5 курс 2 семестр
№ п\п
Название темы и ее содержание
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Семин (практ.)
Topic: Traveling. Holiday-making. Environmental protection (Аракин. Практический курс английского языка. 5 курс)
Reading: “Anthony in blue Alsatia” (Аракин, p. 158), Welcome to the Pole! (Landmark advanced, Student’s book p.76)
Vocabulary: Essential vocabulary (Аракин, p. 161) Word combinations Topical vocabulary (Аракин, p. 174)
Speaking: What is the best way of spending a holiday? What are advantages and inconveniences of tourism?
Respond to the following statements: air travel is exciting and presents one with an unusual view of the world. Traveling on foot is exhausting and gets you nowhere.
Выполнение упражнений, направленных на закрепление пройденного лексического материала (по учебнику Аракин «Практический курс английского языка», 5 курс).
Контрольная работа по лексическому материалу.
Listening: Broadcast notes (Advanced Masterclass, Student’s book p. 63 Ex. 1,2,3), Different ways of getting around (Advanced Masterclass, Student’s book p. 99), Short documentary report (Landmark advanced, Student’s book p. 74)
Writing: Guidebook entry (Advanced Masterclass, Student’s book p. 105-106)
Communicative strategies: Tactics of tentative and direct attack: making, accepting, rejecting suggestions, ending conversations (Landmark Upper-Intermediate, Student’s book p. 91-92)
27 часов
25 часов
Topic: Generation gap (Аракин. Практический курс английского языка. 5 курс)
Reading: “Angel pavement” (Аракин, p. 192), Childhood is certainly not the happiest time of your life (Аракин, p. 210), These children are taught to survive (Advanced Masterclass, Student’s book p. 62), Escape from the family hothouse (Landmark Advanced, Student’s book p. 58-59)
Vocabulary: Essential vocabulary (Аракин, p. 194), word combinations and phrases (Аракин, p. 196), topical vocabulary (Аракин, p. 205)
Speaking: What are the problems of the young: low incomes, housing problems, lack of entertainments? The generation gap: myth or reality?
Agree or disagree with the statements: 1. The young do not seek responsibility: they evade it. 2. They want expensive clothes, cars, etc. without working for them. 3. The young should be grateful to the older generation. 4. Appearance of many young people is unpleasant: too long unkempt hair, dirty clothes, unwashed
Выполнение упражнений, направленных на закрепление пройденного лексического материала (по учебнику Аракин «Практический курс английского языка», 5 курс).
Контрольная работа по лексическому материалу.
Listening: Families at war (Landmark Advanced, Student’s book p. 100)
Writing: A memory about your childhood
Communicative strategies: Tactics of persuasion: persuading someone not to do something, making generalizations (Landmark Upper-Intermediate, Student’s book p. 71-72)
27 часов
25 часов
Самостоятельная работа студентов
Методические рекомендации
Самостоятельная работа студентов включает следующие виды работ:
- выполнение лексических упражнений по заданным темам;
- выучивание новых лексических единиц и грамматических правил;
- подготовка презентации книги
- подготовка сообщений по заданным темам;
- подготовку и выступление на студенческих научных конференциях;
- работу с англо-русским, русско-английским словарями, справочными материалами, прочими рабочими источниками информации;
- подготовку к сдаче зачета и экзамена
- подготовка и участие в «Круглом столе», «Диспуте» или деловой игре на тему: .... и т.д.;
- составление кроссворда, а также выполнение других творческих заданий по заданным темам;
По результатам осуществления СРС применяются следующие виды контроля:
текущий контроль (опрос, текущие тесты, письменные работы, устные опросы, обсуждения, дискуссии)
защита выполненных творческих работ.
Примерные задания для самостоятельной работы студентов
Методические указания
Презентация книги
В целях повышения эффективности изучаемой дисциплины студент может выбрать любую книгу из предложенного преподавателем списка, для подготовки ее презентации и анализа. При домашней подготовке презентации студент должен решить следующие задачи:
- прочитать книгу в оригинале (не менее 100 страниц печатного текста)
- рассказать биографию автора
- выписать незнакомые слова и выражения в количестве не менее 50 единиц и выучить их
- составить тематический словарь по книге и сделать анализ стиля автора
- составить 10 вопросов по содержанию книги
- представить основные темы и конфликты книги
- проанализировать образы героев
- рассказать о символах и о способах построения композиции
Список книг:
5 курс:
Любой роман Ч. Диккенса
У. Теккерей «Ярмарка тщеславия»
Ш. Бронте «Джейн Эйр»
Д. Голсуорси любой роман из «Саги о Форсайтах»
5 любых рассказов о Шерлоке Холмсе А.К. Дойля
Дж. Оруэлл «Скотный двор»
Любая пьеса Б. Шоу.
Г. Уэллс. 1 роман на выбор
Дж. Фаулз. 1 роман на выбор
М. Твен «Приключения Тома Сойера», «Приключения Геккельберри Финна» (1 роман на выбор)
Т. Драйзер «Сестра Кэрри», «Американская трагедия» (1 роман на выбор)
Э. Хемингуэй «Прощай оружие» (Любой роман)
Дж. Барнс «История мира в 10 1\2 главах»
И. Макъюэн. 1 роман на выбор
Дж. Апдайк. 1 роман на выбор
Доклад и сообщение
В целях повышения эффективности изучаемой дисциплины студент может выбрать любую тему из предложенного преподавателем списка, для подготовки доклада по исследуемой проблеме. При домашней подготовке доклада студент должен решить следующие задачи:
- обосновать актуальность и значимость темы;
- ознакомиться с литературой и сделать её анализ;
- собрать необходимый материал для исследования;
- провести систематизацию и анализ собранных данных;
- изложить свою точку зрения по дискуссионным вопросам по теме исследования;
- по результатам полученных данных сделать выводы.
Доклад или сообщение должны быть оформлены, напечатаны, пописаны и сданы преподавателю.
3 курс
Find information about J. Constable and his paintings
Find information about W. Turner and his paintings
Find information about J. Reynolds and his paintings
Find information about Th. Gainsborough and his paintings
Find information about Gothic style in Great Britain
Find information about Romanesque style in Great Britain
Find information about The Tower of London
Find information about S. Paul’s’ Cathedral
Find information about Westminster Abbey
4 курс
Find information about court system in the USA
Find information about court system in Great Britain
Find information about translator training in the USA or Great Britain
Speak about the difference in secondary and high education in Russia, Great Britain and the USA
Present your favourite writer
The development of music in the multinational countries (Russia, the USA, Canada)
Music of the 30-40-s
Contemporary music; different styles
Russian music of the 18th and 19th centuries
Television in the USA: 1) news programmes 2) educational programmes 3) children’s programmes 4) entertaining programmes
5 курс
Find information about the main genres of the theatre: drama, tragedy, comedy, farce, melodrama, opera, musical comedy, musical, ballet, variety-show
Define the main genres of literature. What is characteristic of them? (novel, poem, fairy tale etc.)
Письмо и эссе
При составлении письма или эссе студент должен решить следующие задачи:
- знать правила написания и оформления письма (разных видов: формальное письмо, письмо другу, письмо на работу и т.д.)
- использовать соответствующий лексический и грамматический материал
- обосновать актуальность проблемы или цель письма
- соблюдать логичность высказывания
- четко ответить на поставленный вопрос
- четко изложить свою позицию
- сделать выводы
Написать письмо:
Informal letter, formal letter, letter of application, letter of request, letter, of invitation, letter of apology, formal e-mail, notice, announcement, advertisement, interview, review, report, an article for a newspaper or a magazine и т.д. (3,4,5 курсы)
Темы эссе:
3 курс
Write a composition on the following aphorism taken from the novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by O. Wilde
Art is always more abstract than we fancy. Form and colour tell us of form and colour that is all. It often seems to me that art conceals the artist far more completely than it ever reveals it. (Chapter 10)
Nowadays all the married men live like bachelors and all the bachelors like married men.
Life is a great disappointment. (Chapter 15)
What of art? It is a malady. Love? An illusion .. Religion? The fashionable substitute for belief. Skepticism is the beginning of faith. What are you? To define is to limit. (Chapter 16)
Knowledge would be fatal. It is the uncertainty that charms one. A mist makes things wonderful. (Chapter 17)
Art has no influence upon action. It annihilates the desire to act. It is superbly sterile. The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame. (Chapter 19)
Life is a question of nerves, and fibres, and slowly built-up cells in which thought hides itself and passion has its dreams. (Chapter 19)
The tragedy of old age is not that one is old, but that one is young. (Chapter 19)
Anything becomes a pleasure if one does it too often. That is one of the most important secrets of life. (Chapter 16)
Each man lived his own life and paid his own price for living it. The only pity was one had to pay so often for a single fault. One had to pay over and over again, indeed. In her dealings with man Destiny never closed her accounts. (Chapter 16)
4 курс
Education for national minorities. The problem of bilinguism in the USA and Russia.
The principal tasks of higher education
100 ways to avoid studying
If you do not learn to think when you are young, you may never learn.
Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life.
Genius is 1 per cent inspiration and 99 per cent perspiration.
Education isn’t play and it can’t be made to look like play. It’s hard work but it can be made interesting work.
Problems in higher education in the USA and in Russia.
Law is developing, isn’t’ it?
What do you think is the most appropriate way for society to encourage good behaviour?
Summarize the arguments for not allowing young children to stay with their mothers in prison.
Some people prefer only classical music and find contemporary music to be cocaphony.
A man who was happy
How a piece of advice changed my life
There is no point in making students repeat a school year if they fail their exams.
Should students be judged only by their results in end-of-year exams?
Family traditions in the urban communities and in the country.
The continuity of folk tradition in modern world (pros and cons)
The advantages and problems of multinational states for the development of national traditions.
5 курс
You must run very fast to stay where you are.
The more you do the more you can do.
What is a play?
Acting is basically entertainment, the actor isn't there to instruct, he's there to amuse.
Interview a teacher, a schoolchild and your group mates on the question of "what makes a good teacher". Then write an article based on your survey for a newspaper or a popular magazine.
Imagine that you are a successful, popular writer. You sell well your fame is unanimous. Give tips to young writers on how to write a bestseller.
Choose a book that you'd like to be made into a film Imagine that you are the director of the future film. Cast the actors for the main parts the place where the film will be shot, adapt the plot. Make the presentation of your scenario in class.
Write the review of the last theatre performance you saw. Write about the play itself, the directing the choice of the cast, the setting etc, whether you recommend your group mates to see it or not.
Travel as I see it.
Tourism as organized travelling: advantages and inconveniences.
Диалог и монолог:
- знать необходимый лексический материл для говорения на заданную тему
- составить краткий план монолога
- знать грамматические конструкции, речевые образцы для правильного оформления высказывания
- владеть разными видами дискурса: характеристикой, определением, объяснением, сравнением, оценкой, интерпретацией, комментированием, резюме, аргументацией и их сочетанием
- владеть навыками построения беседы, интервью
- обосновать актуальность темы
Задания на диалог:
3 курс
Get your fellow-student to give you information about his \ her favourite museum. Try to get as many details as you can.
One of you has recently returned from England. The other is questioning him \ her on the impressions of the National Gallery/ the Tate Gallery.
One of your flat-mates (room-mates) is always listening to records of opera on your hi-fi. Last night it woke you up at 2 a. m. You hate opera. Also, he/she never does his/her share of the washing-up and cleaning. Tell your friend how angry you are.
Your friend is late and in a bad temper. Find out what's the matter and try to calm him/her down.
You have a toothache. And a headache. It's Sunday. And it's pouring with rain. And your girlfriend/boyfriend has left you. You had an argument and she/he left the city and you can't contact her/him to make it up. Tell your friend about it.
This time it's your friend who's depressed. Ask what's wrong and listen sympathetically. Try to cheer your friend up. Perhaps offer some advice or suggest something to take your friend's mind off his/her problems. When your friend seems happier discuss what you did with the rest of the class.
You feel fine today. It's a sunny day and you're enjoying yourself. Your friend doesn't seem so cheerful, though. Find out what the matter is and be sympathetic.
Try to interest your friend in these plans: going to the cinema; spending some time studying together; reading a good book you've just read; helping you with some shopping; watching TV this evening; going to a museum. When you have succeeded in arousing his/her interest, discuss what you did with the rest of the class.
Listen to your friend's ideas and pretend to be indifferent. All your partner's plans seem really boring to you. Even talking to other people in the class bores you to death.
Discuss your ideal partners: what features you would appreciate in a wife / husband?
4 курс
Discuss examinations in Russia and England and the USA.
Formal versus informal teaching
Exams are not an accurate measure of a person’s ability.
A mixture of exams and coursework is a good idea.
What is an intelligent person?
Teacher and a pupil: norms of behaviour.
The stricter the punishment, the lesser the crime rate, or is it?
What do you think is the effect of punishment on people who have committed crimes?
Read through a list of punishments which are used in various countries for different types of crime. Discuss what sort of crimes you think they are most appropriate for. Are there any that should never be used? Punishments: solitary confinement, community service, imprisonment, hard labour, fines, corporal punishment, death penalty, life imprisonment, suspended sentence, probation.
Are there any crimes in your country that receive a great deal of media attention?
Can you think of any crimes that are seen as less serious than they were in the past?
“No furniture is so charming as books, even if you never open them and read a single word” (Sydney Smith)
There is an art of reading as well as an art of thinking and an art of writing. Isaac D’Israeli.
Reading to the mind is what exercise to the body.
All books are divided into two classes: the books of the hour and the books of all time.
There is only one way to come to understand music by learning to play a musical instrument whether an external one like the piano or flute or by training the human voice to become an instrument.
Music can be used as the lines of communication between people.
What happens to family life as a result f family members’ involvement with television?
What are the possible future achievements of TV?
National customs and traditions have been historically associated with seasonal changes of the year. The celebration of the magic force of the first day can be seen in the pagan tradition of marking the first day of winter, spring, having festivals in honour of natural forces - the Sun, the Moon (e. g. Sunday, Monday). Pancake Day (Maslyanitsa) in Russia dates back to the ancient Slavic tradition of saying farewell to winter and welcoming spring by singing, dancing, burning the straw effigy of Maslyanitsa and eating pancakes, which represent little images of the Sun.
Do you know about any other folk holidays marking the seasonal changes? What is the role of such holidays in the cultural development of a nation and in securing the continuity of national customs and traditions?
Celebrations like Olympic Games, Youth Festivals, Neighbourhood Festivals, Russian Winter festival, etc. have appeared only recently. Some of them have obviously roots in the cultural heritage of the peoples, others emphasize the modern problems and aims.
What in your opinion is the cultural, political (emotional, moral, psychological, etc.) impact and message of such new festivities for the younger generation?
Some young people refuse to observe the old rituals and have a wedding party considering it a terrible nuisance and a waste of money. What is your idea of celebrating a wedding? Should the old customs and traditions be observed or should it be held in an absolutely new manner?
A school teacher is sure to take part in organizing celebrations of different kinds. What do you think a school teacher's opinion should be on the role holidays, traditions and rituals play in the education and character-shaping of the younger generation?
You may remember or know, that decorating a New Year tree was considered to be a superstition in the twenties in Soviet Russia. How do you account for that attitude and what in fact is the meaning of the New Year tree to children and adults?
What part do you think the national cuisine plays in the celebration of different holidays and festivals? Can you describe some Russian (or English, French, German, etc.) special dishes associated particularly with celebrations?
5 курс
Discuss the values and attitudes of young people, compare with the same things of older people.
What is reading after all? A source of information? A refuge for the lonely? A pastime? Say what reading is to you after all.
Are there books that you can read twice, that would remain a source of permanent enrichment to you? If so, what books could you name among them?
Though the habit of reading is justly called "the most delightful habit in the world", there are people who buy books with jackets to match their wallpaper or draperies. Do you think such people really own books? What kind of person do you think can be called a true owner of books?
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
"No reading is worthwhile unless you enjoy it." (S. Maugham)
"Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested." (F. Bacon)
Video and cinema. The effect of the future availability of video productions on the cinema.
Video and television.
Video and book-reading.
The actor should convey to the audience his own vision of his part and not what he thinks they expect from him.
Acting is an art.
Acting consists in communication.
The actor must always be himself. Acting has nothing to do with imitation. The actor is not supposed to adjust himself to every new role.
Stage acting is a lost art; it has been ruined by films and TV.
Modern ways of travel.
Environmental protection as a crucial problem of today.
The best way to spend a holiday.
The educational value of travelling.
Love of nature as an essential part of a child's upbringing.
Задания на монолог:
3 курс
The devil is not so black as he is painted.
What is the style? What techniques and materials did the artist use?
How would you explain the fact that, historically speaking, there are more prominent men than women in the arts?
Your favourite traits of character in a person.
The traits of character you detest.
Your own chief characteristics.
What traits of character are required to make a good interpreter or a translator?
Is the appreciation of pictures a special faculty which only a few can possess?
A great painting enriches our experience of life, just as a great poem does of a great musical composition.
"Aesthetic effects" make art especially engaging and illuminating.
What are the essential factors that help to mould a person's character?
What are the ways and means by which a person's character is revealed and estimated?
What role does natural environment play in our life?
4 курс
The advantages of mixed schools
Students should share the responsibilities in a university and enjoy equal rights with the faculty. The vital question is to what extent and in what ways?
We should publicize the names of criminals so as to deter other people from committing crimes.
The most painful time is adolescence with intense feelings, lack of confidence and rebellion against authority.
Children are not supposed to have their own opinion, but if they do, the adults should ignore them.
There is never a problem child, there are only problem parents.
Novel appeals in the same way that a portrait does – through the richness of its human content.
The classics are boring.
The classics never die.
Media produce more negative effects than positive.
Media form distorted representation of the world.
Internet is the best source of information.
No power can destroy national traditions which are rooted in centuries of history.
Short visits to foreign countries are more likely to mislead than to educate.
Folk traditions should be preserved in modern world.
Multinationalism may result in extinction of national traditions.
Divorce is morally wrong and marriage should be preserved at all costs.
However good recorded music might b, it can never really take the place of a live performance. To be present at an actual performance is half the enjoyment of music.
Marriage restricts freedom.
The most painful time is adolescence with intense feelings, lack of confidence and rebellion against authority.
The variety of holidays and festivals in all social communities is determined by the diversity of their characters. One can talk about international, national, political, cultural, religious, ethnic, etc. holidays. Please, give examples of these holidays and say which of them is your favourite and why.
The origin of May Day as the international day of working class solidarity can be traced back to the end of the 19th century. After the brutal suppression of demonstrations for the eight hour working day in the US on May 1, 1886, American trade unions and the Socialist International decided in 1889 to hold such demonstrations everywhere. Since then, May Day has been the symbol of the working class unity. Do you happen to know that May Day is not a public holiday in many countries? Can you speak about the attitude to May Day in Russia now?
There is no need to deny that the celebrations of the International Women's Day have acquired new features and developed modern customs in the course of time. Do you approve of these new customs? How will you explain them to your British or American friend emphasizing its difference from Mother's Day in their countries?
5 курс
Literature is the art of writing something that will be read twice; journalism - what will be read once. (Cyril Connolly)
Better to write for yourself and have no public than to write for the public and have no self. (Cyril Connolly)
Editor: a person employed by a newspaper whose business it is to separate the wheat from the chaff, and to see that the chaff is printed. (Elbert Hubbard)
There is no finer investment for any community than putting milk into babies.
Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have (Sir Winston Churchill)
Classic music is the kind that we keep thinking will turn into a tune (Frank McKinney Hubbard)
Early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy and wealthy and dead (Hunter S. Thompson)
Neurosis is the way of avoiding non-being by avoiding being. (Paul Tillich)
A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read. (Mark Twain)
Marriage is the waste-paper basket of the emotions. (Jane Austin)
I need to make a comedy is a park, a policeman and a pretty girl. (Sir Charlie Chaplin)
A man travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it. (George Moore)
To live for a time close to great minds is the best kind of education. (John Buchan)
Education has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading, an easy prey to sensations and cheap appeals. (G.M. Trvelyan)
Truth is the most valuable thing we possess. Let us economize it. (Mart Twain)
Good breeding consists in concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person. (Mark Twain)
Movies should have a beginning, a middle and an end. - Certainly, but not necessarily in that order. (Jean-Luc Godard)
Television has brought back murder into the home - where it belongs. (Alfred Hitchhock)
It's not the voting that's democracy, it's the counting. (Tom Stoppard)
The poet is the priest of invisible. (Wallace Stevens)
All men are creative but few are artists. (Paul Goodman)
Why should people go out and pay to see bad movies when they can stay at home and see bad television for nothing? (Sam Golwyn)
Law is a reflection and a source of prejudice. It both enforces and suggests forms of bias. (Diane B. Schulder)
We all know is the most powerful of schools for imagination. No poet ever interpreted nature as freely as a lawyer interprets the truth. (Jean Giraudoux)
Good music is that which penetrates the ear with facility and quits the memory with difficulty. (Sir Thomas Beecham)
A musicologist is a man who can read music but can't hear it. (Sir Thomas Beecham)
The desire to take medicine is perhaps the greatest feature that distinguishes man from animals. (Sir William Osier)
To talk of illnesses is a sort of Arabian Nights entertainment. (Sir William Osier)
In Examination those who do not wish to know ask questions of those who cannot tell. (Sir Walter Raleigh)
Children begin by loving their parents. After a time they judge them. Rarely, if ever do they forgive them. (Oscar Wilde)
The actor and the problems of play-acting.
Dialogue. Its role in the play.
Scenery and music. Their role in the play.
- знать необходимый лексический материл для говорения на заданную тему
- собрать фактический материал по теме
- владеть разными видами дискурса: характеристикой, определением, объяснением, сравнением, оценкой, интерпретацией, комментированием, резюме, аргументацией и их сочетанием.
3 курс
The main pollutants in our world
What can you, on the personal level, do to protect our nature?
Negative feelings seem to change character with intensity.
Emotions are perfectly permissible signs of the healthy body’s response to distress.
Who has never tasted bitter, knows not what is sweet.
Art is long, life is short?
Do you support the idea of building a nuclear station in Tatarstan?
The measures taken by the government to control environmental pollution
The curse of motor cars
Do you consider yourself to be a person of artistic taste? Is it necessary to develop this trait?
The main ecological problems we face now.
What do you consider to be a genuine art?
The exhibition of my favourite painter
Describe the picture offered by the teacher.
4 курс
Describe common rules of legal procedure. How often do you think people in Russia and the U.S. get a square deal?
Courts of the 22nd century: types, participants, a court-room.
Offences: which one(s) do you think is (are) the most serious? How should it (they) be tried? What punishment would you suggest? Explain.
How does the U.S. court system support justice? Describe different types of courts and responsibilities of people who participate in legal procedures.
Penalties and sentences: the easiest and the heaviest ones. What are they given for? Your attitude to the capital punishment.
Higher education. Where do you think it is easier to get it - in Russia or the USA? Explain. Consider such aspects as the range of academic programs, grade system, tests, financing issues.
Financing your education in Russia and the U.S. Compare. Do you think getting higher education should be free and why?
Find advantages and disadvantages of higher education systems in Russia and the U.S. Which one would you prefer and why?
University of the 22 century: structure, academic calendar and programs, grading and test systems.
Being a student involves solving certain problems and overcoming some difficulties. What are they? Compare Russian and American students' lifestyles. Consider educational structure, academic calendar, testing and grading systems
Library system (facilities, procedures, etc).
Talk about one of the musical genres styles.
Talk about any musician, musical band, composer, soloist or orchestra. Mention choice of musical style, forms, rhythms, instruments, etc.
Give your impression of a concert (recital) you have recently attended (Mention musical genres/forms, instruments, equipment.)
Well-known writers were once unknown. They wrote books to become popular.
What is appreciated in every literary work?
What does the reputation of the authors rest upon?
Staying with your friends in Georgia, you discuss the customs and traditions of a national holiday with your host/ hostess.
Be a host/hostess to a guest from Britain or the USA and discuss the beauty of Russian folk tradition in festivals. Point out the revival of traditions.
Exchange opinions with your partner on the multinational character of our society and the advantages of enrichment for the various traditions in the multinational situations.
5 курс
To some people reading is a relaxation as to other people a game of cards, for example. Do you belong to such kind of readers? If so, what authors and books do you prefer for this sort of easy reading?
Do you read all books from cover to cover? In general, are you a good or a poor «skipper» that is, are you a fast or a slow reader? How fast do you read?
Think about the relationships between young and old people in your country. In what was has there been a move away from the values and interests of the older generation?
Television vs. cinema
Video: is it a blessing or a curse?
The problem of controlling video production, the ways of preventing children from seeing scenes of depravity, filth and horror.
Video as a force for social interaction, education and propaganda.
Why do people go to the theatre?
What is a play? Amusement? Instruction? Just a story enacted on the stage?
The educational role of the theatre.
The theatre versus films and TV.
Travelling at high speeds is a means, not an end.
It is also a pleasure in itself.
Air travel is exciting and presents one with an unusual view of the world.
Sea travel in a modern ship is a wonderful holiday: one never gets tired of the view of the sea.
Twentieth-century methods of travel are practical and laborsaving.
It is foolish to climb a mountain when one can get to the top by a cable-railway or in a car.
Travelling on foot is exhausting and gets you nowhere.
If one wants to see the palaces and cathedrals of Petersburg or Rome, the mosques of Samarkand or Istanbul, is one supposed to go there on foot?
If we depended on our legs alone, we would be isolated from the splendour of the world.
A good long walk is a fine pastime, but why to call it "travel"?
Modern means of travel extend and not replace the use of our legs.
A Russian national hero of the war of 1812.
A play by B. Shaw on Russian stage.
Is it a vital necessity to protect natural environment from destruction and pollution today?
What do you know about the measures taken to control environmental pollution and to fight destruction of wildlife?
Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. (O. Wilde)
The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves through their lives. (R. M. Hutchins)
Экзаменационные билеты и задания
2 курс
Card # 1
1. Retell the following extract from the text.
2. Answer two questions
Вопросы для подготовки к экзамену 2 курс 2 семестр
1. Retell the following extract from the text (from the book Моэм У.С. Театр: книга для чтения на английском языке. – СПб.: КОРОНА принт, КАРО, 2006. – 384 с.)
Text # 1 pp. 74-75
Text # 2 pp.94-95
Text # 3 pp.112-113
Text # 4 pp. 182-185
Text # 5 pp. 214-215
2. Answer two questions
What did Julia think of Tom Fennel at the beginning of their acquaintance?
What detail spoiled Michael's appearance?
Why did Julia look at Tom with her so called "velvet look"?
What event encouraged Julia to look at her old photographs?
Why did Julia refuse to take part costume plays?
What roles did Michael start with?
What made Michael so popular in a few years?
Is there any difference for stage between being natural and seeming to be natural?
Who helped Julia learn about the arts?
What were the working conditions for Julia suggested by Jimmie Langton?
What did Michael present to Julia for her birthday?
What would be helpful first in order to gain success in London?
What did Michael propose to Julia when they were at Michael's parents' house?
What decision did Julia make about the way of behaving with Michael?
What trick did Jimmie play with American manager?
How did Julia make Jimmie convince her that he had not set up a trap for Michael to keep her in his theatre?
What did Jimmie advice Julia to force Michael to make love to her?
What did Michael do to turn his practical mind to thoughts' of love?
Which part of society did Michael accept naturally during the War?
Why did Julia tell Michael that they would be going to sleep separately? Give a true reason.
Why did Michael and Julia fail to start their own business with seven thousands?
What was a real cause of Dolly's interest of Julia?
Was Dolly finally involved into the theatre business?
What did Julia try to hide from Michael? Recall several things.
What did Michael make savings on?
Why did Michael and Julia finally decide to get rid directors of theatres?
What expenses did Julia and Michael share together?
Was Michael honest to Julia with her salary?
What obsession did Michael seize when he became old?
What did Julia usually do after lunch?
What was Julia's reaction on flowers presented by someone called Tomas Fennel?
What was Julia's true feeling for the popular ladies and gentlemen?
How was Julia always dressed up?
What happened when Julia came to look out of Tom's window?
How did Julia feel herself after having sex with Tom?
Do you think that Julia made a right decision to offer Tom the money for servants' tips?
Did Julia manage to induce Tom to see her again after that?
Why did not Dolly believe Julia had not a lover?
Whom did Dolly finally decide to talk to about Julia's cheating?
Why did not Dolly confess to Michael that she suspected Julia in having a love affair?
What does 'heigh-ho' mean?
What experiment did Julia decide to make to convince herself that she had a sex appeal?
What important matter Julia wanted to discuss with Roger?
What was Roger's true opinion about his mother?
What did Julia order at the restaurant after the premiere?
3 курс
Card # 1
1. Do lexical exercises with the words from the book Variant # 1
2. Retell the text # 8 from “The Catcher in the Rye”
Вопросы для подготовки к экзамену (1 семестр)
1. Do lexical exercises with the words from the book
Variant 1
1. Give synonyms to the word moron (minimum 5)
2. Match the beginning of the word combination with its end
To chew
to shoot
give smb
to horse
the bull
the rag
the ceiling
a feel
3. Make as many family words as possible from the word use (minimum 5)
4. Make your sentences with these words and phrases: jerk, to puke, to crack one’s brains, slobber, snappy.
5. Guess the secret words: f_i_t_ m_b w_ _ re
6. Write as many word combinations with the word ‘pants’ as you can remember
7. Translate these sentences: 1) Убирайся отсюда вон к чертовой матери 2) Он завалил ее на выпускных экзаменах. 3) Он того, у него крыша поехала
Variant 2
1. Give antonyms to the word combination lousy (minimum 5)
2. Match the beginning of the word combination with its end
To have
To get
Someone the ax
A word in edgeways
as a tack
the pants off
one’s head
3. Make as many family words as possible from the word predict (minimum 5)
4. Make your sentences with these words and phrases: fiend, booze, stink, to be in the sack, dough.
5. Guess the secret words: h_l_u_ a sc_ _ _b_ _l ch_ s_ _
6. Write as many word combinations with the word ‘screw’ as you can remember
7. Translate these sentences: 1) Ее красота ошеломила всех мужчин в комнате. 2) Его речь звучала неубедительно 3) Они не дали нам достоверную информацию. Нас обманули.
Variant 3
1. Give synonyms to the word phony (as noun) (minimum 5)
2. Match the beginning of the word combination with its end
Screw up
By the seat
For the birds
Of the pants
One’s brains reel
One’s eyes
The blues
3. Make as many family words as possible from the word discuss (minimum 5)
4. Make your sentences with these words and phrases: swell, mushy, sore, yellow, fuck around
5. Guess the secret words: in_e_i_ _ ity c_ m_ _ ex s _ a _ ky
6. Write as many word combinations with the word ‘brain’ as you can remember
7. Translate these sentences: 1) Она позволила мне чуть-чуть пощупать себя. 2) Моя первая мысль была, что я совсем спятил. 3) В чем дело, что происходит?
Variant 4
1. Give synonyms to the word crumby (minimum 5)
2. Match the beginning of the word combination with its end
To pick
Shack up
Not to give
A darn
one’s brains
3. Make as many family words as possible from the word produce (minimum 5)
4. Make your sentences with these words and phrases: to horn in, to get buzz, horny, stark naked, goner.
5. Guess the secret words: o _ _ les r_c_ et s _ a _ _ y
6. Write as many word combinations with the word ‘blue’ as you can remember
7. Translate these sentences: 1) Как, черт возьми, это туда попало? 2) Вид у них был не совсем, как у гомиков. 3) Какой ужасный шум!
Variant 5
1. Give antonyms to the word dopy (minimum 5)
2. Match the beginning of the word combination with its end
Give smb.
To be in
A buzz
the blues
the sack
3. Make as many family words as possible from the word