Программы подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз) по специальности спо 40. 02. 01 Право и организация социального обеспечения Преподаватель: Раушкина А. В. Содержание

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Название Программы подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз) по специальности спо 40. 02. 01 Право и организация социального обеспечения Преподаватель: Раушкина А. В. Содержание
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Билет 1

1.Переведите текст на русский язык:

At the Customs House (отрывок)

Every country has its own customs regulations, which stipu­late what articles are liable (subject) to duty and what are duty-free. Sometimes an article which falls under customs restrictions and is liable to duty is allowed as duty-free if a traveller does not exceed a certain fixed quota. These are listed in a duty-free quota list.

Customs restrictions also include a prohibited articles list. This is a list of items which may not be brought into a country or taken out of it.

An official paper (from the proper authorities) giving per­mission to take items, which fall under special customs restric­tions, in or out of a country is known as an import or export licence.

2. Переведите лексику: customs house; customs regulations; customs officer; articles liable (subject) to duty; ment of duty; receipt; personal effects; luggage; go through the luggage; smuggling; passing (going) through the customs; clear the luggage.

Most probably, to book a room, a porter, receptionist, receptionist’s desk, single room, double room, suite, modern, conveniences, sing in, check-in, register, registration form, fill in, formality, key, show up , guest, hang, key-rack, charge.

shop; store; department store; suit; dress; coat; shoe; food open; close; lunch; buy; milkman; paper boy; 3. 3.Раскройте ситуацию на английском языке


1) Попросите продавца показать вам платье.

2) Спросите, какой это материал.

3) Спросите, сколько оно стоит.

4) Спросите, где находится касса.


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Максимальное время выполнения задания 45 минут

Билет 2

Переведите текст на русский язык:

At the Customs House (отрывок)

If a traveller has any item which comes under customs re­strictions, he is asked to declare- it. That is, he is asked to name the item, stating its value and other particulars. The'declaration is made orally or in writing on a special form. In this case a trav­eller fills in the form. The practice seems to vary in different countries. Upon payment of duty a traveller is given a receipt. As a rule personal effects are duty-free.

It sometimes happens that a passenger's luggage is carefully gone through in order to prevent smuggling.

The formalities at the customs house usually take some time. Only after going through the customs (where a passenger's lug­gage has been cleared by the customs officers) a traveller is free to go to a hotel or any other place.

Переведите с английского следующие термины:

receipt; personal effects; luggage; go through the luggage; smuggling; passing (going) through the customs; clear the luggage.Most probably, to book a room, a porter, receptionist, receptionist’s desk, single room, double room, suite, modern, conveniences, sing in, check-in, register, registration form, fill in, formality, key, show up , guest, hang, key-rack, charge.shop; store; department store; suit; dress; coat; shoe; food open; close; lunch; buy; milkman; paper boy; paper girl; deliver, expensive; the best;

3.Раскройте ситуацию на английском языке


1) Скажите, что вы хотели бы купить костюм.

2) Попросите показать вам модный костюм.

3) Попросите показать вам костюм коричневого цвета.

4) Скажите, что вы бы хотели примерить его.

5) Спросите, где находится примерочная.

6) Спросите, сколько он стоит.


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Максимальное время выполнения задания 45 минут

Билет 3

Переведите текст на русский язык:

At a Hotel (отрывок)

As soon as you are through with the customs you'll most probably take a taxi to a hotel. It's best to book a room (A.E. — make a reservation) in advance. In this case you'll be sure to stay at a hotel without any problems. You can book a room by tele­phone or telegram.

In many hotels a porter (A.E. — bell-boy) takes your luggage and shows you the way to the receptionist's desk. The receptio­nist will most probably ask you what room you want (a single or a double room, a suite etc.) and for how many days (nights) you are going stay at the hotel. He may offer you a room with all modern conveniences (bath, telephone, TV). Then he will ask you to sign in (A.E. — check-in). In this case you have to sign your name in a hotel register (book).

Переведите с английского следующие термины:

pay­ment of duty; receipt; personal effects; luggage; go through the luggage; smuggling; passing (going) through the customs; clear the luggage.

Most probably, to book a room, a porter, receptionist, receptionist’s desk, single room, double room, suite, modern, conveniences, sing in, check-in, register, registration form, fill in, formality, key, show up , guest, hang, key-rack, charge.

shop; store; department store; suit; dress; coat; shoe; food open; close; lunch; buy; milkman; paper "boutique"; cheap; goods; branch; sell; consumer goods; clothes; offer; market; shopper; jewelers; fashion; fa­shionable; fashion hall; price; antique.

plane; travel by plane weather conditions; voucher for refreshments; carry-on luggage.

3. Заполните пропуски лексикой по теме и переведите предложения:

1. If you want to telephone (call) your friend you ...... his

phone number.

2. If he is busy he may ask you to......later.

3. If he doesn't want to speak to you he may.......

4. If he is on the phone (line) when you call him, his number is engaged and you can't.......

5. When you want to place a local call, you pick up......and

hear a......tone. 6. In the phone booth you deposit the coins into.......

7. When you have deposited the correct amount of change into the slot of a pay phone you'll hear a short......signal.

8. If you want to make a collect call, you can ask for.......

9. The telephone numbers prefixed by 800 numbers provide

......because many companies are interested in getting new


10. The calls prefixed by 800 numbers and emergency calls are



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Максимальное время выполнения задания 45 минут

Билет 4

Переведите текст на русский язык:

At a Hotel (отрывок)

In the USA you have to put down your name, nationality and address in a special registration form (fill in a form).

When this formality is over, the receptionist gives you your key and the porter shows you up to your room. Now you are re­ferred to as a "guest". When going out you are supposed to leave your key at the desk. All the keys are hung on a special key-rack.

The room charge (price) usually includes your breakfast. Sometimes it includes the service, or the service is paid addi­tionally.

The guests are requested to warn the receptionist in advance about the day and hour of signing out (A.E. — checking out) so that he could have the bill ready for them in time. Make sure that the bill is ready one day before leaving.

2. Переведите с английского следующие термины:

customs house; customs regulations; customs officer; articles liable (subject) to duty; duty-free articles; fall

book a room, a porter, receptionist, receptionist’s desk, single room, double room, suite, modern, conveniences, sing in, check-in, register, registration form, fill in, formality, key, show up , guest, hang, key-rack, charge.shop; store; department store; suit; dress; coat; shoe; food open; close; lunch; buy; milkman; paper boy; paper girl; deliver, expensive; the best; tourist attraction; customer; food hall, "sale"; bargain; crowded; district; shopping centre; fashionable Londoners; "boutique"; cheap; goods; branch; sell; consumer goods; clothes; offer; market; shopper; jewelers; fashion; fa­shionable; fashion hall; price; antique.plane; travel by plane; flight; book a ticket on a flight; desti­nation; return ticket; open return ticket; single ticket; economy class;; adverse weather conditions; voucher for refreshments; carry-on luggage.

3. Напишите вопросы к каждому ответу

1) A.: ...

В.: The latest time of checking-in is 9.30 p.m.

2) A.: ...

В.: I'd like to travel first class.

3) A: ...

В.: I'll find out if there are morning flights from London to Paris.

4) A: ...

В.: Flying time is six hours.

5) A: ...

В.: 440 dollars for a roundtrip ticket.

6) A: ...

В.: On the 12th of March.

7) A: ...

В.: The altitude will be about 7500 meters.

8) A.:...

В.: We should touch down (land) shortly after three.

9) A: ...

В.: You'll have them two days before your departure.


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Максимальное время выполнения задания 45 минут

Билет 5

Переведите текст на русский язык:

Travelling by Plane (отрывок)

Travelling by plane is much faster than travelling by train. It gives you additional comfort and saves your time.

Whenever you want to go somewhere by plane you should book a ticket (seat) on a flight (book a flight) to your destination for a certain date.

You may book a single, return or open return ticket. When booking a ticket you should mention what class you are going to travel: first, business or economy class. You may ask the booking clerk (travel agent) what time the coach leaves the air terminal for the airport and what is the latest time of checking-in at the airport.

Creditworthiness, accounting records, merchantdising, advertising and promotion, break-even point, desired income approach, based on the conviction, sales volume, ascertain, money terms, incur, layout, public relations, markup, estimate, neglect, tax return, credit

Переведите с английского следующие термины:

pay­ment of duty; receipt; personal effects; luggage; go through the luggage; smuggling; passing (going) through the customs; clear the luggage.

Most probably, to book a room, a porter, receptionist, receptionist’s desk, single room, double room, suite, modern, conveniences, sing in, check-in, register, registration form, fill in, formality, key, show up , guest, hang, key-rack, charge.

shop; store; department store; suit; dress; coat; shoe; food open; close; lunch; buy; milkman; paper "boutique"; cheap; goods; branch; sell; consumer goods; clothes; offer; market; shopper; jewelers; fashion; fa­shionable; fashion hall; price; antique.

plane; travel by plane weather conditions; voucher for refreshments; carry-on luggage.

Раскройте ситуации на английском языке:


1) Скажите кассиру, что вам нужен билет до Манчестера в одну сторону.

2) Скажите кассиру, что вы предпочитаете вагон для неку­рящих.


1) Спросите носильщика, с какой платформы отходит по­езд на Лондон.

2) Попросите носильщика отнести ваш большой чемодан в багажный вагон.


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Максимальное время выполнения задания 45 минут

Билет 6

Переведите текст на русский язык:

Travelling by Plane (отрывок)

There is no need to worry about your luggage any longer. It will be put into the luggage compartment of the plane. If your luggage weighs more than allowed (it has overweight), you are supposed to pay for the additional weight. Then you must go through the security check where your carry-on luggage-is checked.

Then you may wait in the departure lounge.

The announcer will announce when and at what gate your flight is boarding or he/she may announce a delay on your flight. It often happens that a delay on a flight is due to adverse weather conditions. In this case you can obtain a voucher for refresh­ments. These vouchers are accepted at the cafeteria and you can have your meal free of charge till you hear the announcement that your flight is boarding.

2. Переведите с английского: customs house; customs regulations; customs officer; articles liable (subject) to duty; duty-free articles; fall under customs re­strictions; duty-free quota list; exceed a fixed quota; prohibited articles list; item; Londoners; "boutique"; cheap; goods; branch; sell; consumer goods; clothes; offer; market; shopper; jewelers; fashion; fa­shionable; fashion hall; price; antique.

plane; travel by plane; flight; book a ticket on a flight; desti­nation; return ticket; open return ticket; single ticket; economy class; first class; business class; coach; air terminal; airport; check-in; checking-in; weigh; attach a label; boarding pass; lug­gage compartment; overweight; departure lounge; announcer; announce; gate; flight is boarding; delay on a flight; adverse weather conditions; voucher for refreshments; carry-on luggage.

3. Раскройте ситуации на английском языке:


1) Спросите носильщика, с какой платформы отходит по­езд на Лондон.

2) Попросите носильщика отнести ваш большой чемодан в багажный вагон.


1) Закажите официанту место на обед.

2) Скажите официанту, что вам нужно место первого класса в первую смену.


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Максимальное время выполнения задания 45 минут

Билет 7

Переведите текст на русский язык:

Applying for a Job (Отрывок)

Information, which includes your suitability to the job, should be highlighted. This information is called a resume. If you have had previous experience in various phases of employ­ment, it may be to your advantage to have two-three different resumes, each emphasizing a different area of competence.

It is a standard practice to begin the resume with personal data. Essentials such as your name, address, social insurance number, home phone number and business phone number (re­commended only if your present employer is aware of your job search). Facts, such as your date of birth, marital status, and number of dependents, may also be included.

Переведите с английского следующие термины:

customs house; customs regulations; customs officer; articles liable (subject) to duty; duty-free articles; fall

, a porter, receptionist, receptionist’s desk, single room, double room, suite, modern, conveniences, sing in, check-in, register, registration form, fill in, formality, key, show up , guest, hang, key-rack, charge.shop; store; department store; suit; dress; coat; shoe; food open; close; lunch; buy; milkman; paper boy; paper girl; deliver, expensive; the best; tourist attraction; customer; food hall, "sale"; bargain; crowded; district; class; coach; air terminal; airport; check-in; checking-in; weigh; attach a label; boarding pass; lug­gage compartment; overweight; departure lounge; announcer; announce; gate; flight is boarding; delay on a flight; adverse weather conditions; voucher for refreshments; carry-on luggage.

Заполоните пропуски:

Whenever you want to go somewhere by plane you should ......on a flight to your destination.

2. You may take a single, open return or......ticket.

3. You may travel by first, business or......class.

4. Before boarding the plane you should......your luggage at


5. At a check-in desk you are required to have your ......


6. A uniformed clerk attaches a special......to your luggage and

gives you a.......

7. After checking-in your luggage will be put into the ......of

the plane.

8. If your luggage weighs more than allowed, you are supposed to pay for the ...... . ^.

9. The announcer will announce when and at what......your

flight is boarding.

10. It often happens that a......on a flight is due to......weather



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Максимальное время выполнения задания 45 минут

Билет 8

Переведите текст на русский язык:

Applying for a Job (Отрывок)

1. It is a standard practice to begin the resume with personal data. Essentials such as your name, address, social insurance number, home phone number and business phone number (re­commended only if your present employer is aware of your job search). Facts, such as your date of birth, marital status, and number of dependents, may also be included. -

2. An option, which may be included in your resume, is a brief explanation of your career objective or goals. This is usually included following personal data. If you have only one version of your resume, it may be best to include this section in a covering letter so that you can tailor it to the specific position for which you are applying.

Переведите с английского следующие термины:

customs house; customs regulations; customs officer; articles liable (subject) to duty; duty-free articles; fall under customs re­strictions; duty-free quota list; exceed a fixed quota; prohibited articles list; item; permission; import (export) licensetourist attraction; customer; food hall, "sale"; bargain; crowded; district; shopping centre; fashionable Londoners; "boutique"; cheap; goods; branch; sell; consumer goods; clothes; offer; market; shopper; jewelers; fashion; fa­shionable; fashion hall; price; antique.

plane; travel by plane; flight; book a ticket on a flight; desti­nation; return ticket; open return ticket; single ticket; economy class; pass; lug­gage compartment; overweight; departure lounge; announcer; announce; gate; flight is boarding; delay on a flight; adverse weather conditions; voucher for refreshments; carry-on luggage.

3. Добавьте начало по каждому пункту:

1) A.: ...

В.: The latest time of checking-in is 9.30 p.m.

2) A.: ...

В.: I'd like to travel first class.

3) A: ...

В.: I'll find out if there are morning flights from London to Paris.

4) A: ...

В.: Flying time is six hours.

5) A: ...

В.: 440 dollars for a roundtrip ticket.

6) A: ...

В.: On the 12th of March.

7) A: ...

В.: The altitude will be about 7500 meters.

8) A.:...

В.: We should touch down (land) shortly after three.

9) A: ...

В.: You'll have them two days before your departure.


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Максимальное время выполнения задания 45 минут

Билет 9

Переведите текст на русский язык:

Applying for a Job (Отрывок)

3. The structure of the next portion of your resume will de­pend a great deal on the extent of your work history. If you are a recent graduate with limited business experience, begin with your education first. Highlight achievements and honors, and note extracurricular activities. Expand on any courses you took which are relevant to the position you desire, or specialized training you may have participated in. Progress to your part-time or summer employment, and indicate responsibility and achievements.

4. If you posses a strong background in the work, you should begin with your work experience first. Information provided here will include a job title, name of employer, address, date of employment, and a brief summary of duties. Emphasize responsi­bilities and highlight personal achievements, advancement and recognition. Your list of positions should be in reverse chrono­logical order, so begin with your current employer.

2. Переведите с английского следующие термины:

customs house; customs regulations; customs officer; articles liable (subject) to duty; duty-free articles; fall under customs re­strictions; coat; shoe; food open; close; lunch; buy; milkman; paper boy; paper girl; deliver, expensive; the best; tourist attraction; customer; food hall, "sale"; bargain; crowded; district; shopping centre; fashionable Londoners; "boutique"; cheap;

flight; desti­nation; return ticket; open return ticket; single ticket; economy class; first class; business class; coach; air terminal; airport; check-in; checking-in; weigh; attach a label; boarding pass; lug­gage compartment; overweight; departure lounge; announcer; announce; gate; flight is boarding; delay on a flight; adverse weather conditions; voucher for refreshments; carry-on luggage.

3.Раскройте ситуации:


1) Попросите продавца показать вам костюм.

2) Спросите, какой это материал.

3) Спросите, сколько он стоит.

4) Спросите, где находится касса.


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Максимальное время выполнения задания 45 минут

Билет 10

Переведите текст на русский язык:

Applying for a Job (Отрывок)

4. If you posses a strong background in the work, you should begin with your work experience first. Information provided here will include a job title, name of employer, address, date of employment, and a brief summary of duties. Emphasize responsi­bilities and highlight personal achievements, advancement and recognition. Your list of positions should be in reverse chrono­logical order, so begin with your current employer.

Next, your resume could include a brief section designed to give employers an insight into your leisure and non-work activi­ties. You might include:

clubs or professional associations community volunteer work sports and hobbies 5. Finally you could list references. It has become acceptable practice to write " References: Available upon request" since ad­dresses, titles, phone numbers are subject to change. Choose ref­erences carefully and always get permission to use their names as references.

2. Переведите с английского следующие термины:

customs house; customs regulations; customs officer; articles liable (subject) to duty; duty-free articles; fall under

shop; store; department store; suit; dress; coat; shoe; food open; close; lunch; buy; milkman; paper boy; paper girl; deliver, expensive; the best; tourist attraction; customer; food hall, "sale"; bargain; crowded; district; shopping centre; fashionable Londoners; "boutique"; cheap; goods; branch; sell; consumer goods; clothes; offer; market; shopper; jewelers; fashion; fa­shionable; fashion hall; price; antique.

plane; travel by plane; flight; book a ticket on a flight; desti­nation; return ticket; open return ticket; single ticket; economy class; first class; business class; coach; air terminal; airport; check-in; checking-in; weigh; attach a label; boarding pass; lug­gage compartment; overweight; departure lounge; announcer; announce; gate; flight is boarding; delay on a flight; adverse weather conditions; voucher for refreshments; carry-on luggage.

3. Заполните пропуски лексикой по теме и переведите предложения:

1. If you want to telephone (call) your friend you ...... his

phone number.

2. If he is busy he may ask you to......later.

3. If he doesn't want to speak to you he may.......

4. If he is on the phone (line) when you call him, his number is engaged and you can't.......

5. When you want to place a local call, you pick up......and

hear a......tone. 6. In the phone booth you deposit the coins into.......

7. When you have deposited the correct amount of change into the slot of a pay phone you'll hear a short......signal.

8. If you want to make a collect call, you can ask for.......

9. The telephone numbers prefixed by 800 numbers provide

......because many companies are interested in getting new



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Максимальное время выполнения задания 45 минут

Билет 11

Переведите текст на русский язык:

Applying for a Job (Отрывок)

Next, your resume could include a brief section designed to give employers an insight into your leisure and non-work activi­ties. You might include:

clubs or professional associations community volunteer work sports and hobbies 5. Finally you could list references. It has become acceptable practice to write " References: Available upon request" since ad­dresses, titles, phone numbers are subject to change. Choose ref­erences carefully and always get permission to use their names as references.

2. Переведите с английского следующие термины: customs house; customs regulations; customs officer; articles liable (subject) to duty; duty-free articles; fall under customs re­strictions; duty-free quota list; exceed a fixed quota; prohibited articles list; item; permission; import (export) license; declare an item (thing); value; state a value; attraction; customer; food hall, "sale"; bargain; crowded; district; shopping centre; fashionable Londoners; "boutique"; cheap; goods; branch; sell; consumer goods; clothes; offer; market; shopper; jewelers; fashion; fa­shionable; fashion hall; price; antique.

plane; travel by plane; flight; book a ticket on a flight; desti­nation; return ticket; open return ticket; single ticket; economy class; first class; business class; coach; air terminal; airport; check-in; checking-in; weigh; attach a label; boarding pass; lug­gage compartment; overweight; departure lounge; announcer; announce; gate; flight is boarding; delay on a flight; adverse weather conditions; voucher for refreshments; carry-on luggage.

3.Составьте письмо-предложение


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Максимальное время выполнения задания 45 минут

Билет 12

Переведите текст на русский язык:

Airport (отрывок)

Pat arrived at the airport two hours ago to catch her plane to Tokyo. At the check-in counter, a ticket agent looked at her ticket and her passport, and her baggage was checked in/ weighed on the scales. Pat's suitcases were very heavy, so she had to pay an excess baggage charge (amount of money for addi­tional weight). Next she was given a boarding pass (a ticket that allows her to get on the plane). The boarding pass has a seat number written on it, and Pat was given a window seat in the non-smocking section. Her suitcases were labeled and sent off to be loaded into the hold of the airplane.

2. Переведите с английского следующие термины:

customs house; customs regulations; customs officer; articles liable (subject) to duty; duty-free articles; fall under customs re­strictions; duty-free quota list; exceed a fixed quota; prohibited articles list; item; permission; import (export) license; declare an close; lunch; buy; milkman; paper boy; paper girl; deliver, expensive; the best; tourist attraction; customer; food hall, "sale"; bargain; crowded; district; shopping centre; fashionable Londoners; "boutique"; cheap; goods; branch; sell; consumer goods; clothes; offer; market; shopper; jewelers; fashion; fa­shionable; fashion hall; price; antique.plane; travel by plane; flight; book a ticket on a flight; desti­nation; return ticket; open return ticket; single ticket; economy class; first class; business class; coach; air terminal; airport; check-in; checking-in; weigh; attach a label; boarding pass; lug­gage compartment; overweight; departure lounge; announcer; announce; gate; flight is boarding; delay on a flight; adverse weather conditions; voucher for refreshments; carry-on luggage.

3. Напишите вопросы к каждому ответу

1) A.: ...

В.: The latest time of checking-in is 9.30 p.m.

2) A.: ...

В.: I'd like to travel first class.

3) A: ...

В.: I'll find out if there are morning flights from London to Paris.

4) A: ...

В.: Flying time is six hours.

5) A: ...

В.: 440 dollars for a roundtrip ticket.

6) A: ...

В.: On the 12th of March.

7) A: ...

В.: The altitude will be about 7500 meters.

8) A.:...

В.: We should touch down (land) shortly after three.

9) A: ...

В.: You'll have them two days before your departure.


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Максимальное время выполнения задания 45 минут

Билет 13

Переведите текст на русский язык:

Airport (отрывок)

While waiting for the flight to be called, Pat goes to the news­stand to buy a newspaper. Then she goes through the security check, where her сапу-on luggage (the bags she is keeping with her on the plane) is searched. Then Pat goes into the duty-free shop where she has a chance to buy some things cheaply. The goods she buys here are cheap because they are not taxed.

In the departure lounge, Pat joins the other passengers who are sitting and waiting until it is time for their flight to depart. After a few minutes Pat hears the announcement: "Flight 156 to Tokyo is now boarding at Gate Three", and she goes to board (get on) her plane.

2. Переведите с английского следующие термины:

customs house; customs regulations; customs officer; articles liable (subject) to duty; duty-free articles; fall under customs re­strictions; duty-free quota list; exceed a fixed quota; prohibited articles list; item; permission; import (export) license Londoners; "boutique"; cheap; goods; branch; sell; consumer goods; clothes; offer; market; shopper; jewelers; fashion; fa­shionable; fashion hall; price; antique.plane; travel by plane; flight; book a ticket on a flight; desti­nation; return ticket; open return ticket; single ticket; economy class; first class; business class; coach; air terminal; airport; check-in; checking-in; weigh; attach a label; boarding pass; lug­gage compartment; overweight; departure lounge; announcer; announce; gate; flight is boarding; delay on a flight; adverse weather conditions; voucher for refreshments; carry-on luggage.

3. Раскройте ситуации на английском языке:


1) Скажите кассиру, что вам нужен билет до Манчестера в одну сторону.

2) Скажите кассиру, что вы предпочитаете вагон для неку­рящих.


1) Спросите носильщика, с какой платформы отходит по­езд на Лондон.

2) Попросите носильщика отнести ваш большой чемодан в багажный вагон.


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Максимальное время выполнения задания 45 минут

Билет 14

Переведите текст на русский язык:

Travelling by Plane (отрывок)

Travelling by plane is much faster than travelling by train. It gives you additional comfort and saves your time.

Whenever you want to go somewhere by plane you should book a ticket (seat) on a flight (book a flight) to your destination for a certain date.

You may book a single, return or open return ticket. When booking a ticket you should mention what class you are going to travel: first, business or economy class. You may ask the booking clerk (travel agent) what time the coach leaves the air terminal for the airport and what is the latest time of checking-in at the airport.

2. Переведите с английского следующие термины:

duty-free articles; fall under customs re­strictions; duty-free quota list; exceed a fixed quota; prohibited articles list; item; permission; import (export) license; declare an check-in, register, registration form, fill in, formality, key, show up , guest, hang, key-rack, charge.shop; store; department store; suit; dress; coat; shoe; food open; close; lunch; buy; milkman; paper boy; paper girl; deliver, expensive; the best; tourist attraction; customer; food hall, "sale"; bargain; crowded; district; shopping centre; fashionable Londoners; "boutique"; cheap; goods; branch; sell; consumer goods; clothes; offer; market; shopper; jewelers; fashion; fa­shionable; on a flight; desti­nation; return ticket; open return ticket; single ticket; economy class; first class; business class; coach; air terminal; airport; check-in; checking-in; weigh; attach a label; boarding pass; lug­gage compartment; overweight; departure lounge; announcer; announce; gate; flight is boarding; delay on a flight; adverse weather conditions; voucher for refreshments; carry-on luggage.

3. Заполоните пропуски:

Whenever you want to go somewhere by plane you should ......on a flight to your destination.

2. You may take a single, open return or......ticket.

3. You may travel by first, business or......class.

4. Before boarding the plane you should......your luggage at


5. At a check-in desk you are required to have your ......


6. A uniformed clerk attaches a special......to your luggage and

gives you a.......

7. After checking-in your luggage will be put into the ......of

the plane.

8. If your luggage weighs more than allowed, you are supposed to pay for the ...... . ^.

9. The announcer will announce when and at what......your

flight is boarding.

10. It often happens that a......on a flight is due to......weather



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2.Вы можете пользоваться словарем

Максимальное время выполнения задания 45 минут

Билет 15

Переведите текст на русский язык:

Travelling by Plane (отрывок)

Before boarding the plane you should check-in (register) your luggage at a check-in desk. Here you are required to have your luggage weighed and then a uniformed clerk (attendant) attaches a special label to it and gives you a boarding pass. There is no need to worry about your luggage any longer. It will be put into the luggage compartment of the plane. If your luggage weighs more than allowed (it has overweight), you are supposed to pay for the additional weight. Then you must go through the security check where your carry-on luggage-is checked.

Then you may wait in the departure lounge.

The announcer will announce when and at what gate your flight is boarding or he/she may announce a delay on your flight. It often happens that a delay on a flight is due to adverse weather conditions. In this case you can obtain a voucher for refresh­ments. These vouchers are accepted at the cafeteria and you can have your meal free of charge till you hear the announcement that your flight is boarding.

2. Переведите с английского следующие термины:

fall under customs re­strictions; duty-free quota list; exceed a fixed quota; prohibited articles list; item; permission; import (export) license; declare an item attraction; customer; food hall, "sale"; bargain; crowded; district; shopping centre; fashionable Londoners; "boutique"; cheap; goods; branch; sell; consumer goods; clothes; offer; market; shopper; jewelers; fashion; fa­shionable; fashion hall; ticket; open return ticket; single ticket; economy class; first class; business class; coach; air terminal; airport; check-in; checking-in; weigh; attach a label; boarding pass; lug­gage compartment; overweight; departure lounge; announcer; announce; gate; flight is boarding; delay on a flight; adverse weather conditions; voucher for refreshments; carry-on luggage.

3. Заполоните пропуски:

Whenever you want to go somewhere by plane you should ......on a flight to your destination.

2. You may take a single, open return or......ticket.

3. You may travel by first, business or......class.

4. Before boarding the plane you should......your luggage at


5. At a check-in desk you are required to have your ......


6. A uniformed clerk attaches a special......to your luggage and

gives you a.......

7. After checking-in your luggage will be put into the ......of

the plane.

8. If your luggage weighs more than allowed, you are supposed to pay for the ...... . ^.

9. The announcer will announce when and at what......your

flight is boarding.

10. It often happens that a......on a flight is due to......weather



1.Внимательно прочитайте задание

2.Вы можете пользоваться словарем

Максимальное время выполнения задания 45 минут



Зам. директора по УПР


_______________ С.Л.Куракина

28.08.2015 г.



спец.40.02.01 Право и организация социального обеспечения

базовая подготовка

очная форма обучения

Рассмотрено на заседании

методической комиссии


Протокол № 1 от 28.08. 2015 г.

Председатель МК____________

Беляева ОН

Преподаватель: Раушкина А.В.
1   ...   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   ...   17


Программы подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз) по специальности спо 40. 02. 01 Право и организация социального обеспечения Преподаватель: Раушкина А. В. Содержание icon Программы подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз) по специальности спо
ПМ. 03 Ремонт и техническое обслуживание аварийно-спасательной техники и оборудования
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