«Еда, способы приготовления пищи, традиции питания»

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Дидактический информационный материал

по теме «Еда, способы приготовления пищи, традиции питания»

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Английский язык




цикловой комиссией лингвистических и филологических дисциплин общего гуманитарного и социально-экономического цикла

Протокол от «31» 08 2015 г. № 1

Председатель ЦК_________ /Н.И. Русанова/


Полевая Наталья Евгеньевна, преподаватель ГБПОУ РО «ВТИТБиД»

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British Meals 
(Что едят в Великобритании?)

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The first meal of the day in the morning is breakfast (usually eaten between about 7:30 and 9:00). Many British people eat toast with butter or margarine and jam (often strawberry, raspberry, apricot or blackcurrant jam), marmalade (a type of jam made from oranges) or Marmite ("Мармайт" (фирменное название питательной белковой пасты производства одноимённой компании; используется для бутербродов и приготовления приправ)) (a dark brown spread made from yeast). Melon, grapefruit or fruit cocktail are popular. Others eat a bowl of cereal; for example, cornflakes or muesli with milk, or porridge (a mixture of oats, hot milk and sugar). A traditional English breakfast (also known as a cooked breakfast or a fry-up) is a cooked meal which may contain food such as sausages, bacon, kippers (киппер, копчёная селёдка (подаётся к завтраку или ужину; обычно едят с маслом)) (herring - a type of fish - which has been covered in salt and smoked), black pudding, scrambled or fried or poached egg, mushrooms, fried tomatoes, baked beans, hash browns and toast. People sometimes eat a boiled egg, dipping (dunking) strips of toast (soldiers) into the egg yolk. A continental breakfast is a small meal and is not cooked; for example, a bread roll or croissant with cheese or ham and a cup of coffee. The most common drinks at this time of day are orange juice or a cup of breakfast tea.
Many people have a tea-break at about 11:00 in the morning (elevenses). If a meal is eaten in the late morning instead of both breakfast and lunch, it is called brunch.
Lunch (sometimes called more formally luncheon) is the meal eaten in the middle of the day (usually between about 12:30 and 2:00). Many people eat a sandwich (also known as a butty or sarnie in some parts of the UK). Some people have a simple meal such as cheese and biscuits or soup and bread. A ploughman's lunch is a traditional lunch for farmers: a bread roll, Cheddar cheese, Branston pickle and salad, perhaps with a pork pie. It is also traditional for people to go to a pub with some friends for a pub lunch and a drink.
A Sunday roast is a traditional meal eaten by a family at Sunday lunchtime; for example, roast beef with roast potatoes, parsnips (пастернак), peas, Brussels sprouts, green beans, Yorkshire pudding, bread sauce and gravy. Mint sauce or redcurrant jelly is often eaten with lamb, apple sauce with pork, and horseradish sauce (a type of mustard) with beef, cranberry sauce with turkey. Stuffing may be eaten with chicken or turkey.

Tea-time is a small meal eaten in the late afternoon (usually between about 3:30 and 5:00). People may drink tea, and often eat biscuits (American English: cookies), cakes or savoury (острое блюдо, острая закуска) foods such as sandwiches, crumpets (лепёшка, пышка (обычно неподслащённая)) or tea-cakes. Occasionally people may have a full afternoon tea or a cream tea: this includes a scone (ячменная или пшеничная лепёшка) with jam and cream (usually either whipped cream or thick clotted cream (сливочный варенец (сливки сквашиваются путем нагревания и медленного охлаждения))) as well as a selection of sandwiches and cakes.
High tea (ранний ужин с чаем) is a light meal eaten in the early evening (for example, 6 o'clock) served with a pot of tea; this is popular in north England and Scotland. Supper is the most common name for the meal eaten in the evening (usually between 7:00 and 8:30). Dinner is another common name for supper, but sometimes it is also used to refer to lunch, especially when this is the main meal of the day. A dinner party is a formal evening meal to which guests have been invited. A common type of cooked meal in Britain is meat and two veg. This is a meat dish served together on the same plate with two types of vegetable, one of which is often a type of potato. It is common to eat a dessert (also known as a pudding, or informally as afters) after the main dish.

It is increasingly popular for British people get a takeaway (готовая еда, продающаяся на вынос) or go to a restaurant instead of cooking at home, and often this is used as a chance to try different types of food. Most towns have an Indian restaurant, serving foods such as curry and chicken tikka masala. Chinese restaurants are also very common; popular dishes include sweet and sour pork and aromatic duck. Many people likeItalian pizza and pasta dishes. Fast food restaurants often serve beefburgers or fried chicken. Fish and chip shops are still popular, especially in towns by the coast. There is an old tradition of eating fish on Friday.
British people enjoy eating snacks (лёгкие закуски) between meals. These include sweets (American English: candy) and crisps (American English: chips).

14 составляющих здоровой диеты 
(14 Keys to a Healthy Diet)

Developing healthy eating habits isn't as confusing or as restrictive as many people imagine. The first principle of a healthy diet is simply to eat a wide variety of foods. This is important because different foods make different nutritional (питательный) contributions.

Secondly, fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes (бобовые) - foods high in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, low in fat, and free of cholesterol-should make up the bulk of the calories you consume. The rest should come from low-fat dairy products (молочные продукты), lean meat and poultry (птица), and fish.

You should also try to maintain a balance between calorie intake and calorie expenditure-that is, don't eat more food than your body can utilize. Otherwise, you will gain weight. The more active you are, therefore, the more you can eat and still maintain this balance.

Following these three basic steps doesn't mean that you have to give up your favorite foods. As long as your overall diet is low in fat and rich in complex carbohydrates, there is nothing wrong with an occasional cheeseburger. Just be sure to limit how frequently you eat such foods, and try to eat small portions of them.

You can also view healthy eating as an opportunity to expand your range of choices by trying foods-especially vegetables, grains, or fruits-that you don't normally eat. A healthy diet doesn't have to mean eating foods that are bland or unappealing.

The following basic guidelines are what you need to know to construct a healthy diet.

1. Limit your total fat intake. Fat should supply less than 30% of your total daily calories. Limit your intake of fat by having a semi-vegetarian diet. Choose lean meats, light-meat poultry without the skin, fish, and low-fat dairy products. In addition, cut back on vegetable oils and butter-or foods made with these-as well as on mayonnaise, salad dressings (соусы), and fried foods.

2. Limit your intake of saturated fat (насыщенный жир). This is the kind of fat, found mostly in animal products, that boosts blood cholesterol levels and has other adverse health effects. It should supply less than one-third of the calories derived from fat.

3. Keep your cholesterol (холестерин) intake below 300 milligrams per day. Cholesterol is found only in animal products, such as meats, poultry, dairy products, and egg yolks.

4. Eat foods rich in complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates should contribute at least 55% of your total daily calories. To help meet this requirement, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and six or more servings of grains (preferably whole grains) or legumes daily. This will help you obtain the 20 to 30 grams of dietary fiber you need each day, as well as provide important vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals (plant chemicals essential to good health).

5. Avoid too much sugar. Besides contributing to tooth decay, sugar is a source of "empty" calories, and many foods that are high in sugar are also high in fat.

6. Make sure to include green, orange, and yellow fruits and vegetables-such as broccoli, carrots, cantaloupe, and citrus fruits. The antioxidants and other nutrients in these foods are regarded as increasingly important in helping protect against developing certain types of cancer (рак) and other diseases. Eat five or more servings a day.

7. Maintain a moderate protein intake. Protein should make up about 12% of your total daily calories. Choose low-fat sources.

8. Eat a variety of foods. Don't try to fill your nutrient requirements by eating the same foods day in, day out. It is possible that not every essential nutrient has been identified, and so eating a wide assortment of foods helps to ensure that you will get all the necessary nutrients. In addition, this will limit your exposure to any pesticides or toxic substances that may be present in one particular food.

9. Limit your sodium intake to no more than 2,400 milligrams per day. This is equivalent to the amount of sodium in a little more than a teaspoon of salt. Cut back on your use of salt in cooking and on the table; avoid salty foods; check food labels for the inclusion of ingredients containing sodium.

10. Maintain an adequate calcium intake. Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth. Get your calcium from low-fat sources, such as skim milk and low-fat yogurt. If you can't get the optimal amount from foods, take supplements.

11. Try to get your vitamins and minerals from foods, not from supplements (with the exceptions listed below). Supplements cannot substitute for a healthy diet, which supplies nutrients and other compounds besides vitamins and minerals. Foods also provide the "synergy" that many nutrients require to be efficiently used in the body.

12. Consider taking supplements of the antioxidant vitamins E (200 to 800 IU daily) and C (250 to 500 milligrams daily). Even if you eat a healthy diet, it's unlikely you will get these amounts of E and C. Also consider taking a basic daily multivitamin/mineral supplement, especially if you are a woman of child-bearing age (who needs extra folic acid, a B vitamin) or over age 60 (because of decreased nutrient absorption by the body).

13. Maintain a desirable weight. Balance energy (calorie) intake with energy output. Eating a low-fat diet will help you maintain-or lower-your weight, as will regular exercise.

14. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation (умеренно). That is one drink a day for women, two a day for men. A drink is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 4 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof spirits. Excess alcohol consumption leads to a variety of health problems. And alcoholic beverages (напитки) can add many calories to your diet without supplying nutrients.

Как написать кулинарный рецепт (перевод статьи)

Источник: bbcgoodfood.com

Перевод А. Верновой: 

By Natalie Hardwick - Senior writer - bbcgoodfood.com

Натали Хардвик - старший писатель сайта «bbcgoodfood.com»

Want to put your favourite recipe down on paper? Our kitchen team of cookery experts have shared some of their best hints and tips for the creative process.

Хотите записать любимый рецепт? Наша кухонная команда кулинарных экспертов делится полезными советами о том, как лучше организовать этот творческий процесс.

Whether you're writing a recipe for a clippings folder, your friends or a publication, the process requires a deft and precise touch. A poorly written guide can result in wasted time, money and effort, not to mention a disappointed gaggle of hungry mouths and a touch of kitchen rage. It's something we take very seriously at BBC Good Food, which is why we triple test our recipes. It's also why our kitchen team have revealed some of their secret writing tips.

Пишете ли Вы рецепт только для того, чтобы положить его в папку с газетными вырезками, для друзей или для последующей публикации, в любом случае, для этого требуются определенные навыки и умения. Плохо написанная инструкция может привести к потере времени, денег и сил, не говоря уж о разочарованной стайке голодных ртов и приступе гнева на кухне. В редакции журнала «Би-Би-Си Гуд Фуд» (ВВС Good Food) мы очень серьезно относимся к таким вещам, именно поэтому мы трижды проверяем все кулинарные рецепты, а наша кухонная команда поделилась некоторыми своими секретами их написания.



The starting point of all recipes is a table of ingredients. Our assistant food editor, Cassie Best says that whatever time of year, seasonality is the key for achieving the most flavoursome results. She says: "When thinking of recipe ideas I tend to start with what's in season, then from this I'll think of what flavours lend themselves well to these foods."

Все рецепты начинаются со списка ингредиентов. Ассистент редактора по пищевым продуктам Кэсси Бест говорит, что независимо от времени года, «сезонность» - это ключ к достижению наивкуснейших результатов. Вот, что она говорит: «Придумывая новые рецепты, я обычно исхожу из того, какие продукты характерны для этого времени года, затем я думаю, какие вкусовые сочетания подойдут к этим продуктам».

Former BBC Good Food cookery assistant, Adam Russell says it's then good to build the recipe from a base to get the right balance of flavours. "First look at flavours that work well together as a foundation," he says. "Then experiment with their quantities to get the right balance, so that they complement instead of overpower each other."

Бывший кулинарный ассистент «Би-Би-Си Гуд Фуд» Адам Расселл говорит, что для правильного вкусового баланса следует сначала создавать основу рецепта. Он говорит: «Сначала посмотрите, какие вкусы и ароматы сочетаются друг с другом, и возьмите их за основу. Затем поэкспериментируйте с их количеством для достижения нужного баланса, так что бы они дополняли а не подавляли друг друга».

If people want a speedy and simple dish, it's best to cater for this with a short list of ingredients. Cassie says: "Don't overcomplicate things - less is more! Too many ingredients can put people off. Keep your recipes simple and try not to use ingredients if they are unnecessary."

Если люди хотят быстрое в приготовлении простое блюдо, то лучше, чтобы в его состав входило не слишком много ингредиентов. Кэсси советует: «Не усложняйте – лучше меньше, да лучше! Если ингредиентов слишком много, у человека может пропасть желание готовить такое блюдо. Возьмите простой рецепт и используйте только те ингредиенты, которые необходимы».
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