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L ![]() 29 Novy Arbat, Moscow 121099 29292292929 29229bld 29 IST OF DOCUMENTS FOR OPENING ACCOUNTS FOR LEGAL ENTITIES - NON RESIDENTS For opening accounts in Rubles of the Russian Federation and in foreign currencies the legal entities - non-residents should submit the below mentioned documents:
Completed form of «Self-Certification Form for Clients - Legal Entities that are not Banking Institutions» (Appendix №2.1). The form of the document can be found on the website of the Bank by using the link: http://www.evrofinance.ru/eng/our-company/page97/page974/ (Self-Certification Form for Clients - Legal Entities that are not Banking Institutions)
Letter of attorney (Appendix №4).
In case the Client: - mentions in the Card one signatory, a Letter should be submitted according to the Form, presented in Appendix №5; - mentions two and more signatories in the Card with a combination of signatures, differing from the combination «any two signatures presented in the card» - the Client is to submit a letter specifying the combination of signatures.
- of the legal entity - non-resident, considered to be a Russian tax payer: 12.1. Copy of annual financial statements (balance sheet report and Profit & Loss Statement), according to one of the below mentioned options: - marked by the tax authority as accepted; - with a copy of receipt on forwarding a registered letter with the list of enclosures (if forwarding by post) - with a copy of the confirmation of forwarding the hard copy (if transferring in electronic form); or 12.2. a copy of the audited annual statement for the previous year, where the accuracy of financial (accounting) reporting and the compliance of the accounting procedures with the legislation of the Russian Federation are verified. If the annual financial statement is not presented to the tax authorities and audit report on the annual statement for the previous year is lacking, the following documents should be submitted: 12.3. a copy of the annual tax declaration with attachments, submitted in one of the below mentioned options: - marked by the tax authority as accepted; - with a copy of receipt on forwarding a registered letter with the list of enclosures (if forwarding by post) - with a copy of the confirmation of forwarding the hard copy (if transferring in electronic form). If the period of activity of the legal entity is less than the reporting period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (for drawing-up and submittal of annual financial statements/annual tax declarations and payment of taxes, duties, fines and penalties), the legal entity should present: 12.4. a letter confirming the absence of default on financial obligations due to the lack of financial means on bank accounts, as well as confirming the absence of insolvency (bankruptcy) proceedings with regards to the legal entity, valid court decisions on acknowledging it insolvent (bankrupt), liquidation proceedings as of the date of presenting the documents to the Bank and containing the obligation of the legal entity to submit to the Bank any of the documents mentioned in points 12.1.-12.3. not later than within five working days of the first submittal thereof to the tax authorities. - of the legal entity - non-resident which is not a Russian tax payer: 12.5. a copy of the audited annual financial statement (in the absence of management statements) (IFRS Reporting) or 12.6. a letter proving the absence of any obligation to submit financial statements to the competent state authorities at the place of registration or business activity and copies of internal documents of the legal entity for the purposes of financial and economic accounting, as well as documents confirming the absence of default on financial obligations due to lack of financial means on bank accounts, as well as of the absence of insolvency (bankruptcy) proceedings with regards to the legal entity, valid court decisions on acknowledging it insolvent (bankrupt), liquidation proceedings as of the date of presenting the documents to the Bank.
The legal entity may choose the documents to submit: 13.1. References (in free written form) on the legal entity from other clients of the Bank, having business relations with the legal entity. or 13.2. References (in free written form) from other credit institutions where the legal entity is/was serviced, with the evaluation of the business reputation of the legal entity from those credit institutions. If the references, mentioned in the points 13.1, 13.2., cannot be provided, the legal entity can submit the following: 13.3. the references (in free written form) received from main/planned contractors of the legal entity, having business relations with the legal entity, regarding the assessment on its business reputation. For opening a settlement account for a legal entity - non-resident for accounting the funds of a standalone subdivision (branch, representation office), the following documents should be presented to the Bank additionally:
All documents (including identity documents) shall be presented with a notary certified translation into the Russian language (excluding personal identification documents of individuals, issued by the competent authorities of foreign countries, drawn up in several languages, including Russian). The requirement to submit documents to the Bank accompanied by a duly certified translation into the Russian language does not refer to the documents issued by the competent authorities of foreign countries such as personal identification documents, given that the individual has a document proving his/her right to legally stay (live) on the territory of the Russian Federation (for example, entry visa, migration card). The documents, containing registration marks, verifying notes of corresponding state authorities, on the territory of which the legal entity has been founded, should be legalized in the embassy (consulate) of the Russian Federation abroad or endorsed with an Apostille in accordance with Article 4 of the Hague Convention as of 10/5/1961, and translated into the Russian language. Translation into the Russian language (with the translator's signature) should be notary certified. All documents should be notary certified or presented to the Bank in original. In case there are individuals among the founders (members, shareholders), copies of their passports or data on their requisites are required (the copies must be bound together and signed by the authorized representative of the Client, the records must be signed by the authorized representative of the Client. This requirement shall not apply to shareholders (participants) of the legal person that hold less than 1 percent of the legal person’s shares. Copies of the documents mentioned in points 12.1.-12.3., 12.5 should be verified by the signature of the authorized representative of the organization. Thereat, the Bank reserves the right to demand the originals of the documents for familiarization. * Please note that the impress of seal (if there is a seal), fixed on the Seal Card, should be clear. Letters, figures and symbols in the seal should be clear and readable. Cards containing a not clear impress of seal will not be accepted by the Bank. Приложение № 1 Application №1 В АО АКБ «ЕВРОФИНАНС МОСНАРБАНК» TO: Evrofinance Mosnarbank Дата / Dated «___»__________20__ Заявление на открытие счёта Application on Account Opening _ (полное наименование компании / full name of company) ____________________________________________________________________________ просит открыть в АО АКБ «ЕВРОФИНАНС МОСНАРБАНК» herein asks for opening with Evrofinance Mosnarbank _____________________________________________________________________________. (a settlement account in (please mention the currency) or other / расчётный счёт в (указать валюту) или др. ) Законодательство Российской Федерации, регулирующее валютные операции, нам известны и имеют для нас обязательную силу. The legislation of the Russian Federation, regulating the currency transactions, is familiar and binding to us. Обо всех изменениях нашей организационно-правовой формы, уставного капитала, реквизитов документов, удостоверяющих личности должностных лиц, адреса, телефонов, факса и других реквизитов мы немедленно будем извещать АО АКБ «ЕВРОФИНАНС МОСНАРБАНК». We will immediately inform Evrofinance Mosnarbank on all the changes in our legal form of organization, authorized capital, the details of the identity documents of the officials, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, as well as other requisites. Мы подтверждаем, что несем ответственность за возможные неблагоприятные последствия, связанные с задержкой получения Банком извещения об указанных изменениях. Herewith we confirm that we bear responsibility for possible unfavorable consequences related to delayed receipt of notifications by the Bank on the mentioned changes. _______________________ _______________ (__________________) (Руководитель) (подпись) (Фамилия И.О.) (Manager) (signature) (print name) Отметки банка /marks of bank
№ ____________________________________________ Приложение № 2/Appendix 2 ![]() Приложение 2.1/ Appendix 2.1![]() Приложение № 3 Application №3 В АО АКБ «ЕВРОФИНАНС МОСНАРБАНК»TO Evrofinance MosnarbankЧисло лиц, входящих в «Список постоянных посетителей» должно быть не более 3 человек. The number of persons in the «List of permanent visitors» shall be not more than 3 persons. В списке должны присутствовать лица, постоянно посещающие Банк. The list shall include persons permanently visiting the Bank. Заполняется печатными буквами, разборчиво. The present form shall be completed in uppercase letters, in a readable way. REQUEST Просим Вас внести в Список постоянных посетителей Банка следующих представителей от имени нашей организации: Herewith we ask You to include into the List of permanent visitors of the Bank the below mentioned representatives on behalf of our company. ___________________________________________________________________________ Name of organization / Наименование организации 1 __________________________________________________________________________ Print name / Фамилия Имя Отчество Passport / паспорт ___________ №_______________ Series / серия number / номер issued by / выдан ___________________________________________________________ Issuing authority / кем выдан паспорт _____________________________________ ___________________________ date of issue / дата выдачи Place and date of birth / место рождения _____________________________________________ place of birth / место рождения _____________________________________ ___________________________ date of birth / дата рождения 2__________________________________________________________________________ Print name / Фамилия Имя Отчество Passport / паспорт ___________ №_______________ Series / серия number / номер issued by / выдан ___________________________________________________________ Issuing authority / кем выдан паспорт _____________________________________ ___________________________ date of issue / дата выдачи Place and date of birth / место рождения _____________________________________________ place of birth / место рождения _____________________________________ ___________________________ date of birth / дата рождения 3__________________________________________________________________________ Print name / Фамилия Имя Отчество Passport / паспорт ___________ №_______________ Series / серия number / номер issued by / выдан ___________________________________________________________ Issuing authority / кем выдан паспорт _____________________________________ ___________________________ date of issue / дата выдачи Place and date of birth / место рождения _____________________________________________ place of birth / место рождения _____________________________________ ___________________________ date of birth / дата рождения Настоящим подтверждаем, что мы извещены о том, что при предоставлении в Банк нового Списка постоянных посетителей настоящий Список будет считаться утратившим свою силу. Herewith we confirm that we are notified on the fact that in case of presenting a new List of permanent visitors to the bank, the present List will be considered invalid. Руководитель Manager _______________ (__________________) (signature / подпись) (Print name / Фамилия И.О.) Приложение №4 Appendix №4 ДОВЕРЕННОСТЬ1 LETTER OF ATTORNEY2 ___________________ «____»_______________ г. (указать место выдачи/ place of issue) Настоящей доверенностью/This Power of Attorney ________________________________________ в лице/ represented by (наименование организации/ Name of organization) ________________________________________________________________________, действующего на/acting (наименование должности руководителя, Ф.И.О./ the manager's position, print name) основании Устава, доверяет/ under the Charter, herewith attorneys ___________________________________________________ (Ф.И.О. доверенного лица, место жительства и данные паспорта/ print name of attorney-holder, place of residence and passport data) ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ получение документов, находящихся в компетенции Отдела открытия счетов юридических лиц Департамента клиентского обслуживания АО АКБ «ЕВРОФИНАНС МОСНАРБАНК» (далее – Банк), а именно: документов об открытии и закрытии счетов организации в Банке, заверенных Банком копий банковских карточек организации, договоров и соглашений (копий, оригиналов), писем о счетах, открытых организации в Банке, иных документов, предназначенных для организации и связанных с ведением счетов организации в Банке, совершения всех действий, связанных с выполнением данного поручения. to receive documents, being in the competence of the Service of Opening of Legal Persons’ Accounts of the Clients Relations department of Evrofinance Mosnarbank (hereinafter referred to as Bank), particularly documents on opening and closing of accounts of the legal entity in the Bank, copies of bank cards of the organization, contracts and agreements (copies, originals), letters on accounts, opened in the Bank verified by the Bank, other documents related to the organization and execution of the mentioned instructions. Настоящая доверенность выдана без права передоверия и действительна в течение/ The present Letter of Attorney issued without the right to delegate the powers hereunder for a period of ___________________________. (указать срок действия доверенности/ please mention the validity period for the letter of attorney) Подпись/ Signature _____________________________ _________________ удостоверяю/ verified by me. (Ф.И.О. доверенного лица/ Print name of attorney-holder) (подпись/ signature) Руководитель/Manager Приложение № 5 Application №5 Форма письменного обращения о принятии карточки с одной собственноручной подписью лица, наделенного правом подписи документов, содержащих распоряжение клиента – юридического лица (на бланке) Form on written application on card acceptance with one manual signature of the person entitled to sign documents containing client’s instructions – legal entity (on the blank) To Evrofinance Mosnarbank business address: 29 Novy Arbat, Moscow 121099 В АО АКБ «ЕВРОФИНАНС МОСНАРБАНК» адрес местонахождения: 121099, г. Москва, ул.Новый Арбат, д.29 From: ____________________________ (please mention the full firm name of the client ) От: ____________________________ (указывается полное фирменное наименование клиента) «___» ___________ 20___ Настоящим ______________________ (указать сокращенное фирменное наименование клиента) (далее – Клиент), в лице _____________________, действующего на основании ______________________3, в соответствии с положениями п.7.5 Инструкции Банка России № 153-И от 30.05.2014 «Об открытии и закрытии банковских счетов, счетов по вкладам (депозитам), депозитных счетов» обращается в АО АКБ «ЕВРОФИНАНС МОСНАРБАНК» с просьбой о принятии банковской карточки с одной собственноручной подписью лица, наделенного правом подписи документов на бумажном носителе, содержащих распоряжение Клиента. Herewith __________________________ (please mention the short firm name of the client) (hereinafter referred to as Client), represented by _______________________________, acting under ______________________1, according to provisions of point 7.5 of the Instructions of the Bank of Russia 153-И dated 30.05.2014 on «On opening and closing bank accounts, deposit accounts (deposits)» refers to Evrofinance Mosnarbank with a request to accept a bank card with one manual signature of the person entitled to sign documents in hard copies, containing instructions of the Client. On behalf of Client / За Клиента ________________________ 1 2 1 Настоящая доверенность составляется на бланке организации в простой письменной форме за подписью руководителя./ The present Letter of Attorney shall be formed on the blank of the organizations in a simple written form signed by the manager. 3 Данный документ должен быть подписан лицом, который имеет право заключать (изменять, расторгать) соглашения, в том числе, договор банковского счета, с АО АКБ «ЕВРОФИНАНС МОСНАРБАНК». В случае отсутствия в АО АКБ «ЕВРОФИНАНС МОСНАРБАНК» документов, подтверждающих соответствующие полномочия, необходимо их представить в АО АКБ «ЕВРОФИНАНС МОСНАРБАНК». The mentioned document shall be signed by a person entitled to ratify (adjust, cancel) agreements, including bank account agreement, with Evrofinance Mosnarbank. In case of absence of documents in Evrofinance Mosnarbank, proving the corresponding powers, those shall be presented to Evrofinance Mosnarbank. |
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