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Академия труда и социальных отношений Курганский филиал МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ для выполнения контрольной работы №2 и сборник текстов и упражнений по дисциплине «Английский язык» (для студентов всех специальностей заочной формы обучения) Курган – 2007Методические рекомендации для выполнения контрольной работы №2 и сборник текстов и упражнений по дисциплине «Английский язык» (для студентов всех специальностей заочной формы обучения)/Академия труда и социальных отношений. – Курган, 2007. – с. 65 Составители: Е..Г. Попова, доцент кафедры гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин, А.П. Гаручава, старший преподаватель кафедры гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин. Сборник текстов и упражнений по английскому языку предназначен для студентов заочного отделения финансового и экономического факультетов. В работе представлены тексты по экономической тематике, объяснение грамматических явлений, включенных в контрольную работу №2, упражнения, направленные на активизацию лексического и грамматического материала. Рецензенты Л.Н. Шихардина, к.п.н., доцент кафедры иностранных языков гуманитарных дисциплин Курганского государственного университета, Н.М. Дегтярева, доцент кафедры гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин. Методические рекомендации утверждены на заседании кафедры гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин от 20.12.07 Протокол № 4. Содержание
Введение Контрольная работа является одной из форм самостоятельной работы студента в ВУЗе. В результате выполнения контрольной работы учебный материал лучше усваивается, повышается уровень теоретической и практической подготовки по предмету. Предлагаемое пособие предназначено для студентов заочного отделения финансового и экономического факультетов. Основная задача данного пособия – подготовка студента к выполнению контрольной работы №2, объяснение грамматического материала по программе курса, развитие практических навыков чтения и перевода текстов по специальности и профессионально-ориентированной устной речи. В сборник включены тексты по специальности, которые содержат терминологию по экономике и финансам. Тематика текстов определена требованиями типовой программы по иностранным языкам для ВУЗов социально-экономического профиля. Тексты предназначены для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы. Работа с текстами может носить разнообразный характер, в зависимости от уровня языковой подготовки. Рекомендуемые задания для самостоятельной работы с текстом включают в себя следующие виды работы:
При работе в аудитории с текстом, кроме перечисленных выше заданий, могут быть использованы следующие виды упражнений:
Кроме текстов в пособии представлены грамматические справки по следующим разделам: «Согласование времен и перевод из прямой речи в косвенную», «Герундий», «Инфинитив», а также грамматические конструкции с герундием и инфинитивом. После каждого раздела грамматической справки предлагается комплекс упражнений, направленный на отработку данного грамматического явления. Рекомендуется выполнять упражнения в той последовательности, в которой они представлены в пособии. Упражнения следует выполнять письменно, подчеркивая употребляемую грамматическую форму. После тщательной проработки текстового и грамматического материала можно переходить к выполнению контрольной работы № 2. Text 1 Economics as a Science Economics is the study of how society allocates scarce resources and goods. Resources are the inputs that society uses to produce output, called goods. They include inputs such as labor, capital, and land. Goods include products such as food, clothing, and housing as well as services such as those provided by doctors, repairmen, and police offices. These resources and goods are considered scarce because of society’s tendency to demand more resources and goods than are available. We may make better progress by comparing economics with other subjects. Like every other discipline that attempts to explain observed facts (e.g., physics, astronomy, meteorology), economics comprises a vast collection of descriptive material organized around a central core of theoretical principles are formulated and uses in applications varies greatly from one science to another. Like psychology, economics draws much of its theoretical core from intuition, casual observation, and “common knowledge about human nature.” Like astronomy, economics is largely non-experimental. Like meteorology, economics is relatively inexact, as is weather forecasting. Like particle physics and molecular biology, economics deals with an array of closely interrelated phenomena (as do sociology and social psychology). Like such disciplines as art, fantasy writing, mathematics, metaphysics, cosmology, end the like, economics attracts different people for different reasons: “One person’s meat is another person’s poison.” Though all disciplines differ, all are remarkably similar in on respect: all are meant to convey an interesting, persuasive, and intellectually satisfying story about selected aspects of experience. As Einstein once put in, “Science is the attempt to make the chaotic diversity of our sense-experience corresponds to a logically uniform system of thought.” Economics deals with data on income, employment, expenditure, interest rates, prices and individual activities of production, consumption, transportation, and trade. Economics deals directly with only a tiny fraction of the whole spectrum of human behavior, and so the range of problems considered by economists is relatively narrow. Contrary to popular opinion, economics does not normally include such things as personal finance, ways to start a small business, etc.; in relation to everyday life, the economist is more like an astronomer than a weather forecaster, more like a physical chemist than a pharmacist, more like a professor of hydrodynamics then a plumber. In principle almost any conceivable problem, from marriage, suicide, capital punishment, and religious observance to tooth brushing, drug abuse, extramarital affairs, and mall shopping, might serve (and, in the case of each of these examples has served) as an object for some economist’s attention. There is, after all, no clear division between “economic” and “non-economic” phenomena. In practice, however, economists have generally found it expedient to leave the physical and life sciences to those groups that first claimed them, though not always. In recent years economists have invaded territory once claimed exclusively by political scientists and sociologists, not to mention territories claimed by physical anthropologists, experimental psychologists, and paleontologists. Learn new words: To attempt - попытаться Notable - примечательный Scarce - скудный, ограниченный Witticism - острота, шутка Practitioner - терапевт To comprise - включать в себя Vast - обширный, громадный Core - ядро Casual observation - повседневное наблюдение Weather forecasting - прогноз погоды Array - массив, масса, множество Closely interrelated - тесно взаимосвязанные To convey - передавать Income - доход Expenditures - затраты Interest rate - процентная ставка Range - ряд Plumber - водопроводчик Conceivable - мыслимый, вероятный, возможный Expedient - целесообразный EXERCISE 1 Answer the questions: 1. Is there a common opinion on the content and character of economics? 2. What definition of economics is referred to as “especially useless”? 3. With what sciences does the author compare economics? Why? 4. What is the scope of economics? 5. What does economics deal with? 6. Is there a division between “economic” and “noneconomic”problems? 7. What fields have economists “invaded” in recent years? EXERCISE 2 Which of the following is not true about economics and economists? 1. There is no brief description of the content and character of economics. 2. Alfred Marshal and Lionel Robbins agreed that: “Economics is what economists do”. 3. In the 19th century economics was called “the science of wealth”. 4. Economics is only theoretical science. 5. Economics deals with the problems of income, employment and interest rates. 6. In recent years economists switched to the new fields such as political science and sociology. Text 2 Microeconomics The word «micro» means small, and microeconomics means economics in the small. The optimizing behavior of individual units such as households and firms provides. Macroeconomists may investigate individual markets or even the economy as a whole, but their analyses are derived from the aggregation of the behavior of individual units. Microeconomic theory is used extensively in many areas of applied economics. For example, it is used in industrial organization, labor economics, international trade, cost-benefit analysis, and many other economic subfields. The tools and analyses of microeconomics provide a common ground, and even a language, for economists interested in a wide range of problems. At one time there was a sharp distinction in both methodology and subject matter between microeconomics and macroeconomics. The methodological distinction became somewhat blurred during the 1970s as more and more macro-economic analyses were built upon microeconomic foundations. Nonetheless, major distinctions remain between the two major branches of economics. For example, the micro economist is interested in the determination of individual prices and relative prices (i.e., exchange ratios between goods), whereas the macro-economist is interested more in the general price level and its change over time. Optimization plays a key role in microeconomics. The consumer is assumed to maximize utility or satisfaction subject to the constraints imposed by income or income earning power. The producer is assumed to maximize profit or minimize cost subject to the technological constraints under which the firm operates. Optimization of social welfare sometimes is the criterion for the determination of public policy. Opportunity cost is an important concept in microeconomics. Many courses of action are valued in terms of what is sacrificed so that they might be undertaken. For example, the opportunity cost of a public project is the value of the additional goods that the private sector would have produced with the resources used for the public project. Learn new words: Behavior - поведение To investigate — исследовать Applied economics - прикладная экономика Distinction — отличие Subject - предмет, субъект Matter - вопрос, материал To blur — затуманивать, размывать To remain — оставаться Exchange ratio - ставка (соотношение) обмена Utility - полезность Satisfaction - удовлетворение Constraints — ограничение, стеснение Opportunity cost — альтернативные издержки To sacrifice — пожертвовать To undertake — предпринять To allow - позволять, разрешать To influence - влиять To maximize - максимально увеличивать Revenue – доход EXERCISE 1 Answer the questions: 1. What is microeconomics? 2. What economic phenomena are of micro economists’ attention? 3. Where is microeconomic theory used? 4. What is optimization? 5. What is the concept of the theory of consumer? EXERCISE 2 Find Russian equivalents: a) optimizing behavior of individual units b) industrial organization c) labor economics d) international trade e) cost-benefit analysis f) sharp distinction g) subjective rate of substitution Text 3 Macroeconomics The word macroeconomics means economics in the large. The macroeconomist’s concerns are such global questions as total production, total employment, the rate of change of overall prices, the rate of economic growth, and so on. The questions asked by the macroeconomist are in terms of broad aggregates – what determines the spending of all consumers as opposed to the decision to build a new factory by a single firm; what determines total unemployment in the economy as opposed to why there have been layoffs in a specific industry. Macroeconomists measure overall economic activity; analyze the determinants of such activity by the use of macroeconomic theory: forecast future economic activity; and attempt to formulate policy responses designed to reconcile forecast with target values of production, employment, and prices. An important task of macroeconomics is to develop ways of aggregating the values of the economic activities of individuals and firms into meaningful totals. To this end such concepts as gross domestic product (GDP), national income, personal income, and personal disposable income have been developed. Macroeconomic analysis attempts to explain how the magnitudes of the principal macroeconomic variables are determined and how they interact. And through the development of theories of the business cycle and economic growth, macroeconomics helps to explain the dynamics of how these aggregates move over time. Macroeconomics is concerned with such major policy issues as the attainment and maintenance of full employment and price stability. Considerable effort must first be expended to determine what goals could be achieved. Experience teaches that it would not be possible to eliminate inflation entirely without inducing a major recession combined with high unemployment. Similarly, an overambitious employment target would produce labor shortages and wage inflation. |
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