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Задания на поиск детальной информации в тексте Прочитайте текст и выполните задания, обводя букву A, B, C или D, соответствующую ответу, который вам кажется наиболее верным: I. YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK A national park is a large piece of land. In the park animals are free to come and go. Trees and plants grow everywhere. People go to a national park to enjoy nature. Many people stay in campgrounds in national parks. They sleep in tents and cook their food over campfires. They also walk on trails or paths in the parks. On a gate at the entrance of Yellowstone, a sign says, “For the Benefit and Enjoyment of the People”. Yellowstone is the world’s oldest national park. It became a national park in 1872. It is also the world’s largest park. It covers parts of the states of Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. Yellowstone is two-and-a-half times the size of the smallest state, Rhode Island. Yellowstone is famous for its geysers. These holes in the ground shoot hot water into the air. There are about seventy geysers in the park. The most famous is Old Faithful. About every hour Old Faithful shoots hot water hundreds of feet into the air. Two-and-a-half million people visit this beautiful park each year. Park rangers give information to visitors. They also take care of the park. They tell visitors not to pick the flowers. They also tell them not to feed or hunt the animals. (210) 1. People go to a national park to enjoy ….
2. The sign says, “For the ….”
3. Yellowstone is famous for its ….
4. Park rangers …. of the park.
5. Yellowstone is two-and-a-half times the size of ….
6. Geysers shoot hot water into the ….
7. The most famous geyser is ….
8. Park rangers give …. to visitors.
II. LOST DOGS The debatable question as to whether lost dogs have the mysterious power of being able to get back home from distant places has been argued for years by dog owners, dog haters, and other persons who really do not know much about the matter. Professor Evans flatly sides with the latter, with those who believe that the lost dog doesn’t have any more idea where he is than a baby in the woods. “Like pigeons”, he writes, “dogs are thought to have a supernatural ability to find their way home across hundreds, even thousands, of miles of strange terrain. The newspapers are full of stories of dogs that have miraculously turned up at the doorsteps of baffled masters who had abandoned them afar. Against these stories, however, can be set the lost and found columns of the same papers, which in almost every issue carry offers of rewards for the recovery of dogs that, apparently, couldn’t find their way back from the next block”. If this reasoning were applied to the thousands of men who disappear from their homes every year, it would be too easy an explanation for man or beast. Prince, the dog, has just as many reasons for getting and staying out as George, the husband: an attractive female, merry companions, change of routine, words of praise, small attentions, new horizons, an easing of discipline. The dog that does not come home as well as the one that does is a large field of research for the inquisitive mind, and scepticism in such matters is scarcely a method of investigation. (Word count: 263) 1. Who does not question the mysterious powers of lost dogs?
2. Who has no ability to get back home from distant places?
3. In his writings professor Evans expresses a point of view of …
4. Advertisements about lost dogs cannot be found ….
5. What reasons could dogs have for not returning home?
6. Which statement is not true?
III. CULTURE SHOCK Specialists in intercultural studies say that it is not easy to get used to life in a new culture. They call the feelings which people experience when they come to a new life culture shock. There are three stages of culture shock. In the first stage the newcomers like their new life. Then the newness wears off. They begin to hate the city, the country, the people and everything else in the new culture. In the final stage of culture shock, the newcomers begin to get used to their new life and enjoy it. Some of the factors in culture shock are obvious. May be the weather is unpleasant. Perhaps the customs are different. Perhaps the public service systems such as telephone, post office or transportation are difficult to understand. The language may be difficult. The food may seem strange to you. If you don't look similar to the natives, you may feel strange. You may feel like everyone is watching you. In fact you are always watching yourself. Who experiences culture shock? Everyone does in some form or another. But culture shock comes as a surprise to most people. The people with the worst culture shock are those who never had any difficulties in their own countries. They were active and successful in their community. They had hobbies or pastimes which they enjoyed. When they come to a new country, they do not have the same hobbies and positions. They find themselves without a role and must build a new self-image. People begin suffering homesickness, imagined illness or even paranoia (unreasonable fear). When people suffer from cultural shock they want to protect themselves from unfamiliar life. They have the sense of security in their room or apartment, but it does not solve the problem of cultural shock. Only familiarity and experience are solutions of culture shock. (306) 1. Specialists in ... say that it is not easy to get used to life in a new culture.
2. There are ... of culture shock. five stages two stages three stages one stage 3. In the first stage the newcomers ... their new life.
4. In the second stage they begin to ... the city, the country, the people and everything else in the new culture.
5. In the final stage of culture shock the newcomers begin to ... their new life.
6. Some of the factors in culture shock are obvious. They are:
IV. DO YOU SPEAK BRITISH OR AMERICAN? American and British people both speak English, of course, but sometimes it does not seem like the same language. In fact, there are some important differences between British and American English. First of all, they sound very different. Often, Americans don't say all the letters in each word, especially consonants like “t” and “d”. For example, Americans may say “I dunno” instead of “I don’t know,” or they may say “Whaddya say?” instead of “What do you say?” However, the British usually pronounce their consonants more carefully. Also, some letters have different sounds. For example, Americans say the “a” in “half” like the “a” in “cat”, but the British say the “a” in “half” like the “o” in “soft”. The “r” is sometimes said differently, too. When an American says “farmer”, you can usually hear the “r”. But you can’t hear the “r” in British English. The British say “fahmah”. Sound is not the only difference between British English and American English. The two languages have different words for some things. For example, the words for clothing are different. Americans use the word “sweater”, but the British say “jumper”. Americans wear “vests” over their shirts, but in England they wear “vests” under their shirts. An American man wears a “tuxedo” to a very fancy party, but an Englishman wears a “dinner-jacket”. Americans talk about “pants” or “slacks”, but the British talk about “trousers”. Many expressions are also different in the two countries. In England, if you are going to telephone friends, you “ring them up”. In America, you “give them a call”. The British use the word “lovely” to describe something they like. Americans use the word “nice” or “great”. There are also some differences in grammar. For example, Americans almost always use the helping verb “do” with the verb “have”. They might say, “Do you have an extra pen?” The British often ask the question a different way. They might say, “Have you got an extra pen?” These differences can be confusing if you are learning English. But there is a reason for the differences. Languages change over time. When the same language is used in different places, it changes differently in each place. This is what happened to English. It also happened to other languages, such as French. Many people in Canada speak French, but their French is different from the French spoken in France. (397) 1. This article is about ….
2. Compared to the British, Americans are usually ….
3. Some letters in English ….
4. The words for clothing are ….
5. People in the United States and in England ….
6. When Americans ask questions, they almost always ….
7. Learners of English can get confused ….
8. Languages ….
V. NEIGHBORHOODS IN NEW YORK Most tourists think that New York is one big city, but in fact, it is made of many different neighborhoods. There are rich neighborhoods and poor neighborhoods, of course. And there are neighborhoods full of people from the same country. These neighborhoods sometimes don't even look like they are part of the same city. The people are different, and so are the buildings. For example, in the southern part of the city is New York's Chinatown. This neighborhood has many Chinese stores and restaurants. It also has some Vietnamese and Thai shops and restaurants. New Yorkers from all parts of the city like to go Chinatown, but most of the people who live there are Asian. The shop signs are all written in Asian languages. Everyone in the shops speaks Chinese, Vietnamese, or Thai. This is one of the most crowded and colorful neighborhoods in the city. It is also one of the fastest growing neighborhoods. New families move in every day. Not far from Chinatown is Little Italy. Many Italians moved there from Italy in the early 1900s. Some of them stayed in the neighborhood. There are still good Italian shops, restaurants, and cafes in Little Italy. You can hear Italian spoken on the streets. Every year there is a big Italian festival. Greenwich Village is another kind of neighborhood. There the buildings are small, old, and comfortable. In the 1950s and 1960s, the rent for apartments in Greenwich Village was cheap. Young people with little money lived there. For many years writers, artists, and students also lived there. Famous books were written in the neighborhood. Famous artists painted their first pictures there. Greenwich Village became more expensive in the 1960s. So some artists and writers moved down the street to SoHo. There were many old factories in this area. Artists made their studios in these buildings, but then this neighborhood also became too expensive. The artists moved to Brooklyn, and SoHo filled up with fashionable restaurants and shops. The most beautiful and expensive neighborhood in New York is the Upper East Side. That is where many of the city's richest people live. The apartment buildings are large and fancy. The streets are always clean. The shops sell all kinds of special foods and clothing. People from all over the world come to the Upper East Side to shop or just to look in the store windows and dream. (400) 1. This article is about ….
2. Chinatown is one of New York’s ….
3. Little Italy is ….
4. Greenwich Village used to be popular with ….
5. Apartments in Greenwich Village were usually ….
6. Now SoHo has many ….
7. In general, the neighborhoods of New York ….
8. The Upper East Side is for people ….
VI. HEALTH TIPS FOR TRAVELERS Travel is fun and exciting, but not if you get sick. You may think, “Not me. I won’t get sick on my vacation!” However, for many people, that is what happens. You do not want to spend your vacation sick in bed, of course. If you have heart trouble, you do not want to make it worse. What can you do to stay in good health? These are the three things to remember when you travel: relax, sleep, and eat well. A vacation is supposed to be a time for relaxing, but tourists often forget that. There are so many places to visit: museums, churches, parks, and shops. You want to see as much as possible, of course, and so you spend most of your days on your feet. This is tiring. Your feet may start to hurt. You may get a headache or a backache. If this is the way you feel, you should take a rest. Do not ask your body to do too much. A tired body means a weak body, and a weak body gets sick easily. So sit down for a few hours in a nice spot. In good weather, look for a quiet park bench or an outdoor cafe. You can learn a lot by watching people while you rest. Sleep is also important. If you want to stay healthy, you need to get enough sleep. That is not always easy when you are traveling. You may have a noisy hotel room or an uncomfortable bed. If you do, don't be afraid to change rooms or even hotels. If you are young, you may have other reasons for not sleeping. In many cities the nightlife is exciting. You may want to stay out late at night. Then you should plan to sleep during the day. That extra rest can make a big difference. Finally, whatever age you are, you must eat well. That means eating the right kinds of food. Your body needs fresh fruit and vegetables and some meat, milk, or fish. You also need to be careful about eating new food. Try small amounts first to make sure they are okay for you. And of course, stay away from food that is very rich. Remember this: If you want to enjoy your vacation, take care of yourself. Give your body some rest. Get enough sleep and eat good, healthy food. (398) 1. This article is about ….
2. A vacation is not fun if ….
3. Sightseeing is ….
4. It’s a good idea to ….
5. You can get sick more easily if you are ….
6. Your body needs sleep to ….
7. When you travel, your body needs ….
8. For good health, you need ….
VII. THE SECRET OF A GOOD VIOLIN Most musicians agree that the world's best violins were made in Cremona, Italy, about 300 years ago. These violins sound better than any others. They even sound better than violins made today. Violin makers and scientists now try to make instruments like the Italian violins, but they are not the same. Musicians still prefer the old ones. Why are these old Italian violins so special? No one really knows, but many people think they have an answer. Some people think it is the age of the violins. They say that today's violins will also sound wonderful someday. The problem with this answer is that not all old violins sound wonderful. Only some old violins have a special sound. So age cannot be the reason. Other people think the secret to those violins is the wood. The wood of the violin is important. It must be from certain kinds of trees. It must not be too young or too old. Perhaps the violin makers of Cremona knew something special about wood for violins. Other people say that the kind of wood is not so important and that it is more important to cut the wood a special way. The wood for a violin must be cut very carefully. It has to be the right size and shape. The smallest difference will change the sound of the violin. Some musicians think that the violin makers from Cremona knew a secret about cutting wood. However, size and shape may not be the answer, either. Scientists measured the old violins from Cremona very carefully. They can make new ones that are exactly the same size and shape. The new violins still do not sound as good as the old ones. Other scientists think the secret may be the varnish. Varnish is what covers the wood of the violin. It makes the wood look shiny. It also helps the sound of the instrument. No one knows what the Italian violin makers used in their varnish. So no one can make the same varnish today. There may never be other violins like the violins of Cremona. Their secret may be lost forever. Young musicians today hope this is not true. They need fine violins, and there are not very many of the old violins left. Also, the old violins are very expensive. Recently, a famous old Italian violin was sold for almost a million dollars! (399) 1. This article is about ….
2. The best violins ….
3. Some people think that modern violins ….
4. Other people think the Italian violin makers ….
5. The size and shape of the violin ….
6. Violins made today ….
7. Some scientists believe the secret to the sound of the old violins is ….
8. The old violins are ….
ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 1 Дисциплина английский язык БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ ВАРИАНТ______ Тест состоит из частей A, B и C. На его выполнение отводится 180 минут. Задания рекомендуется выполнять по порядку. Если задание не удается выполнить сразу, перейдите к следующему. Если останется время, вернитесь к пропущенным заданиям. Часть A I. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. Впишите в таблицу соответствующую букву.
II. Из четырех предложенных вариантов выберите единственно правильный.
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