Londoners do.
6. Заполните пропуски артиклями (a, an, the), где необходимо: Here is … menu. Give me … corn flakes with … milk, … rasher or two of bacon and … fried eggs. Coffee and … caviar sandwich, please. I want tea with … sugar. 7. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужном времени и переведите диалоги:
Тема : Здоровое питание |
Содержание |
Практические занятия: Еда во благо здоровья Диетическое питание |
Выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений по теме «Здоровое питание» Eating for Good Health More and more people today are choosing to take greater responsibility for their own health. We now recognize that we can influence our health by making an improvement in lifestyle — a better diet, more exercise and reduced stress. Your health and general wellbeing is very much determined by what you eat and how even a minor change in your diet can help to strengthen your resistance to many illnesses. It seems almost absurd to state that you need food to live. The body has a built-in alarm signal — hunger — to tell you when your supply of food, the "fuel for the body", is low. That's why you are never in serious danger of forgetting to eat. This alarm signal is also choosy and at times asks for specific supplies, for example, sweet things when your body sugar is low or water when you are thirsty. What many people fail to recognize is that their bodies have more than just one signal. Tiredness, aches and pains, stress, even chronic disease — all these can be indications of a diet that is lacking nutrition. But we сап see the results of a bad diet immediately (often the effects take years to develop), few people realize just how closely bodily health is linked to what they eat and how often they eat. You are what you eat, and the food you eat effects the way you feel and the way you look all through your life. Scientists now know that food and its affects are as complex as our own bodies. Of the thousands of chemicals, minerals and vitamins found in a single food, many are potential life-savers or hazards to health, depending on how much is consumed over time. The link between food and health is an every day but complex issue. So, you should learn how to balance your food intake. Small but well-informed changes to your diet will make a great difference to your wellbeing. By matching your diet to your lifestyle and developing better eating habits both at home and when you eat out, you can keep yourself in the best of health. And also, you have to understand the proper balancing of the social pleasures and of the body. The foods you eat possess powerful capabilities to help and to harm. Ответьте письменно на вопросы: 1. How can we influence our health? 2. Do you agree that our health and general wellbeing are determined by what we eat? 3. Why are we never in serious danger of forgetting to eat? 4. What alarm signals do our bodies have to indicate that our diet is lacking nutrition? 5. Can we see the results of a bad diet immediately? 6. How does the food we eat affect our life? 7. Why should everyone learn how to balance our food intake? 8. How can we keep ourselves in the best of health? 9. What capabilities does the food we eat possess? 10.Can you balance your food intake? 2.Заполните пропуски словами (используйте каждое слово один раз): our, as, fruit, minerals, heart, is, food, chips, too, vitamins, for, of Good Food What___ (1) good food? Is it food that is good___ (2) you or food that tastes good? Nutritionists say we eat___(3) with too much salt, too much sugar and___(4) much oil. They also say that many of _ (5) serious health problems, such as cancer, diabetes and___(6) diseases, are directly affected by diet. Most problem food contains large quantities___(7) salt, sugar and oil and very few___(8) or minerals. That includes food such___(9) potato___(10), doughnuts and cookies. Instead of this "junk" food, nutritionists suggest that we eat more fresh___(11) and vegetables, which are naturally low in sodium and oil and contain lots of vitamins and___(12). 3. Дайте определение следующим продуктам: 1. It is the extra flesh that people and animals have under their skin. It is used to store energy and help them keep warm. It is also a solid or liquid that is used in cooking. 2. It is a large metal cupboard. It is kept cool so that the food in it stays fresh longer. 3. It is a small quick meal. 4. It is a soft red fruit. It can be cooked or eaten raw. 5. It is the white liquid that female mammals make in their bodies to feed their young. 6. It is the opening that you put food into when you eat. 7. It is an oven with gas or electric rings on top. 4.Переведите на русский язык кулинарный рецепт “Cream of Spinach Soup”
Yield: about six to eight servings |
Тема: Пища и ее составляющие. |
Содержание |
Практические занятия: Питательные вещества. Витамины |
I . Прочитайте и переведите текст. The food industry is a very ancient industry. Almost every branch of the food industry and particularly those dealing with grain and bread, meat and meat products, fish and fish products, was a well defined trade guild. The food industry developed from the experience of generation. Milling and baking were well developed in ancient times. There were both private and public ovens for baking bread. Olive oil and honey were widely sold and bought. Cheese was manufactured thou sands of years ago. Butter is also an ancient food. The production of food, as an industry, actually has a history extending as far as the history of modern chemistry because it was considered a part of chemical technology. Thus the book "Chemical Technology" published in 1870 contained the following sections: starch, sugar manufacture, cane sugar, beet sugar, fermentation, wine making, beer brewing, bread baking, manufacture of vinegar, and essential oils. Let's take some examples. In 1747 Marggraf discovered crystals of sugar in the red beet and suggested that it might be possible to extract it on a commercial basis. Kirchhoff suggested the, use of starch for sugar production in 1811. Food industry developed in full with the growth of the processing industries and with improvement in food machines, transportation, refrigeration, storage and packaging. II. Вставьте, где необходимо, артикли a, an или the: … caviar is … most expensive dish in … menu. What is … name of … waiter? … Petrovs have … two children … boy and … girl. … boy is five and … girl is three. III. Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках в настоящем простом времени. English breakfast (to be) substantial and varied. Meat (not to be) served for five o’clock tea. What (to be) the usual meals in England? Those people who (to work) usually (to have) lunch about one o’clock. What (can) be served for five o’clock tea? Where (to have) working people usually their lunch? I (not to take) milk with my coffee. What (may) people have for breakfast? IV. Переведите на русский язык названия следующих продуктов и блюд cayenne cr black radish sour-milk mushrooms stewed prunes roots hard-boiled egg apple baked pudding of curds cranberry Sautéed broccoli hazel nut pepper steak with onions plum stuffed duck goose herring and vegetables bream Shrimps with red caviar saucе V. Переведите следующие диалоги на английский язык: Разрешите Вам представить господина Маркова из С.-Петербурга. Здравствуйте, господин Марков. Рад с Вами познакомиться. Здравствуйте, господин Холл. Я также очень рад. VI. Переведите следующую пословицу: A sound mind in sound body |
Тема.: Готовимся к празднику. |
Содержание |
Практические занятия: Особенности приготовления праздничных блюд. |
Лексико-грамматические упражнения по теме «Праздничная кухня»
My Birthday Birthday is a very wonderful day. Everybody likes to celebrate it. It is a good opportunity to spend time with friends, parents, and relatives. I was born on the 10th of January. In the morning on my birthday my parents put the presents near my bed. So the first thing I see when I open my eyes is my presents. My Mam and Daddy and my little brother usually come to my room to congratulate me and to sing "Happy Birthday". Usually we hold my birthday party in the evening. Once we went to a cafe to celebrate my birthday, but usually we celebrate it at home. We clean the house the day before birthday. In the morning of the birthday party day my father goes shopping and buys everything we need. My mother bakes a cake or a pie. Usually it is an apple or plum pie. There are many fruit on the table Oranges, grapes, pears, bananas. We like to drink Cola and Fanta. By the evening food is cooked and the table is laid. We put on evening suits and dresses and wait for the guests. The flat looks nice and cosy. I am always very glad to meet my guests. I like to get flowers and presents. Mam gives me the telegram from my aunt. We have an abundant dinner on this day. Mam brings in the birthday cake. I blow the candles out. We dance and sing songs, play games and laugh, joke, tell funny stories. I think that my birthday is one of the best days in a year.
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I. Паспорт комплекта контрольно-измерительных материалов Комплект контрольно-измерительных материалов дисциплины разработан на основе Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта... |
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1. Паспорт комплекта контрольно-измерительных материалов 4 Контрольно-оценочные материалы (ком) для итоговой аттестации по учебной дисциплине 7 |
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Самостоятельная работа 62 > Паспорт комплекта контрольно-измерительных... Комплект контрольно-измерительных материалов разработан на основе Федерального Государственного образовательного стандарта среднего... |
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Практическая работа 33 Самостоятельная работа 34 > Паспорт комплекта... Комплект контрольно-измерительных материалов разработан на основе Федерального Государственного образовательного стандарта среднего... |
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I. Паспорт комплекта контрольно-измерительных средств Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств разработан на основе Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального... |
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Пояснительная записка Комплект контрольно-измерительных материалов... Комплект контрольно-измерительных материалов (кимов) по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)» |
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1. Паспорт комплекта контрольно-оценочных средств Комплект материалов для оценки сформированности общих и профессиональных компетенций по виду профессиональной деятельности |
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Паспорт комплекта контрольно-оценочных средств «Тракторист-машинист сельскохозяйственного производства» по профессиональному модулю пм. 01 |
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I. Паспорт комплекта контрольно-оценочных средств Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Свердловской области |
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I. Паспорт комплекта контрольно-оценочных средств Государственное профессиональное образовательное автономное учреждение Амурской области |
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Паспорт комплекта контрольно-оценочных средств Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств предназначен для проверки результатов освоения профессионального модуля (далее пм) основной... |
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1 Паспорт комплекта контрольно-оценочных средств Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств разработан на основе Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального... |
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I. Паспорт комплекта контрольно-оценочных средств З 2 знание назначения и технической характеристики наземного и подземного оборудования скважин и исследовательской аппаратуры |
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I. Паспорт комплекта контрольно-оценочных средств Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств предназначен для проверки результатов освоения профессионального модуля (далее пм) основной... |
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I. Паспорт комплекта контрольно-оценочных средств Строительство, эксплуатация и ремонт городской кабельной канализации и смотровых устройств, воздушных кабельных линий |
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Комплект контрольно-измерительных материалов по учебной дисциплине Фгос среднего профессионального образования 2014 года по специальности 31. 02. 01, Лечебное дело, квалификация фельдшер |
Поиск |