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II. Say whether you agree or disagree with these statements. Give your reasons.
2. Broken homes are not a factor in the nation's rising juvenile delinquency. 3. The high; rate of remarriage after divorce might be a sign of the continuing strength of marriage and family. 4. Today's brides and grooms enter marriage in more skeptical frames of mind than their predecessors did, and are more willing to call it quits. 5. Young wives who are contributing to the family income are asserting a new independence in marriage, which causes friction in many instances.
7. Marriages at later ages may be more successful because of the maturity factor. 8. Young wives assert a new independence in marriage and this causes friction. 9. Courses on marriage and family matters in high school might be helpful in preserving the family. 10. Divorce and remarriage have become part of the fabric of American society and are spreading fast. 11. This epidemic of divorce is bringing enormous economic and social change to the United States. Lawyers by the thousands across the US are finding the divorce court an ever more profitable place of business. III. Read the text, paraphrase words and word combinations in bold and italic types and answer the questions. Separation and Divorce There may be a time in an unhappy marriage when the partners agree that their relationship should end. This is almost how acrimonious and unhappy life together has become. The first step usually is separation. One spouse moves from the family dwelling and take up a separate residence. The couple will meet (usually represented by lawyers) to conclude a separation agreement. This agreed-upon separation id called de facto separation. If the couple cannot agree on the terms – the division of property, custody and support of children, for example – the judge may hear the arguments of both parties and render a judgment. This is called a de jure separation. Any separation leaves the marriage technically in effect. Neither party is free to marry again. If the terms of the agreement or judgment are broken, either party may take the case to court. However, the separation may later become grounds for divorce in some states. Ending a marriage is considerably more difficult than beginning one in legal as well as emotional terms. Divorce laws differ greatly from state to state. traditionally, the partner requesting the divorce was required to allege specific grounds – acts or failures to act on the part of the other partner that would justify dissolution of the marriage. In some states, until recent years, the only acceptable ground for divorce was adultery. Gradually, states began to allow other grounds for divorce. The most common included abandonment (one partner leaving without the consent of the other and with intent not to return), cruelty (physical and mental), drug addiction, habitual intoxication, imprisonment, failure to provide support, legal insanity, and fraud (misrepresenting or concealing facts about prior marriages, children, serious illnesses, serious crimes, etc.). in applying for divorce on any of these grounds, it is the duty of the aggrieved party to prove his or her allegations. The other partner may seek to disprove them. Serious problems in families occur not only between spouses but also between parents and children. Although a child may not consciously seek to disrupt and trouble other family members, he may be extremely shrewd in the way he does so. When trouble first arises, the question is often, “Whose fault is it?” assigning responsibility for a problem to one family member can be convenient for other members, but it may often seriously misrepresent a situation. One group of psychologists suggests that it is useful to consider the family unit rather than the individual. When a family is not working well, its members are unhappy. Placing the blame on one individual, whether a child or an adult, may make solution of the problem more, rather than less, difficult. Family therapy, in which all members of a family are seen either individually or together, has gained considerable support and may be more helpful in many cases tan individual therapy.
IV. Say in what way these factors may complicate the relationship between men and women, put a strain on their marriage, cause a divorce:
V. Sometimes people write for advice to women’s magazines. Marriage counsels and other readers reply to them. It’s a risky business to give advice on such delicate aspects of human relationships as a marriage, or love affair. You don’t know much about their authors. Still try your hand at answering such letters. Vocabulary tasks I. Define the meaning of these words and phrases. A throwaway marriage; to call it quits; a serial marriage; to end in dissolution; a record that stood unchallenged; an uncontested case; to become two households; alimony and child-support payments; a broken home; family counselors; traditional-minded Americans; monogamy; a marriage failure; divorce explosion; to assert a new independence.
О женщине и профессии Сейчас вопросу профессии придается огромное значение в семейной жизни, поскольку большинство женщин работает. Жизнь стала дорогой, и каждый должен привнести свой вклад в бюджет семьи, чтобы хорошо жить. Это новое положение вещей порождает новые проблемы. Желательно ли, например, чтобы у мужа и жены были одинаковые профессии? Если да, то как совместить два разных образа жизни? Даже если контора или мастерская мужа находится вне дома, влияние женщины может быть огромным. Если она тактична и обаятельна, то может удивительным образом повлиять на добрые отношения с его начальством и сослуживцами. Освобождая его от хозяйственных забот, она позволяет ему посвятить все силы продвижению по службе. Напротив, при отсутствии жизнерадостности или при неразумной скромности она может погубить самые многообещающие надежды своего супруга. Женщина жизнерадостная становится прибежищем мужа в минуты неудач, бесконечно жалуясь, она не укрывает, но раздражает. Если же муж стремится к осуществлению смелого предприятия, открывающего разумные перспективы на успех, жена окажет услугу и своей семье и обществу, поддерживая его, поощряя в нем мужество и упорство. современные молодые девушки получают общее образование, которое позволяет им приобщиться к жизни мужа, будь он физик-атомщик, нейрохирург или инженер. Компетентность жены в делах ее мужа укрепляет супружество. Желательно ли, чтобы женщина занималась той же профессией, что и муж? Когда речь идет о фермерском хозяйстве, мелкой торговле, содержании гостиницы, это почти необходимо. Но, предположим, что муж – писатель, врач, инженер, кинематографист, журналист… хочется ли ему, чтобы жена стала его сослуживцем или коллегой? Не думаю. Но если у них обоих благородный характер, то такое соперничество будет совместимо с добрыми супружескими отношениями. Но если один из них окажется предрасположен к зависти, тщеславию или всего лишь к унынию, тогда их общая профессия станет для них источником больших трудностей. Хотя это несправедливо и абсурдно, но на протяжении веков мужчина так привык господствовать в браке, что чувствует себя уязвленным, если женщина превосходи его на его же собственном поприще. А.Моруа «Письма к незнакомке» If someone is ALONE, there is nobody with him. If someone does something alone nobody else helps him. Alone is not used in front of nouns (attributively). It is used only predicatively. E.g. Mrs. Gerhardt concluded that Jennie wished to be alone, and she went away. LONE differs from alone in being used both attributively and predicatively. besides, lone is stylistically elevated. E.g. a lone traveller. If someone is LONELY, they are unhappy because of being alone or without friends. E.g. He was so lonely that after supper he stopped to talk with an old lady. In the 1990s, lonely hearts are women and men, who are living on their own and wanting to meet someone as a companion or to marry. They place ads in the lonely hearts columns of newspapers and magazines, asking to meet other men and women. They go to introduction agencies, sometimes called lonely hearts clubs, computerized now, and catering for a huge market. Note, that LONESOME also means unhappy because of being alone or without friends, but lonesome is often connected with a stronger feeling of sadness, unhappiness because of being far away from his or her beloved, or not being at home, etc. it also implies a stronger desire to get rid of it. E.g. “He is just keeping company with me. I had to, you see,” she said after a pause. “I was getting’ pretty lonesome.” III. Use one of these words: 1. She was less bored and when she began to make friends with her neighbours in the apartment. 2. If men knew how women pass the time when they are , they’d never marry. 3. Better be than in bad company. 4. My heart is a hunter that hunts on a lonely hill. 5. Only the know the way I feel. 6. You must keep up your spirits, mother, and not be because I am not at home. 7. She was too like a man in a house full of women and children. 8. He travels the fastest who travels . 9. Perhaps he would come in now, for surely he would not like to think of his wife crying in here . 10. Sometimes I dare not be at night, I am afraid. Over to you
BRINGING UP CHILDREN Before you read I. Here are some proverbs and quotations that express certain aspects of the theme “Marriage and Children”. Explain the meaning of each of the proverbs. Discuss the problems giving your own ‘for’ and ‘against’.
Reading tasks
Parents are Too Permissive with Their Children Nowadays Few people would defend the Victorian attitude to children, but if you were a parent in those days, at least you knew where you stood: children were to be seen and not heard. Feud and company did away with all that and parents have been bewildered ever since. The child’s happiness is all-important, the psychologists say, but what about parents’ happiness? Parents suffer constantly from fear and guilt while their children gaily romp about pulling the place apart. A good old-fashioned spanking is out of question: no modern child-rearing manual would permit such barbarity. The trouble is you are not allowed even to shout… Certainly a child needs love and a lot of it. But the excessive permissiveness of modern parents is surely doing more harm than good. Psychologists have succeeded in undermining parents’ confidence in their own authority. And it hasn’t taken children long to get wind of the fact. In addition to the great modern classics on child care, there are countless articles in magazines and newspapers. With so much unsolicited advice flying about, mum and dad just don’t know what to do any more. In the end, they do nothing at all. So, from early childhood, the kids are in charge and parents’ lives are regulated according to the needs of their offspring. When the little dears develop into teenagers, they take complete control. Lax authority over the years makes adolescent rebellion against parents all the more violent. If the young people are going to have a party, for instance, parents are asked to leave the house. Their presence merely spoils the fun. What else can the poor parents do but obey? Children are hardy creatures (far hardier than the psychologists would have us believe) and most of them survive the harmful influence of extreme permissiveness which is the normal condition in the modern household. But a great many do not. The spread of juvenile delinquency in our own age is largely due to parental laxity. Mother, believing that little Johnny can look after himself, is not at home when he returns from school, so little Johnny roams the streets. The dividing line between permissiveness and sheer negligence is very fine indeed. The psychologists have much to answer. They should keep their mouths shut and let parents get on with the job. And if children are knocked about a little bit in the process, it may not really matter too much… Perhaps, there’s some truth in the idea that children who’ve had a surfeit of happiness in their childhood emerge like stodgy puddings and fail to make a success of life. permissive – giving permission that gives powers to do smth, but does not order that it shall be done bewilder – puzzle, confuse romp – play about, running, jumping, and being rather rough (esp. of children) spanking – punishment by slapping on the buttocks with the open hand or a slipper confidence - here. assurance, belief that one is right (e.g. self-confidence) get wind of – begin to suspect obey – do what one is told to do; carry out (a command) roam – walk or travel without any definite aim or destination over or through (a country, etc.)
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