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Special Investigation DivisionOrganized crime is a lawless empire involved in gambling, narcotics, prostitution, extortion, etc. where easy money can be made. For years organized crime operated behind a nearly impenetrable wall4 built on fear, intimidation, bribery, and force. Squads of highly trained FBI Agents are devoting their full efforts to bringing the crime lords to justice5, The objective is to collect sufficient evidence to build a strong prospective case6 so gang leaders can be brought to justice swiftly. Cooperation is vital in the fight against organized crime. The FBI works closely with state and local enforcement agencies. This Division also supervises investigations under the Security of Government Employees programme7. Fugitive investigations often involve a great deal of manpower. In addition to FBI fugitives, this Division directs the efforts of FBI Agents to locate and apprehend escaped Federal prisoners, deserters from the Armed Forces. b) Identification Division The largest collection of fingerprints in the world is maintained in the Identification Division of the FBI. A dangerous fugitive, wanted in .one state, may be located through fingerprint identification after his arrest on a minor charge under a different name by a police agency in another state. Fingerprints often are the only means of identifying victims of various crimes. Laboratory DivisionThe FBI Laboratory is the greatest criminological laboratory in the world. During the first 35 years of its existence, this laboratory made approximately 4.000.000 scientific examinations. Today, this laboratory is a large complex of scientific equipment, staffed with over 300 employees most of whom have technical training. Included in this group are over 100 Special Agents with specialized training in a wide range of scientific fields. Many crimes are solved and many defendants convicted on the basis of material evidence submitted to the laboratory for examination. Laboratory examinations on many occasions have proved the innocence of persons suspected of having committed crimes. Domestic Intelligence DivisionThe FBI fights against all elements which pose a threat8 to the security of the people in the United States, to the Nation's security. c) Files and Communications Division Often some of the most valuable leads in an investigation result from information already contained in the files of law enforcement agencies. A teletype network provides constant twenty-four-hour contact between FBI headquarters and all Field Divisions. In addition, the FBI has a radio network, completely independent of commercial facilities. Crime Records Division9The personnel of the Crime Records Department has the task of carefully studying the information on crime poured into the Heаdquarters from the FBI's field officer10, local police agencies and other sources. Training DivisionAll FBI Agents are trained at facilities in Washington, D.C., and at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. Today, the new Agents receive fourteen weeks of instruction. Two week retraining courses are held periodically for all Agents. Although the theory of the various Law enforcement arts and sciences is taught, the greater emphasis is placed on those practical skills and techniques demanded by day-to-day investigations. The courses range from the Constitution and Federal Criminal Procedure to Investigative Techniques and the Collection, Identification and Preservation of Physical Evidence. Thorough training is given in firearms and defensive tactics in order that an agent may defend himself in those extreme situations where life may be in danger. The Training Division also provides instructors for thousands police schools conducted by local enforcement agencies in communities across the Nation. d) Administrative Division The Administrative Division's major responsibilities are to see that the operations of the Bureau run smoothly and expenditures are kept within the limits of the annual appropriation granted by Congress. Another duty of this Division is to recruit and assign the personnel necessary to fulfil the various functions of the FBI. |
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