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Borrowing from English slang on Russian Internet. Shortenings and Abbreviations. Mikhail Khodzhamuradov Ходжамурадов Михаил Байрамгельдиевич Mikhail M. Rodin Родин Михаил Михайлович Balakovo Institute of Technique Technology and Management The computer world is constantly developing which contributes new terms to languages and enriches existing words with new meanings. Thus the Internet forms a special environment for creating neologisms which are not only computer terms denoting phenomena connected with the Internet, but also specific slang forms, which occur between Internet users of a particular network. Originally communication in the Internet was supposed to be primarily aimed at military and then business issues. At present network communication has acquired mass character, and connects people with common interests, helping them to establish personal contacts. Internet communication has become more accessible and much cheaper. Many means have been developed for fast information interchanges such as: e-mail, chats, blogs, forums, messengers, social networks, guest books, teleconferences or news groups. Traditionally slang is considered to belong mostly to spoken language: “Slang is much rather a spoken than a literary language. It originates, nearly always in speech. To coin a term in a written page is almost inevitably to brand it as a neologism which will either be accepted or become a nonce-word (or phrase), but, except in the rarest instances, that term will not be slang” [Foster, Brain. The changing English language. 1971 p. 12] What is usually meant by Internet slang? Internet slang solely belongs to written speech and is predominantly a deliberately incorrect spelling, spread spontaneously on the Internet as a grotesque response to numerous spelling errors in online publications and replicas. And we cannot consider it separately from the so called text-language which is a written language as well. So far an interpretation of the concept “slang” causes disagreements among linguists. At the present time there is no unanimous opinion concerning a definition of the term “slang”. Occasionally various researchers refer to the same phenomenon call this differently: “slang”, “jargon”, “argot”, “dialect”. A slang word is supposed to be easy to identify, however, after close examination it appears that it’s sometimes quite difficult to distinguish different forms of slang from literary words. There is no unanimous definition of slang in modern English linguistics. Etymology of the word “slang” causes many arguments: studies present many theories concerning the question – From whence sprang the concept of slang? One of the most early interpreters of the word “slang” etymology was John Hotten who proposed that it comes from a gipsy word which means “secret language” [Hotten, 1869, p.305]. O. Ritter and K. Westendorf believe that the word “slang” sprang up as a result of agglutination of the first part of the word “language” with suffix “ – s’” in expressions like: «thieves' language», «gypsies’ language» [Маковский, 2007, p.13]. H. Wilde and A. Wickly point to scandinavian origin of the word “slang”. They think that it has common origin with norwegian word slenja-ord – “new slang word”, slenja-namm “nickname” and slenja-kjeften meaning “abuse, offend somebody”. Besides, there is an analogous idiomatic expression with the same meaning “to sling the jaw” in English that is already obsolete. It should be noted that Oxford Dictionary denies Norwegian origin of the word “slang”. [Маковский, 2007, p.13]. Oxford Dictionary determines the term “slang” as: "language of a highly colloquial style, considered as below the level of standard educated speech, and consisting either of new words or of current words employed in some special sense". [New Oxford Dictionary, 2006, p.506]. Longman Dictionary determines “slang” as: "very informal language that includes new and sometimes not polite words and meanings, is often used among particular groups of people, and is usually not used in serious speech or writing" [Longman Dictionary of English Language, p.1620]. The absence of a terminological exactness of indigenously English term in the English language causes significant difficulties of its definition in Russian. Russian slang is being richly filled up with English borrowings: Бейбочка (baby- ребенок)- малышка; Аскать (ask-просить )- просить, спрашивать; Кульно (cool- классный)- классно; Бёздник (birthday) День рождения; Безменка (man- мужчина)- девушка, не имеющая друга; Герлушка (girl-девочка)- девушка; Дринькать (drink- пить)- пить; Запикапить ( pick up- подбирать)- познакомиться с девушкой; Пикапер – тот, кто знакомится с девушкой; Игнор (ignore- игнорировать)- не обращать внимания, игнорировать; Приватный (private- частный)- личный; Фейс (face-лицо)- лицо; Мыло (e-mail-почта)-почта; Татушка ( tattoo- татуировка); Бест (best- лучший)- лучший; Юзер (use- пользоваться)- пользователь компьютера; Суперский (super- высшего качества)- супер; Реально (real-реальный, настоящий)- реально; Лузер (loose-терять, проигрыватель)- неудачник; Хай (Hi- привет)- привет; Окейно (OK- отлично)- все хорошо; Вау (Wow- возглас удивления, одобрения); Упс (Oops- возглас )- ОП; Айс (ice- лед)- возглас одобрения или отрицания (взято из рекламы ); Бьютифул (beautiful- красивый); Фешн (fashion-модный)- модный; Экшен (action-боевик, действие)- cобытие, действие; Нонсенс (nonsense-чепуха)- чепуха, ерунда; Бай (Bye- пока)- пока, до свидания; Бойфренд (boy- мальчик, friend- друг) – друг. Among the features distinguishing English from Russian are plenty of abbreviations and contractions. The same feature can be observed in English internet slang. The language of internet communication as well as the language of text massages is rich in acronyms and contractions. Here are few examples of graphical abbreviations of words that coincide with pronunciation of the shortened phrases: BCNU (be seeing you), BRB (be right back), CU (see you), IC (I see), ILUVU , IRUVU, IWUVU (I love you), OIC (oh I see), RUOK (are you okay?), U (you), X (Hug), O (kiss). There are also abbreviations with figures which are pronounced identically with some words in English: B4 (before), B4N (bye for now), CUL8R (see you later), F2F (face to face), F2T (free to talk), G2CU (glad to see you), G2G (got to go), Gr8 (great),H2 (how to), H8 (hate), L8R (later), M8 (mate), NE1(anyone), NO1 (no one), R4U (roses for you), SUM1 (someone), 10Q (thank you), Big 10x (big thanks), WNT2TLK (want to talk?), W8 (wait), W8ing (waiting), 1 (one, won), 2 (too, to two), 2day (today), 4GM (forgive me), 2nite (tonight), 2U (to you), 2hot4u (too hot for you), 2L8 (too late), 2B or not 2B (to be or not to be), 4ever (forever), 4get it (forget it), 4U (for you), TTYL (talk to you later), TTFN (ta-ta for now) from cartoon “Winnie-the-Pooh”. There are acronyms in both languages, however, there are much less of them in Russian than in English. This is one of typological peculiarities of the languages. Here are given examples of such abbreviations derived from English: AFAIK (as far as I know), ATB (all the best), BR (best regards), BRB (be right back), BB (be back), BBS (be back soon), BBL (be back later), BTW (by the way), FYI (for your information), GAL (get a life), IMHO (in my humble opinion), JIC (just in case), JK (just kidding), KIT (keep in touch), KIM (know what I mean), LOL (laughing out loud), MYOB (mind your own business), PCM (please call me), RTFM (read this fine manual), SIT (stay in touch), DEF (definitely), DILLIGAS (does it look like I give a shit?)*, DUNNO (don’t know), FOCL (falling off chair laughing), NP (no problem), PBB (parents behind back), ROFLMAO (rolling on floor laughing my ass off)*, TGIF (thank goodness it’s Friday), WTF (what the f*ck)*, WT (what the)*, WTH (what the heck/hell),* OMG (oh my God). *vulgar Very few examples of such contractions could be found in the Russian language: ИМХО; Нуб (newbie, who knows nothing about technological details, games etc., from Engl. Newbie) ; Сабж (contents of column “Theme” in headlines of electronic letters, massages in forums etc., from Engl. Subject). Though the Russian slang in general and internet slang in particular are actively borrowing words from English, separate phenomena typical for English slang aren’t borrowed in Russian because of peculiarities of the Russian and English languages. In the Russian language there are no graphical contractions of words which coincide with pronunciation of the phrases contracted, though in English such contractions are actively used. That is why abbreviations and shortenings in the Russian internet slang are not so much extended as in English although the Russian internet slang is seriously influenced by the English one. REFERENCES:
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