Рабочая программа дисциплины иностранный язык по направлению подготовки 38. 03. 04 «Государственное и муниципальное управление»

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Перечень вопросов, заданий к зачету, экзамену:

1 семестр зачет 2.75 Zet

  1. Give English equivalents: оплата и поставка, делать все возможное, многоквартирный дом, работать самостоятельно, рекламные источники, иметь хорошие оценки, предполагаемый покупатель, вступающие в брак, товары, поехать за границу, деловая встреча, высылать запрос, перевозка товаров, высокое качество, представитель, иметь хорошую репутацию, со стороны клиентов, быть загруженным заказами, широкий ассортимент, национальная промышленность, интересоваться ценой, отозвать предложение, приложить иллюстрированные каталоги, постоянные клиенты, развитие торговых отношений

  2. Give Russian equivalents: to discuss different claims, to fix a new date, to book, as much as, to notify your partner in advance, to revise prices, to appreciate, to send money through the mail, a sincere good, a mild statement, a small number of, the negotiating parties, to come an agreement, to do business with, fulfillment, enjoy high reputation, to be satisfied with, be interested in the goods, at the very top, to make business appointments, urgent problems, to have talks, divorce rate, before their marriage, to influence smb's choice

  3. Make up sentences with the word combinations: - to work at a company as a clerk, - to receive customers, - the latest catalogues and quotation, - to leave a massage, - to stay at a hotel

  4. Give different types of questions to the sentence: We are punctual in business and never break the appointment.

  5. Read, translate, answer the questions to the text ( Млявая С.В.-Business Life=Деловая жизнь:Английские экономические тексты/ С.в.Млявая.-Мн.:Амалфея,20013.-208 с.) -Business visits (p.36) - Business Correspondence (p.28) - Business talks (p.21) - Social contracts (p.41) -Going through the customs (p.52)-

2 семестр зачет 4.25 Zet

  1. Give English equivalents: делать покупки, получить деньги обратно, в обеденное время, на первое, заплатить по счету, персональная ванна, давать чаевые, прием пищи, доверие, цены по меню, дружеская беседа, каждый платит сам, что-нибудь сладкое, предпочитать идти в..., магазин закрыт, самообслуживание, с удовольствием, перед отъездом, под одной крышей, вернуть сдачу, возврат денег, быть впору(подходить), подходить по цвету, купить пару перчаток, возможности парковки, товары и услуги

  2. Give Russian equivalents: anything on credit, necessary to pay, those purchases, to get a bill, buy on credit card, good choice, the check-out counter, department store, the wide variety of food, to be often advertised, differ in price and quality, carry foreign food, select items, economically built and plain, department store, wide variety of shops and services, competition among supermarket chains, to become familiar, prices are lower, shopping malls, advantages and disadvantages, to take much time, cheap goods, wear for ages, fitting room,

  3. Make up sentences with word combinations: in one building, be open every day, move along the counters, shop-windows, three meals a day

  4. Give different 4 types of questions to the sentence: - The offer is only the first step in a contract. - These are voluntary or free offers. - Mail is delivered to the post-office boxes as it is sorted. - His partners will support his visa and send him an invitation. - Most of the time the conversation is optimistic.

  5. Read, translate, answer the questions to the text: ( Млявая С.В.-Business Life=Деловая жизнь:Английские экономические тексты/ С.в.Млявая.-Мн.:Амалфея,20013.-208 с.): - Staying at a hotel.(p.59) - Making purchases.(p.73) - Buying on credit.(p.76) - World exhibition.(p.84) - At the international exposition.(p.84-85)

3 семестр зачет 2Zet

1.Give English equivalents: материальные потребности и желания, обеспечивать качественной информацией, люди связанные с бизнесом ,оба эти вопроса, внешние проверяющие, делать правильное решение, восприятие, амбициозный, понятие, владеть собственностью, сопротивление, ценность, ограничение, внешний, квалифицированный бухгалтер, иметь отношение к..., выжить, организовывать, модель, зарубежные отношения, в финансовом отчете, независимо от, различные пути, будущая специальность, план действий

2.Give Russian equivalents: balance sheet, legal requirement, tax computation, the people involved, to run business, during a given period, provide accounting services, the relationship of two figures, the income statement, to select the best plan, no expansion, advertising campaigns, to indentify mistakes, to propose solutions, the current state, the company's fiscal affairs, internal auditors, to have specialized training in accountancy, cash flow, business transactions, review the financial records, to plan and recommend, elected by shareholders, be responsible for, to head departments

3.Answer the question : -Why do you need to have a written business plan? - What may be the causes of failure in business? - What is a sole proprietor responsible for? - What is your idea of your future career in business? - What's the role of an accountant in business

4.Put the words in a correct order to make up a sentence: Assembling this plan will be your first opportunity to manage your new business. -Plan, be, to manage, assembling, will, your, opportunity, first, your, business, new, plan.

5.Read, translate, retell the text:(Млявая С.В.-Business Life=Деловая жизнь:Английские экономические тексты/ С.в.Млявая.-Мн.:Амалфея,20013.-208с.) -What is a Manager? P.96-97
4 семестр экзамен 4 Zet

1.Give English equivalents: обстоятельства, распределение, хорошие торговые центры, товар, осуществлять маркетинговые исследования, на протяжении длительного периода, каждая стадия, наименование продукции, необходимый, анкетирование, противоречить, подгонять \ускорять, убедить людей, назначить цену, внутренний, гарантия от убытков, отказаться принять товар, предварительная оплата, двусторонний, лучшая продукция по лучшей цене, торговые барьеры, брать взаймы, занимать деньги, валовой национальный доход, торговые представительства, страховая компания

2.Give Russian equivalents: serious defects, to reach an immediate objective, economic conditions, life-span, to see as a complex economic system, to create a system of economic security, completely destroyed, natural balance, the banking industry, stimulating the diversification of banks, daily fix the exchange rates, transfer funds, financial supermarkets, a bit less, the economically active population, exchange foreign coins for local money, to issue a cheque book free of charge, to cover an enormous range of activities, merchandise, sign an agreement, foreign trade, prices for the export, the subject of the agreement, must be legal, to have no right to claim any compensation

3.Ask 4 different questions to the sentence: Force Majeure is a force against which you cannot act or fight.

4.Answer the questions: - Where is a delivery schedule usually given? - What do marketing operations include? - What is the role of marketing research in advertising? - What are the main clauses of a contract? - What is the basic idea of international trade?

5.Read, translate, retell the text: ( Млявая С.В.-Business Life=Деловая жизнь: Английские экономические тексты/ С.в.Млявая.-Мн.:Амалфея,20013.-208 с.)-- Economy and Ecology p. 190-193
Образцы заданий
1.Составьте предложения

1.grandma,my, beautiful, has, flowers.

  1. your, English, teacher's, is, good.

  2. do, you, which, like, toy?

  3. school, my, is, a, wonderful, place, to, friends, make.

  4. who, swim, can, better, than, my, brother?

  5. to, I, like, would, be, your, pen, friend.

  6. lots, come, people, of, to, the, office, post, to, letters, send.

  7. his, aunt, helps, always, people.

  8. and, like, does, red, potatoes, tomatoes, Mary?

  9. the, morning, is, busy, very, in, the, secretary.

  10. play, the, piano, we, can, well, very.

  11. know, they, that, family, is, my, hospitable.

13.stamps, not, are, and, big, old, her, classmate's. 14.iikes; nor, neither, he, coffee, tea.

  1. up, nobody, get, early, wants, to, the, in, morning.

  2. no, there, is, lift, in, house, his.

37. a, mirror, !s, there, his, in, bathroom?

  1. garden, in, she, the, a, beautiful, flowerbed, sees.

  2. parents, her, songs, much, very, her, like.

20.children, the, run, the , and, play, park, with, their, dog.

  1. on, the, blue, floor, there, is, carpet, a.

  2. are, 10, on, the, there, books, shelf? 23.1, look, at, one, please, may?

    1. room, there, a, clock, is, my, round, in.

    2. two, windows, there, in, living room, are, the.

    3. swim, shall, I, the, river, in, in, spring, not.

    4. your, season, mum, like, what, does?

    5. clean, will, the, room, in, an, they, hour.

    6. in, world, what, is, the, worst, food, the?

    7. road, the, is, than, the, path, longer.

    8. animals, are, elephants, curious?

    9. took, the, bird, back, the, to, forest, boys, then,

    10. fine, day, the, was.

    11. they, saw, suddenly, small, a, bird.

35.I, saw, in, green-green, the, house, dark-dark, garden, a.

  1. best, I, friends, met, there, my.

  2. was, last, winter, and, cold, snowy, year, the.

  3. to, like, you, read, do, fairy-tales/?

  4. on, Sunday, did, help, you, family, your?

  5. put, may, cups, you, the, table, and, spoons, on.

  6. was, and, began, he, happy, to, sing.

  7. does, little, your, wash, brother, his, before, hands, he, eat?

  8. pets, what, do, you, for, do, your?

  9. computer, Saturdays, on, games, my, plays, sister.

  10. my, tomorrow, I, ride, shall, bike.

  11. bed, I, make, the, in, don't, my, morning.

  12. myself, can't, I, cook.

  13. have, i, can, some, juice, orange?

  14. there, any, sweets, the, in, are, bag?

  15. cheese, best, all, he, liked, of. 2. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо: а) 1. When is your ... birthday? — My ... birthday is (on) 1st May. 2. Do you remember your mother's ...birthday? — Yes, I do. 3. His ... uncle is generous and her ... aunt is very kind. 4. That ... man is very clever. His ... book is recognized by a lot of people. 5. They know our ... address. 6. Their ... son speaks English very well. 7. My cousin's ... dog is small. Its ... hair is curly. 8. Is this ... watch? — No, it isn't ... watch, it's ... pen. 9. This ... pen is good, and that ... pen is bad. 10. I can see ... pencil on your ... table, but I can see no ... paper. 11. Give me ... chair, please. 12. They have ... dog and two ... cats. 13. I have ... spoon in my ... soup plate, but I have no ... soup in it. 14. My ... friend says he is going to be ... millionaire one ... day. 15. Would you like ... orange? 16. Mr Smith is ... artist. Mrs Smith is ... poetess. She is not ... singer.

в) Не hasn't got ... car. But he's got ... computer. ... computer is new. 2. His ... friends have got ... cat and ... dog. ... dog never bites ... cat. 3. This is ... tree. ... tree is green. 4. I can see three ... boys. ...boys are playing. 5. I have ... bicycle. ... bicycle is black. My ... friend has no ... bicycle. 6. Our ... room is large. 7. We wrote ... dictation yesterday. ... dictation was long. 8. She has two ... daughters and one ... son. Her ... son is ... pupil. 9. Last year I gave my ... mother ... bracelet for her ... birthday. She liked ... bracelet. 10. My ... brother's ... friend has no ... dog. 11. This ... pencil is broken. Give me that ... pencil, please. 12. She has ... ball. ... ball is ... big. 13.1 got... letter from my ... friend yesterday. ... letter was interesting. 14. When they were in Geneva, they stayed at ... hotel. Sometimes they had dinner at ... hotel and sometimes in ... restaurant. 15. I've got ... idea. 16. What... surprise! Our ... parents gave us ... DVD player for Christmas.

3. Do you know the UK? THE UK AND ITS COUNTRIES

  1. Where is the United Kingdom situated?

  2. What is Great Britain?

  3. What seas is the UK washed by?

  4. What is it separated by from the Continent?

  5. What are the main countries of the UK?

  6. What are the capitals of the UK main countries?

  7. How many people live in the UK?

  8. What other languages do the people of the UK speak apart fromEnglish?

  9. What is the flag of the UK?

  10. What are the symbols of the UK main countries?

  11. What mountains, rivers and lakes of Great Britain can you name?

  12. What can you tell about the climate in the UK?

  13. Why is the weather the favourite topic of conversation in the UK?

  14. What do you know about flora and fauna of Great Britain?

  15. What natural resources is Great Britain rich in?

  16. What are the most important industries of the UK?

  17. What are the largest cities of the UK?

  18. What is the standard of life of the British like?


  1. Is the system of education uniform throughout Great Britain?

  2. What are free and fee-paying schools?

  3. What do you know about schools for children under 5 years of age?

  4. What age do children start schooling at?

    1. What types of secondary schools can you name?

    2. What are comprehensive schools?

    3. What do you know about grammar schools and secondary modern schools?

    4. What is the sixth form? How long does it last?

    5. What are private schools for the privileged called?

    6. What kinds of exams do British pupils take at different types of secondary schools?

    7. What is the discipline in British schools like?

    8. Do British schoolchildren wear a school uniform?

    9. Where can the British get further education?

    10. What are the oldest and world-known British universities?



  1. What are British "bank" holidays?

  2. How do public or "bank" holidays differ from the other holidays?

  3. What is the most celebrated holiday by the British?

  4. What can you tell about Christmas Day?

  5. What British traditional holidays can name?

  6. What does Hallowe'en mean for the Brit

  7. Why is Hallowe'en connected with witches and ghosts?

  8. What do you know about "trick or treat'

  9. When is Guy Fawkes Night celebrated? j

  10. Why is this tradition especially among children and teenagers?

  11. What can you tell about the First Koo New Year's Eve?

  12. How is May Day celebrated?

  13. What do you know about performing ris dance all day long?

  14. How popular are St. Valentino'» 11м Mother's Day?

4. Заполни бланк о компании:

Company Profile



Type of business:_________

Client profile:_________

Future plans:________

Number of employers:________


1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8


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Рабочая программа дисциплины иностранный язык по направлению подготовки 38. 03. 04 «Государственное и муниципальное управление» icon Программа дисциплины «Экономика города и управление муниципальным...
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