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АНКЕТА Прошу допустить меня к участию в Олимпиаде по направлению __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Фамилия ____________________________________________________________________ Имя _________________________________________________________________________ Отчество ____________________________________________________________________ Дата рождения _______________________________________________________________ Паспорт (удостоверение личности): ________________ № __________________________, выдан_______________________________________________________________________ Адрес (фактический, с индексом) _______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Контактный телефон Домашний (с кодом города) ____________________________________________________ Сотовый _____________________________________________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________ Наименование, адрес, телефон учебного заведения класс ________________________________________________________________________ ФИО куратора (классный руководитель, директор школы и т.д.) __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Контактный телефон__________________________________________________________ «_____» _____________________ 20__ г. Подпись _______________________________ ТЕСТЫ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ Инструкция по выполнению работы Работа по английскому языку состоит из трех разделов, включающих 26 заданий. Раздел 1 (Аудирование) включает 7 заданий, с выбором одного правильного ответа из трех предложенных. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение Раздела 1 – 20 минут. Раздел 2 (Чтение) включает 5 заданий с выбором одного правильного ответа из четырёх предложенных. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение Раздела 2 – 20 минут. Раздел 3 (Грамматика и лексика) включает 14 заданий с выбором одного правильного ответа. При выполнении заданий с кратким ответом вы должны самостоятельно записать ответ в соответствующем месте работы. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение Раздела 3 – 20 минут. По окончании выполнения заданий каждого из этих разделов не забывайте переносить свои ответы в Бланк ответов Чистое время проведения экзамена на одного человека (без учёта времени ожидания и инструктажа) – 60 минут. Рекомендуется выполнять задания в том порядке, в котором они даны. Постарайтесь выполнить как можно больше заданий и набрать наибольшее количество баллов. Желаем успеха! Ответы.
Во время выполнения теста по аудированию перед заданием дана пауза с тем, чтобы вы смогли просмотреть вопросы к заданию, а также паузы после первичного и повторного предъявления аудиотекста для внесения ответов. По окончании выполнения раздела «Аудирование» перенесите свои ответы в бланк ответов.
A1 It didn’t cost Betsy anything to use the diving equipment.
A2 Alex had to work more than 9 hours on Saturday.
A3 Alex is pleased with the benefits he gets at his work.
A4 Betsy forgot about her classmate’s birthday.
A5 Betsy’s friends gave her a lift home because it was very late at night.
A6 Alex was invited by his grandparents for lunch on Sunday.
A7 Betsy couldn’t make herself do any homework on Sunday.
Can you imagine what our lives will be like in the year 2050? Perhaps you will be flying off for a holiday on the moon, or maybe you will be taking your dog for a walk in virtual reality. We recently carried out a survey of 1,000 people from different countries to find out what they think life will be like in the future. The results clearly demonstrate both our hopes and fears. The survey suggests that our whole lifestyle will change. Work will take up a much smaller portion of our day and we will have much more time to do leisure activities. This means that we will have to learn a whole range of new leisure and game skills. We will spend hours every day playing games with individualised holographic opponents or with a network of friends without . ever leaving the comfort of our homes. Education will have changed a lot, too. Children will no longer go to school. Instead, they will sit in specially designed 'learning modules' at home where a computer will guide them through their lessons for the day. The 'teacher' will be a holographic image who will appear when necessary to help. Children will do 'virtual' chemistry experiments and play 'virtual' sports using virtual reality. According to the survey, home life will be better. Our houses will be run by computer. Lights, heating and music will turn on and off automatically. Instead of a key, will use handprints to open our front doors. Most people believe that, by 2050, robots will be doing the housework and we will be eating ready-made food. A lot of people think that we might only cook for fun in the future. Space exploration will become increasingly popular. Fifty per cent of the people we talked to believe that man will regularly visit Mars. They also believe that travel on our own planet will probably change. Almost everyone thinks that there will be no cars in city centres. Environmentally- friendly electric or solar-powered cars will have replaced the cars we use nowadays. Pollution is something that seems to worry many people. Some fear that it will continue to get worse and that our planet will become impossible to live on. Others even foresee that one day we'll have to pay for clean air, just like we do now for clean water. On the other hand, people seem to be quite optimistic about the benefits of genetic engineering, as they think scientists will use it to cure diseases like cancer and AIDS. If scientists manage to find a cure for these, we'll have a much healthier society. Some people worry about the future, while others are full of hope and enthusiasm. No matter how dark or bright it may seem, it is up to us to look after our planet and try to make it a better place to live on.
A8 Many people believe that in 2050 1) we will not change our lifestyle. 2) we will never leave our homes. 3) we will not have any friends. 4) we will find partners through computers. A9 The article suggests that in 2050 1) students will write with typewriters. 2) fifty per cent of people will have travelled to Mars. 3) lessons will be very different. 4) everyone will learn to cook. A10 As far as cars are concerned, some people believe that 1) we will not have any. 2) they won't run on petrol. 3) they will be even more harmful to the environment. 4) people won't be able to afford them. A11 Some people believe that pollution will have 1) disappeared. 2) killed everyone on the planet. 3) become an even bigger problem. 4) made our planet a better place to live. A12 Many people think that by 2050 1) there will be a cure for cancer and AIDS. 2) people will have stopped dying. 3) scientists will have replaced doctors. 4) people won't get diseases. По окончании выполнения заданий А1 – А12 НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ ПЕРЕНЕСТИ СВОИ ОТВЕТЫ В БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ!
A13 I think it …… tomorrow. We shouldn’t go on a picnic.
A14 Dad told me ……… Mam with the shopping.
A15 Tracy, ………. Office is next to mine, is American.
A16 You shouldn’t ……….. a new alarm clock. The old one works perfectly!
A17 If you ………….. to know the answer, you will have to ask him. 1) Wanted 2) Wanting 3) Want A18 …………… she was washing her face, the tap stopped running.
A19 Jill asked Angela when ……….. be back.
After her husband had gone to work, Mrs Richards sent her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom. She was too excited to do any housework that morning, because in the evening she would be going to a fancy dress A20 ______ with her husband. She intended to dress up as a ghost and she had made her costume the night before. Now she was A21 ______ to try it on. Though the costume consisted only of a sheet, it was very effective. Mrs Richards put it A22 ______, looked in the mirror, smiled and went downstairs. She wanted to find out whether it would be A23 ______ to wear. Just as Mrs Richards was entering the dining-room, there was a A24 ______ on the front door. She knew that it must be the baker. She had told him to come straight in if ever she failed to open the door and to leave the bread on the kitchen table. Not wanting to A25 ______ the poor man, Mrs Richards quickly hid in the small store-room under the stairs. She heard the front door open and heavy footsteps in the hall. Suddenly the door of the store-room was opened and a man entered. Mrs Richards realized that it must be the man from the Electricity Board who had come to read the meter. She tried to A26 ______ the situation, saying 'It's only me', but it was too late. The man let out a cry and jumped back several paces. When Mrs Richards walked towards him, he ran away, slamming the door behind him. A20
Задания А1 – А7
Now we are ready to start. Alex: So, how was your weekend then? Did you do anything interesting? Betsy: No, not really, but it was nice to have some hot weather for a change. Alex: Yeah, it was great, wasn’t it? Were you out much then? Betsy: I went to the beach on Saturday with some friends. We went scuba diving just off the coast. My friend’s dad is an instructor at a diving club and he lent us all the diving equipment free of charge. We did a bit of sunbathing after that to warm up, because the temperature of the water was quite low. So what did you do then? Alex: I had to work on Saturday. I’ve got a Saturday job stacking shelves in the local supermarket. I was absolutely shattered at the end of the shift, which finished after nine o’clock at night. Betsy: That’s late. I hope the pay’s good, if you have to work that late. Alex: The pay’s not too bad and there are quite a few perks with the job. I get a twenty per cent discount for instance, on every purchase I make. So I don’t mind working late once a week. There was still time to do something after work, though. I went to Tony’s birthday party afterwards. Nearly everybody from our class was there. Why didn’t you come then? Betsy: Well I was planning to, but we decided to stay late on the beach and have a barbecue. It was great. We also played some really good music. Yes, we all had a good time and stayed there quite late. I didn’t get home till past midnight in fact. Alex: Yes, the party went on quite late as well. A lot of people just stayed overnight, but I went home at about two in the morning. I had to get up quite early on Sunday, because my grandparents were coming round for lunch. And what did you do on Sunday? Anything special? Betsy: No, not really. I got up quite late and just sat around for a couple of hours reading the Sunday papers. It was good to just stretch out on the sofa and read in peace and quiet. I had to do some work on my geography project then. That took a couple of hours and then I had a few friends round and we just sat and chatted and listened to music. I was pretty tired after the party on Saturday night. You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 seconds.) Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.) This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers. * - тесты отправлять на e-mail: miep.priem@mail.ru |
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Инструкция по выполнению работы Экзаменационная работа по английскому... Аудирование включает 14 заданий, из которых 6 заданий с кратким ответом, одно задание на установление соответствия и 7 заданий с... |
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