S. V. Bojkova
, Candidate of Sciences in Agriculture, Head of the department of fytosanitory examination and quarantine of plants (Federal State Establishment «Kemerovo Interregional Veterinary Laboratory», senior lecturer of Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute; O. V. Belyaev, Candidate of Sciences in Agriculture, the deputy director of Federal State Establishment «Kemerovo Interregional Veterinary Laboratory»
In the conditions of the modern world when the movement of people and the goods between the countries and continents amplifies there are problems of territories protection from penetration of alien kinds.
In 1992 the Convention on a biological variety has been signed in Rio de Janeiro. According to this document the countries which have signed it (including Russia) should develop measures directed on prevention of penetration of alien kinds on the territory, reduction of invasion consequences and creation of monitoring system for monitoring alien kinds.
Quarantine weed plants such as Ambrosia, golden potato nematode, dodders, western flower thrips, Colorado potato beetle are the examples of biological invasions. According to S. S. Izhevsky’s date about 100 kinds of foreign predaceous insects have been appeared for 80 years in the territory of the former USSR (Izhevsky …, 2002).
Quarantine objects are alive organisms (insects, weeds, mushrooms, viruses, nematodes) harming to plants. They are capable to be settled quickly in favorable conditions. They possess huge efficiency and viability and are capable to force out cultural plants and-or wild-growing kinds.
Farmers and individuals buy import seeds, a landing material of flower, decorative, fruit-berry cultures and they do not always reflect on possible consequences of penetration of alien organisms on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Quarantine on such quarantine weed plants as dodders (all family), Solanum triflorum, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. and Acroptilon repens DC. is imposed on the neighbouring regions such as Omsk and Tomsk regions, Altay territory. As between our regions there is an intensive exchange of agricultural products there is a possibility of penetration the above-stated quarantine plants on the territory of the Kemerovo region.
The most widespread quarantine object in the Kemerovo region is golden potato nematode. Golden potato nematode (Globodera rostochiensis) belongs to the type of Nemathelmintes, a class of roundworms (Nematoda). In the territory of the Russian Federation it harms potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants. Golden potato nematode has a little trophic pathotypes differing on aggression level (Applied …, 2006).
Golden potato nematode is the activator of such disease as globoderosis. Harm of globoderosis is shown that the infected plants grow slowly. When the sprouts appear on a surface of soil leaves quickly turn yellow and fall down. Flowering is usually absent at such plants. The enzymes secreted by nematode in root system of a potato result to the decrease of productivity, even in the absence of external signs. Formed potato tubers are fine and they are usually presented in a small amount (Shesteperov…, 1995).
Annually the quantity of the infection centers of golden potato nematode increases especially in a private sector. It is promoted by uncontrolled use of the seed landing material infected by golden potato nematode.
The measures undertaken for prevention of globoderosis distribution are not effective and sufficient today. It is necessary to create the system of fytosanitory monitoring and also the complex program on protection from globoderosis. The problem is difficult to be solved because there are no registered and resolved to application nematocides in the Russian Federation at present. The only way of struggle with golden potato nematode is to change the structure of a crop rotation. The use of nematode-resistant varieties can give improving effect even if the quantity of cyctas does not exceed 10-15 units on 100 sm3 of soil. At the amount of more than 30 cyctas on 100 sm3, as a result of mass introduction of larvae in roots, productivity decrease is observed.
In 2002 in the territory of the Kemerovo region in one of the greenhouses western (Californian) flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande) has been found out, brought in the List of quarantine objects of the Russian Federation. In 2009 in the Kemerovo region 3 centers of western flower thrips in the greenhouse of the closed ground are registered.
Western flower tryps is an insect with the developed wings, length of 1,2-1,4 mm. Painting can vary from pale yellow to the dark-brown. Western flower thrips develops in soil and in this connection there are some difficulties to find it. This species is very dangerous as it damages many vegetable and flower cultures. The damaged leaves and flowers become covered by silvery strokes, spots and gradually wither. Thrips feeding in flower buds causes deformation of flowers and fruits. The female thrips lives about a month and it is able to have about 300 eggs for this time. (Ahatov …, 2004).
Struggle with thrips in inter-season period is the most effective because there is an opportunity to remove all plants, to cultivate a ground with the steam, to carry out the disinfection of all premises and greenhouses. If these quarantine actions are carried out qualitatively and in full amount the probability of thrips occurrence on spring culture is the lowest. Otherwise the probability that thrips will spend the winter is great. There is a little effective chemical means of struggle against this quarantine pest. Spraying of plants renders short-term (no more than week) effect. In assortment resolved to application of insecticides there are no the preparations capable effectively to decrease the amount of western flower thrips at unitary processing. First of all the reason is in high stability to pesticides of the thrips’ populations extended in our territory.
Successful protection of plants from western flower thrips is possible only at strict observance of internal quarantine rules and also at use of all complex preventive, regulating and exterminating actions.
In 2009 in the territory of our region the dodder centers (a quarantine weed plant) have been registered. (All family of dodders is brought in the List of quarantine kinds of the Russian Federation).
The dodder is a plant-parasite. It eats due to the plant-host. Harm of dodders is shown in decrease in productivity of cultural plants for 60-85 percent, seed efficiency on 90 %. Thus each plant of a dodder (depending on a variety) is capable to give about 15 thousand seeds possessing genetically programmed various on time germination. Seeds can save reproductive potential during a year or two or even during 5-6 years.
In one of cases, the centre of a dodder has arisen as a result of use of carrot seeds of the Chinese origin which didn’t pass the fytosanitory control. In other case, the centre has arisen in the territory of a Gardening Society where the dodder has been brought with a landing material - bushes of Persian lilac. Both in that and in other case, there was a necessity for liquidation of the centers for prevention of the further distribution of a dodder. The material infected with a dodder is destroyed by burning. Processing of the centre of a dodder by herbicides of continuous action is necessarily carried out.
Thus in the territory of the Kemerovo region now there are centers of such quarantine harmful organisms as golden potato nematode, western (Californian) flower thrips, dodders. It is difficult and expensive to struggle with acclimatized species but if we do not use any measures the economic losses will increase in thousand times.