Міністерство охорони здоров’я України
Харківський НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ медичний університет

міжвузівської конференції молодих вчених та студентів
(Харків – 16-17 січня 2017 р.)
Харків - 2017
УДК 61.061.3 (043.2)
ББК 61 (063)
Медицина третього тисячоліття: Збірник тез міжвузівської конференції молодих вчених та студентів (Харків – 16-17 січня 2017 р.) Харків, 2017. – 570 с.
За редакцією професора В.М. ЛІСОВОГО
Відповідальний за випуск проф. В.В. М’ясоєдов
Затверджено вченою радою ХНМУ
Протокол № 12 від 22 грудня 2016 р.
Korolkova Anastasiia
Kharkiv National Medical University, Department of physical rehabilitation, sports medicine with a course of physical education and health, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Istomin Andrey G., MD, Professor
Introduction. Nowadays, the problem of treatment and rehabilitation of patients with gunshot fractures is wide-spread and acute theme in Ukraine. Gunshot wounds are accompanied by the defeat of surrounding tissues that required prolonged treatment because of possible complications. These specialties could be a reason of significant economical troubles in our country.
Rare actual scientific works demonstrates some aspects of complex restorative treatment of patients with gunshot fractures of low extremities' bones but there aren't any works about employment of CPM-therapy in physical rehabilitation.
The aim: to analyze the results of application of CPM-therapy in rehabilitation treatment of patients with gunshot fractures of low extremities' bones.
Materials and methods. The survey of 2 gropes was carry out. The patients had identical parameters. The first, control, group included 28 patients (35 joints) and the second, base, group included 19 ones (24 joints). During the treatment they were operated because of gunshot fractures of low extremities' bones. The course of standard rehabilitation was performed in the 1-st group. The patient of 2-nd group performed the standard rehabilitation with CPM-therapy on domestic apparatus "Legtronic". A medical examination of all groups was conducted according to common methods before, during and after treatment. The special questionnaire was composed after surveys where some individual anatomical and functional properties of joints were demonstrated. For more effective restorative treatment was created an individual plan of rehabilitation and was provided a dynamical observation. Also complex rehabilitation with domestic device consider some human's psychological features.
The development of movements using «Legtronic» conducted by the following method: 1th day after immobilization and appropriate examination - 3 times for 5-10 minutes(m.) at a minimum(min.) speed of development movements and flexion-extension corner in the joint (s) from 5 to 15 °; 2th day- 3 times for 20 m. with min. speed and volume of movements from 10 to 35°; 3th day - 3 times for 40-50 m. with min. speed and volume movements in joints from 25 to 45 °; in the following days increased frequency rate (up to 6 times per day), duration (up to 2 hours at a time) and speed of development and volume movements was adjusted to 70-90 ° (depending on the characteristics of the underlying disease and severity of pain).
The results of two groups were compared and it was developed that CPM-therapy with domestic apparatus in complex restorative treatment of patients with gunshot fractures of low extremities' bones leades to significantly shortening the rehabilitation of 28%, increases range of motion compared to the control group, with a significant decrease in pain and complications because of gunshot wounds. In addition it was noted that patients have a positive mental attitude and positive psychological attitudes.
Conclusion. The expediency and high efficiency of the developed domestic device «Legtronic» for CPM-therapy in complex restorative treatment of patients with gunshot fractures of low extremities' bones that allows it to recommend broad clinical use in orthopaedic and trauma departments, rehabilitation and health centres.
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Медицина третього тисячоліття: Збірник тез міжвузівської конференції молодих вчених та студентів (Харків – 16-17 січня 2017 р.) Харків,...
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И его здоровье
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