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Министерство транспорта Российской Федерации (Минтранс России) Федеральное агентство воздушного транспорта (Росавиация) ФГБОУ ВПО «Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет гражданской авиации» АВИАЦИОННЫЙ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Методические указания и контрольные задания Для студентов ЗФ Специализация ОРТОП Санкт-Петербург 2014 Одобрено и рекомендовано к изданию Учебно-методическим советом Университета АВИАЦИОННЫЙ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК: методические указания и контрольные задания /Университет ГА. С-Петербург, 2014 Издаются в соответствии с программой дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Предназначены для студентов 3 курса ЗФ специализации ОРТОП. Составители: К.М. Суворина, к.ф.н, профессор., Т.Б. Попова, ст.преподаватель Рецензент Т.В. Добрунова, к.ф.н, профессор. © Университет гражданской авиации, 2014 МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ УКАЗАНИЯ
а) прочитать и перевести текст б) выполнить лексические задания по тексту в) ответить на вопросы по тексту Вариант 1 Read and translate the text Radar Most air traffic control in busy airspace occurs in a radar environment. This means that the air traffic controller has a radar map of the area showing the position of the various aircraft within it, brining enormous advantages, such as:
This use of radar is known as surveillance radar. Surveillance radar, although extensively used in air traffic control, is not confined to controlled airspace. Most aeroplanes are now fitted with a secondary surveillance radar transponder, which transmits a unique signal in response to a radar signal from the ground, thereby allowing the radar controller to indentify a particular aeroplane on a radar screen. Tasks
Вариант 2 Read and translate the text Primary surveillance radar Surveillance radar is designed to give a radar controller an overview of his area of responsibility. It does not transmit pulses in all directions simultaneously, but rather as a beam, which is slowly rotated. For an aeroplane to be detected, the beam must be directed roughly towards it. If the radar controller has his radar tilted up, then it may miss lower aircraft at a distance; conversely, nearby high aeroplanes may not be detected if the tilt is down. Most radar screens are simply cathode ray tubes (CRT) that resemble circular television screens. Using the same principle as television, a beam of electrons is directed onto fluorescent coating of the CRT to provide a radar picture. Radar controllers generally have circular displays showing the position of the radar antenna in the centre, with range marks to aid in estimating distance. The radar screen is also known as a plan position indicator (PPI). The actual radar dish may be located away from the position of the radar controller, possibly on a nearby hill or tower. As the radar antenna rotates slowly, the small electron beam in the controller’s CRT also rotates, leaving a faint line or trace on the screen in a direction aligned with the direction of the antenna at that moment. Any radar return signal appears as a blip or paint at the appropriate spot on the screen. Tasks
2. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English 1) Радиолокатор кругового обзора сконструирован так, чтобы дать диспетчеру обзор всей зоны. 2) Большинство экранов локаторов представляют собой катодно-лучевую трубку. 3) Так как антенна радиолокатора медленно вращается, то и маленький пучок электронов на экране тоже вращается. 3. Answer the questions to the text
Вариант 3 Read and translate the text How radar works Radio uses the ability to transmit electromagnetic energy, in the form of radio waves, from one place to another. Radio has played a central part in the development of aviation, and radar is an important type of radio system. Waves of electromagnetic energy emanating from a radio transmitter can carry information, such as speech, music and Morse code, out into the surrounding environment. Radio receivers tuned to the same frequency can detect and use signals, often at long distances from the transmitter. Common uses for radio in aviation are:
Electromagnetic radiation can be reflected from certain surfaces. Light waves, for instance, will be reflected by the metallic coating on a mirror. Similarly, radio waves of certain frequencies will be reflected from metallic and other surfaces, with some of the radio energy returning to the point from which it was transmitted as a return echo. Other surfaces and objects, such as wood, may not cause reflection of the radio waves, which will simply pass through like X-rays pass through a body. Detection of the reflected radio waves at the point from where they were originally transmitted is known as radar. The principle of radar has been known since the mid-1930s, and was used with devastating effect during World War II (1939-45) to detect objects such as aeroplanes and measure their range. Indeed, the name radar was devised from radio detection and ranging. Tasks
2. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English 1) Радио использует возможность передачи электромагнитной энергии. 2) Волны электромагнитной энергии могут нести информацию. 3) Электромагнитное излучение может отражаться от определенных поверхностей. 3. Answer the questions to the text
Вариант 4 Read and translate the text The instrument landing system The instrument landing system is known as the ILS. It enables a suitable equipped aeroplane to make a precision approach to a particular runway. A precision approach is one in which slope guidance, as well as tracking guidance, is given. Each ILS is known by the runway it serves. The instrument landing system has three main elements:
On some ILS approaches, locator beacons may be substituted for the marker beacon(s) and, on others, a DME distance may be substituted for the outer marker. These can be used in place of marker beacons to provide the pilot with an accurate fix along the approach. There may also be a PAPI (precision path approach indicator) system to provide slope guidance during the visual stage of the approach. This and other visual information will assist the pilot to maintain a stable descent path down to the runway surface and complete the flare and finding. Tasks
2. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English 1) Система посадки по приборам дает возможность самолетам с соответствующим оборудованием совершить точный заход на посадку. 2) Курсовой радиомаяк обеспечивает наведение вдоль центральной линии взлетно-посадочной полосы. 3) Маркерный радиомаяк может быть заменен на приводной радиомаяк. 3. Answer the questions to the text
Вариант 5 Read and translate the text VHF Direction finding (VDF) Some aerodromes are equipped with radio aerials that can sense the direction of VHF-COM signals (normal voice signals) received from an aeroplane. This information is presented to the air traffic controller (usually the approach controller) as a radial line on a cathode ray tube similar to a radar screen or, with the most modern VDF equipment, as a very accurate digital readout of bearing. The controller can then give the pilot the bearing of the aircraft relative to the aerodrome. This is known as very high frequency direction finding, and is often abbreviated to VDF or VHF D/F/ An advantage of VDF is that no specific aircraft equipment is required other than a VHF-COM – normal VHF communications radio. Ground stations that are equipped to provide VDF are sometimes designated by the term homer, e.g. Shoreham Homer, which operates on the VHF communication frequency of 123,15 MHz. Whereas no special equipment is required in the aeroplane for VDF other than a VHF-COM radio, it does require a special installation at the ground station. Two typical designs for VDF aerials at aerodromes are the H-type aerial (a double-H dipole aerial in technical terms), or the Doppler-type VDF aerial. VDF ground equipment from years ago was known as a manual homer, and used an ADF-type null-seeking aerial which the operator had to rotate manually to determine the direction of the aeroplane. It also required long transmissions from the aeroplane while the operator sought the null position. Modern equipment is fully automatic. The direction of the aeroplane is displayed automatically following only a short VHF-COM transmissions from the pilot. Tasks
2. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English 1) Некоторые аэродромы оборудованы антеннами. 2) Информация передается диспетчеру в виде радиала на катодно-лучевую трубку. 3) На борту воздушного судна не требуется никакого специального оборудования для VDF. 3. Answer the questions to the text
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