Программа факультативного курса по английскому языку по программе «Одаренные дети»

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1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10

«2» = 0–10

«3» = 11–20

«4» = 21–28

«5» = 29–32

Тест 2 (Module Four: Unit 2)

Name __________________ Form _________

Date ______________

1. Fill in the table with the necessary information.

Sights/interesting places

Facts/people/events connected with







2. Complete the sentences with the right words.

1. Stonehenge is a set of _______________ rings on the empty Salisbury Plain.

It is a fantastic construction with many of the larger stones weighing 25 tons and _______________ from a location 18 miles away.

2. A popular theory of the 19th century was that the Druids, people that existed in Britain before the Roman conquest, had built Stonehenge as a _______________.

3. If Druids used Stonehenge for their ceremonies they got the site _______________.

4. Despite this, modern Druids have _______ ________ to Stonehenge and an annual ceremony takes place at Stonehenge during _______________.

5. Another mystery is how the makers moved these massive rocks for many miles, probably by _______________ them on wooden sledges.

6. The other one is that Stonehenge may have served as a “place of _______________”.

7. _______________ of graves in the area show that the remains of people buried there have signs of serious diseases or injuries.

8. A recent suggestion says that Stonehenge was probably a _______________ for people of high titles.

9. However, this place still remains a mystery and one of the most popular tourist attractions in the British Isles, and who knows, maybe in years _______________ will get the answers to all the questions raised.
Total: _______________ points

Mark: ___________________
Тест 2. Ключи


Sights/interesting places

Facts/people/events connected with


The Old Town Hall Museum, the “Smugglers’ Adventure” Museum, Fishmarket

Battle at Hastings in 1066 (between England and France); Hastings week on October 14


The Town Hall, the old Council House, the University of Birmingham

A metalworking centre, a national commercial centre


Oxford University, Oxford Brookes University, the Ashmolean Museum, the Christ Church Picture Gallery, the Museum of the History of Science

King Charles I used it as a capital in the 17th century


The Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge University, the Fitzwilliam Museum, the Folk Museum

The history dates back to Neolithic times, there used to be a Roman settlement


Ann Hathaway’s Cottage, the Holy Trinity Church, Butterfly Farm, the Insect City, the Teddy Bear Museum

William Shakespeare, the Royal Shakespeare Company


“The Beatles”, Liverpool Football Club

Max. 31 points (1 point for each correct answer)


1. Stonehenge is a set of concentric rings on the empty Salisbury Plain is one of the oldest, and certainly best preserved, megalithic structures on Earth. It is a fantastic construction with many of the larger stones weighing 25 tons and quarried from a location 18 miles away.

2. A popular theory of the 19th century was that the Druids, people that existed in Britain before the Roman conquest, had built it as a temple.

3. If Druids used Stonehenge for their ceremonies they got the site secondhand.

4. Despite this, modern Druids have laid claim to Stonehenge and an annual ceremony takes place at Stonehenge during Summer solstice.

5. Another mystery is how the makers moved these massive rocks for many miles, probably by dragging them on wooden sledges.

6. The other one is that Stonehenge may have served as a “place of healing”.

7. Excavations of graves in the area show that the remains of people buried there have signs of serious diseases or injuries.

8. A recent suggestion says that Stonehenge was probably a cemetery for people of high titles.

9. However, this place still remains a mystery and one of the most popular tourist attractions in the British Isles, and who knows, maybe in years humankind will get the answers to all the questions raised.

10 points

Критерии оценивания. Тест 2

Total 41 points

«2» = 0–10

«3» = 11–25

«4» = 26–37

«5» = 38–41

Тест 3 (Module Five: Unit 1)

Name __________________ Form _________

Date ______________

1. Cross out the names of the famous people who were/are not British.

William Shakespeare, Brad Pitt, Nicole Kidman, Queen Elizabeth II, Margaret Thatcher, Charles Dickens, Lady Gaga, Arthur Conan Doyle, Liv Tyler, Alexander Bell, Hugh Jackman, Tom Cruise, Joanne Rowling, Johnny Depp, Robert Burns, Madonna, Robbie Williams, Halle Berry, David Beckham, Sean Connery, Victoria Beckham, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Sharon Stone, Sarah Brightman, Ewan McGregor, Boris Akunin, John Fowles.

2. Fill in the table with the names from ex. 1 (the ones you haven’t crossed out) according to the categories.








3. Write the correct words by their definitions.

  1. someone who is annoying because they always think that they know everything ____________________________________________________

  2. to be to dismissed from duty or employment _________________________

  3. a large motor vehicle for transporting heavy loads _____________________

  4. a time when you begin to be successful at sth _________________________

  5. an attractive appearance of someone ________________________________

  6. a person who comes second in a competition _________________________

  7. money given to an organisation to help pay for sth ____________________

  8. a person who receives something __________________________________

Total: _______________ points

Mark: ___________________
Тест 3. Ключи


William Shakespeare, Brad Pitt, Nicole Kidman, Queen Elizabeth II, Margaret Thatcher, Charles Dickens, Lady Gaga, Arthur Conan Doyle, Liv Tyler, Alexander Bell, Hugh Jackman, Tom Cruise, Joanne Rowling, Johnny Depp, Robert Burns, Madonna, Robbie Williams, Halle Berry, David Beckham, Sean Connery, Victoria Beckham, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Sharon Stone, Sarah Brightman, Ewan McGregor, Boris Akunin, John Fowles.

11 points



Robbie Williams

Ewan McGregor


Sarah Brightman

Victoria Beckham


Andrew Lloyd Webber


William Shakespeare

Charles Dickens

Arthur Conan Doyle

Joanne Rowling

Robert Burns

John Fowles


Alexander Bell


Queen Elizabeth II

Margaret Thatcher


David Beckham

15 points


1. a know-it-all, 2. to be discharged, 3. lorry, 4. breakthrough, 5. good looks, 6. runner-up, 7. sponsorship, 8. recipient

8 points

Критерии оценивания. Тест 3

Total 34 points

«2» = 0–10

«3» = 11–20

«4» = 21–31

«5» = 32–34

Тест 4 (Module Five: Unit 2)

Name __________________ Form _________

Date ______________

1. Choose the best definition for the term “cultural diversity”.

2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box in the right form.

employment, tolerance, condition, discrimination, urge, generation, multiracial, community, right

During the Second World War many Indians were fighting for the British Army. After the War, as the economic 1. __________________ in their native country were very poor, they decided to return to Britain, as they were the citizens of the British Empire and had the 2. __________________ to live and work in the UK, and many of them even considered Britain as their native country. In the middle of the 20th century Britain had an 3. __________________ for workers, as the economy was getting stronger, so a lot of young Indians and Pakistanis came to the country to get jobs easily. The British first treated the immigrants with 4. __________________. However, the fear that the newcomers would take their places at work and the rage of the racial 5. __________________ led to passing laws and regulations concerning immigrants. In 1962 the Commonwealth Immigration Act was passed and that meant that people from Pakistan, Jamaica, Canada, Australia and some other countries, could no longer come and live in Britain unless they had jobs there. Six years later a new Act was passed, and it meant that only those people who had fathers or grandfathers born in Britain could come to the country to live there. Still the problem of racial discrimination was big. Even after the Race Relations Act was passed, it was impossible for the newcomers to get skilled professional work, as the Act didn’t cover housing or 6. __________________. Over time, they intermarried with native Britons. It would be interesting to know how many British people who consider themselves racially pure have African slave 7. __________________ back in their family. And, of course, between the wars, black seamen turned ports like Liverpool and Cardiff into 8. __________________ areas. Yet there was a tendency for the black areas of these seaports to be isolated from the rest of the city. It was possible until not so long ago to visit Liverpool for the day and not be aware it had a big black 9. __________________. For a long time, even when it was acknowledged that there were people of different racial origin within the British Isles, there was an assumption that the white race and culture was, and should, be dominant.

3. Express these sentences in English.

1. Правительство сделало беспрецедентный шаг, запретив любые публикации о политических проблемах страны. 2. Я никогда не понимала выражения «расовая чистота». Объясни мне, пожалуйста, что оно означает. 3. Я до последнего сопротивлялся новым правилам, но ничего не помогло. 4. Во многих странах мира темнокожие люди обладают одинаковыми правами с белыми. 5. В крупных западных городах есть специальные районы, где живут расовые и этнические меньшинства. Таким образом, можно сказать, что в этих городах создается действительно многокультурное общество.

4. Fill in the table with the necessary information about British class system.



Grade “A” (Upper Class)

intermediate managerial, administrative or professional occupations

Grade “C1” (Lower Middle Class)

skilled manual workers

Grade “D”

Grade “E”

the unemployed, the poor and the homeless

Критерии оценивания. Тест 1

Total 32 points
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10


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