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III. Переведите текст.British PressIn Britain there are two kinds of newspapers. One is large in size and has many detailed articles about national and international events. These newspapers are called the serious or the quality papers. The other kind, called the tabloids are smaller in size, have more pictures, often in colour, and short articles, often about less important or about the private lives or well known people. The Times – daily newspaper published in London, on of the Britain’s oldest and most influential newspapers. It is generally accounted, with The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph, one of Britain’s “big three” and has long been recognized as one of the world’s greatest newspapers. Founded by John Walter on January 1, 1785, as The Daily Universal Register, the newspaper began as a 2 ½-penny broadsheet whose main function was to publicize a system of typography in which Walter was then interested. It became The Times on January 1, 1788, publishing commercial news and notices, along with some scandal. The founder’s son, John Walter II, took over the newspaper in 1803. He expanded it from 4 pages to 12 large pages, and, by the time control o the paper passed to his son, John Walter III, in 1848, the foundations of The Time’s reputation as Britain’s preeminent national journal and daily historical record had been laid. Under its first great liberal editor, Thomas Barnes, The Times developed into a strong independent newspaper popularly described as the “Thunderer”. By the mid 1800s it became a widely respected influence on British public opinion, and its circulation had grown from 5,000 in 1815 to 40,000 in 1850. The Times maintained rigorous standards of reporting and writing and strove for meticulous accuracy. IV. Напишите вопросы всех видов по содержанию текста (10 вопросительных предложений). V. Перепишите следующие слова в две колонки. В первую колонку запишите исчисляемые существительные, а во второю – неисчисляемые. При исчисляемых существительных поставьте артикль a или an. Wool, air, word, assistance, hour, bread, darkness, water, sea, cheese, happiness, event, hero, music, piano, friend, friendship, quickness, tobacco, cigarette, coffee, ship, money, ink, meat, banknote, silver, watch, tree, idea, ice, furniture, heat, cow, milk, butter, horse, machine, instrument, information, news, hair, speed. VI. Переведите на английский языкСто килограммов, двадцать пять грамм, тысячи книг, сотни ящиков, триста лошадей, три миллиона тонн, три тысячи рублей. VII. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму и укажите ее. Предложения переведите.
Вариант № 9 I. Choose the correct form of the Passive Voice and translate into Russian: 1) The lecture in Theory of State and Law was delivered two days ago. A Present Perfect Passive С Past Simple Passive B Past Perfect Passive D Present Simple Passive 2) She is often asked at the lessons. A Present Simple Passive С Present Perfect Passive B Past Continuous Passive D Future Simple Passive 3) I’ll have been written the letter before he comes. A Future Continuous Passive С Future Perfect Passive B Perfect Continuous Passive D Present Continuous Passive 4) This law was passed two years ago. A Present Simple Passive С Past Simple Passive B Past Perfect Passive D Present Perfect Passive 5) Such cases are tried by Federal Courts. A Present Perfect Passive С Present Continuous Passive B Present Simple Passive D Past Perfect Passive II. Fill in the correct word from the list below: identify watchful nosy possessions valuable complained advised sensible plain label 1. John lost all of his………….. when arsonists set fire to his house, (belongings). 2. A lot of paintings were burnt in the fire at the museum, (expensive). 3. After thieves took Tim's Porsche, he decided to buy a(n)….. car which was less likely to be stolen, (simple). 4. As the policeman grabbed the thief, …….passers-by stopped to watch, (extremely curious). 5. It was easy for me to my stolen video recorder as I had written my postcode on the bottom of it. (recognize). 6. The man's lawyer him not to talk to the newspaper reporters, (recommended). 7. After my house was burgled, I decided to all my expensive possessions in case it happened again. (put an identifying mark on.) 8. It's not to leave your house unlocked while you are out. (reasonable). 9. The store detective caught the shoplifter trying to steal a blouse, (observant.) 10. The people of the town to the Mayor about the high crime rate in the area, (stated their dissatisfaction) III. Fill in the correct word from the list below. Use the words only once. to catch to draw open to leave to put awful to be open to keep to give to take 1 the truth 8 9 2 a good look 3 sb's eye 4 sb the green light 5 sb’s behind bars 6 at risk 7…………attention to sth 8 …….a light on 9.. ……….an eye on sth 10 ……..invitation IV. Translate into English:
V. a) Read the following text; b) Translate the 1st and 2d passage into Russian; c) Make up your own plan of the text; d) Write out key words of each paragraph; e) Render the text according to your plan. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT America's notoriety for crime is well-founded. The outlawing of alcohol in 1919-33, known as the period of "Prohibition", encouraged the growth of a huge network of corruption and blackmail and gang rivalry, and when Prohibition ended, the network of organized crime that it had fostered turned to other types of activity - nowadays based on drugs as well as ordinary large-scale robbery. In Hollywood's version the big men of crime are confident men of power and wealth. In real life today their empire runs from big-time robbery and drug dealing through exploitation of permitted gambling in Nevada and Atlantic City to legitimate business financed by illicit gains. As visitors to Las Vegas walk among the cascading lights outside the gambling halls they may admire the marvellous offensive and defensive arnaments of AI Capone's ancient bullet-proof car, now in a miniature street-side museum and serving as a reminder of the origins of the gambling halls. But the crimes that worry most ordinary Americans are the more ordinary ones. Robbery and acts of violence have increased nearly tenfold in thirty years. In cities many people are afraid to go out at night. In New York, when an ordinary traveller in a subway train shot some robbers who were attacking passengers, and permanently injured one of them, he became a public hero and a huge campaign was mounted in his defence when he was taken to court. His acquittal in 1987 produced more joy than protest - though he was found guilty of a minor offence. Although the perpetrators of most crimes are not caught, the number of criminals who are convicted is great enough to crowd the prisons. In 1988 more that half a million people were in prison - more than twice as many as in any Western European country, in proportion to population. Nearly all these were in state prisons. In a series of cases, federal courts have ruled that prisoners being held in overcrowded conditions are indeed being subjected to "cruel and unusual punishment", and the logical consequence of these ruling was strict intervention by the federal courts in the operation of state prisons. By 1987 more than half the states were subject to court orders requiring them to improve conditions, and at least one fine had been imposed for noncompliance. In nine slates judges had appointed special administrators. Meanwhile there was activity in building new prisons and expanding old ones, and some states were using private enterprise to cut their costs -claiming that such methods were successful. Thousands of prisoners were being released prematurely, and judges were being encouraged to try, as far as possible within reason, to avoid sentencing guilty people to imprisonment but to use alternatives, from community service to probation at home under close supervision. Вариант № 10
1.обычай 2. самозащита 3.грабить 4.наказание 5.Прокурор 6.Мировой судья 7.Судебный пересмотр 8.адвокат 9.истец 10.жертва 2. Give the English equivalents for the following words and phrases.
3. Translate the text into Russian: Murder The abolition of capital punishment in England in November 1965 was welcomed by most people with humane and progressive ideas. To them it seemed a departure from feudalism, from the cruel pre-Christian spirit of revenge: an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Many of these people think differently now. Three unarmed policemen have been killed in London by bandits who shot them down in cold blood. This crime has drawn attention to the fact that since the abolition of capital punishment crime - and especially murder - has been on increase throughout Britain. Today, therefore, public opinion in Britain has changed. People who before, also in Parliament, stated that capital punishment was not a deterrent to murder - for there have always been murders in all countries with or without the law of execution - now feel that killing the assassin is the lesser of two evils. Capital punishment, they think, may not be the ideal answer, but it is better than nothing, especially when, as in England, a sentence of "lifelong" imprisonment (a life sentence, as it is called) only lasts eight or nine years. All this is very controversial. And all the arguments for and against can be refuted in practice. The problem remains - the problem of how to prevent murders. Some murders are committed by criminals evading arrest, by insane or mentally disturbed people, by cold-blooded sadists completely devoid of all human feelings. The important thing in the prevention of murder is to eliminate as far as possible the weapons and instruments, the guns and knives, with which these crimes are committed, and futhermore to stop the dangerous influence of violence in books, films, television and other mass media, from which so many criminals derive their "inspiration". 4. Make a list of arguments for and against the following statements.
5. Translate the text into Russian. Put 5 special questions to the text: Crime in Great Britain About 90 per cent of all crimes are dealt with by Magistrates' courts. Sentences (that is, the punishments decided by the court) vary a lot but most people who are found guilty have to pay a fine. Magistrates' courts can impose fines of up to £2,000 or prison sentences of up to six months. If the punishment is to be more severe the case must go to a Crown Court. The most severe punishment is life imprisonment: there has been no death penalty in Britain since 1965. The level of recorded crime and the number of people sent to prison both increased during the 1970s and 1980s. By the end of that period the average prison population was more than 50,000 and new prisons had to be built as overcrowding had become a serious problem. By 1988 the cost of keeping someone in prison was over £250 per week, which was more than the national average wage. |
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