ECTACO® Partner® ER850
Hand-held Electronic Language Teacher®, Text Translator, Talking Dictionary, and Audio PhraseBook™
ECTACO® Partner® ER850
Обучающая система Language Teacher®, система перевода текстов, говорящий словарь и голосовой разговорник
ECTACO, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss resulting from the use of this manual.
ECTACO, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any loss or claims by third parties, which may arise through the use of this product.
ECTACO, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss caused by deletion of data as a result of malfunction, repairs, or battery replacement. Be sure to back up all important data on other media to avoid data loss.
The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
No part of this manual shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission from ECTACO, Inc.
Partner® is a registered trademark of ECTACO, Inc., NY, USA.
© 1990–2008 ECTACO, Inc., New York, USA.
All rights reserved.
ECTACO, Inc. не несет ответственности за любой ущерб, возникший вследствие неправильного использования данного руководства.
ECTACO, Inc. не несет ответственности по рекламациям третьей стороны, а также за любой ущерб, возникший в процессе эксплуатации устройства.
ECTACO, Inc. не несет ответственности за любой ущерб от потери или повреждения данных вследствие неправильного функционирования, ремонта, замены батареек. Всегда храните резервную копию важных данных на других носителях.
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Partner® является зарегистрированной торговой маркой компании ECTACO, Inc., NY, USA.
© 1990–2008 ECTACO, Inc., New York, USA.
Все права защищены.
FCC Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Информация о соответствии стандартам FCC
Данное устройство отвечает требованиям Части 15 Правил FCC. Его применение ограничено следующими двумя условиями: (1) данное устройство не должно создавать вредных помех, и (2) это устройство должно выдерживать любые принимаемые им помехи, включая помехи, которые могут привести к неправильной работе.
Внимание: Введение изменений и модификаций, на которые не получено явное разрешение изготовителя, отвечающего за соответствие устройства техническим условиям, лишает пользователя права применять устройство.
При испытании данного устройства было установлено, что оно соответствует ограничениям для цифровых устройств класса В и отвечает требованиям Части 15 Правил FCC. Эти ограничения предназначены для обеспечения необходимой защиты от вредных помех при применении устройства в жилых районах. Данное устройство генерирует, использует и может излучать радиочастотную мощность, и при его установке и использовании с нарушением требований инструкции оно может создавать вредные помехи для радиосвязи.
Однако нельзя гарантировать, что не возникнет помех в каждом конкретном случае, и если данное устройство будет создавать вредные помехи для радиоприема и телевизионного приема, наличие которых можно определить, включая и выключая устройство, то пользователю следует принять меры для устранения этих помех одним из приведенных ниже способов.
Изменить местоположение или направление приемной антенны.
Увеличить расстояние между устройством и приемником.
Присоединить устройство к другой розетке, в которую не включен приемник.
Обратиться за помощью к дилеру или опытному телевизионному или радиотехнику.
Congratulations on your purchase of the high-end class ECTACO Partner® ER850 Hand-held Electronic Language Teacher®, Text Translator, Talking Dictionary, and Audio PhraseBook™! The product you have purchased is the result of the combined efforts of the ECTACO team of linguists, engineers, and programmers. You are now the owner of one of the most advanced electronic devices ever produced for translation purposes and language studies.
ECTACO Partner® ER850 features:
Talking dictionary of 1,100,000 words in total. The dictionary database includes specialized vocabulary: business – 25,000 words, finance – 57,000 words, law – 69,000 words, medicine – 34,000 words, oil and gas – 43,000 words, information technologies and telecommunications – 24,000 words
WordNet dictionary – 70,000 words with definitions
Unlimited voice function based on TTS (Text-to-Speech) technology
Phonetic transcription
Instant reverse translation
Look-up function
Advanced word recognition and MorphoFinder™
Professionally narrated Audio PhraseBook™ with more than 14,000 phrases, ECTACO Speech Recognition system
Vector Ultima™ spell-checker
State-of-the-art Full-text Machine Translation Program
English idioms and irregular verbs
ECTACO Speech Recognition based tutorial with graphical testing system
Linguistic games: FlashCards, Pockets, Spell it Right, Translation Test, Hangman
Audio Tours for the Louvre Museum, the Orsay Museum, Versailles, the Historic Paris Walk
Audio Player with mp3 support
Size Equivalents
Metric Conversion
World Time
Voice Recorder
SD slot
mini-USB port
Headset jack
Device is powered by AC/DC adapter (Travel Charger) and rechargeable battery (all included in the standard package).
Note: Always use the original accessories manufactured by ECTACO, Inc.
General View
The general view and essential features of ECTACO Partner® ER850 are shown below.

Power Supply
ECTACO Partner® ER850 is powered by a special Li-Polymer rechargeable battery. When the battery becomes weak, the red LED signal starts blinking. In that case, the voice function will be disabled in order to prevent excessive discharge of the battery and a resulting loss of data in RAM. To restore full functionality of the device, recharge the battery as soon as possible.
How to Recharge the Battery
Make sure the battery is inserted in the battery compartment.
Note: Only a special rechargeable battery, special charger, and special USB cable may be used with your ECTACO Partner® ER850. Use of an inappropriate external power supply may cause failure of the device and will void the warranty.
Connect the AC/DC adapter to your device via the mini-USB port (see General View), or connect your device to your PC using the special USB cable.
LED status: blinking blue – recording is in progress or data being transferred; blinking red – SD card is being scanned, or the battery is critically low.
SD Card
Before you start using your ECTACO Partner® ER850, please make sure the SD card (included in the standard package) is installed into the SD slot of the device. If the card is not installed, slide it into the slot located on the right-hand edge of the device – the contacts of the card face up, label face down. Push the card gently until it clicks into place. To eject the card, just push it in slightly.
In the rare event that the data on the screen is corrupted or a program is not responding properly, you will need to perform a reset.
The Reset button is located on the left-hand side of the keyboard (over the key). It can be accessed with any thin object like a paper clip. Never use a needle or a sharp pin for this purpose since it can damage the device.
Unscrew the removable cap of the stylus – it will serve you as a reset pin.
Press the Reset button.
On completion of the reboot, you will see the calibration screen with five targets, appearing one after another as you tap them with the stylus. Press to accept the new calibration settings.
The American standard QWERTY keyboard (combined with the Russian layout) allows you to enter any word just in seconds. Each set of national characters is linked to its language input mode. Language modes can be toggled by pressing the key.
The function and control keys are described below.
Note: Key1+Key2 here and further on signifies the combination of keys to use – first press and hold Key1, then press and release Key2.

Turn the device on or off
Re-initialize system

Use speech recognition (available in Audio PhraseBook)

Show or hide the pop-up toolbar

Use speech function / Listen to the pronunciation of the source item in Audio PhraseBook, English Idioms, Irregular Verbs (press + )

Close active window / Cancel

Delete character to the left of cursor

Switch focus between displayed controls (check boxes etc.)
Press and hold this key down to type in uppercase or to enter additional symbols1. Press this key twice to toggle the Caps Lock mode.
+ , 
Launch spell-checker

Switch language or translation direction

, , , 
Move cursor or highlight / Scroll lines
Page Up / Page Down / Switch Main Menu sections

Enter space
Display and Main Menu
ECTACO Partner® ER850 features a touch screen (320 x 240 pixels) with a windows-driven graphical interface. The Main Menu consists of four sections, which visually organize access to the ECTACO Partner® ER850 applications.
Note: Tapping screen items is preferably done with the supplied pointing device known as a stylus, which, when not in use, is kept in a special slot at the side of the device's back panel (see General View).
Main Menu
To display the Main Menu, turn the device on, and/or exit the currently running application. The Main Menu consists of the following sections:
Language Teacher®
At the top of the screen, you will see the battery life indicator.
The Main Menu sections are described below. The content of the Main Menu depends on product model.
Use the Dictionaries section to access Dictionary, Audio PhraseBook, Text Translation, English Idioms, and Irregular Verbs.
Use the Language Teacher section to access Language Teacher®, FlashCards, and Hangman.
Use the Entertainment section to access Audio Books, Audio Player, Voice Recorder, Calendar, and Tasks.
Use the Extras section to access Calculator, World Time, Size Equivalents, Metric Conversion, and Settings.
To open a section, do one of the following:
tap the section icon;
press the numeric key that corresponds to the section number.
When in a section, tap the desired application name. Alternatively, highlight it and then press . The application will open.
To close an application, tap at the upper right of the screen, or just press .
Twelve applications of ECTACO Partner® ER850 have their permanent touch-sensitive shortcut buttons on the Sidebar to the right and left of the screen.


On-screen keyboard

English Idioms


Irregular Verbs

Audio Player

Audio PhraseBook



World Time

Language Teacher®

On-screen Keyboard
The on-screen keyboard is a set of virtual keys displayed on the screen. This set of keys simulates the conventional physical keyboard or part of it.
In applications featuring text input, tap on the sidebar to activate the on-screen keyboard.
To hide it, tap once again.
Every application, pop-up menu, or dialog box used in ECTACO Partner® ER850 appears in its own window. A window is displayed as a framed screen area with two main elements: the title bar and the close button ( or OK).
To move an overlapping window, tap on its title bar and drag the window to another part of the screen holding the stylus down.
The scroll bar is shown when the contents do not all fit on the screen. The slider shows the position of the displayed contents relative to the rest of data.
On the scroll bar:
tap a scroll arrow ( or ) to advance or go back one line;
tap and drag the slider to browse information;
tap the scroll bar below or above the slider to jump to the corresponding portion of text.
Pop-up Toolbar
A toolbar is a set of horizontally arranged buttons shown at the bottom of the relevant window.

To activate the pop-up toolbar, press .
To perform an action, just tap the corresponding icon. Alternatively, select it by using or and then press .
Toolbar buttons have the following functions:
Activate spell-checker
Display History
Select options
Switch language
Add to Flash Cards
Find in WordNet
Display Help
Adjust microphone sensitivity
Translate in Dictionary
Reset statistics
Start new game
Rescan the card
Clear date
Clear to date
Switch to Agenda View
Switch to Day View
Switch to Calendar View
Add new item
Turn the sound off
Turn the sound on
The contents of the toolbar depends on the current application.
Pop-up Menus
With the help of pop-up menus, you can quickly choose an action to perform on the selected item. For example, you can copy a text onto the clipboard. To paste the text you have copied, place the cursor in a text input field and then select Paste in the pop-up menu.
Note: Pop-up menus may vary from application to application.
To activate the pop-up menu, highlight the desired item and hold the stylus down on it for a second.

When the pop-up menu appears, lift the stylus and then select the desired action. You can close the pop-up menu by tapping anywhere on the screen, outside of the menu.