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Федеральное агентство по образованию Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования НИЖЕГОРОДСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ЛИНГВИСТИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ИМ. Н.А. ДОБРОЛЮБОВА ПРАКТИКУМ ПО КУРСУ “ИСТОРИЯ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА” УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ Нижний Новгород 2006 Печатается по решению редакционно–издательского совета ГОУ НГЛУ им. Н.А. Добролюбова. Специальность: 022600 ТИМПИЯК. Дисциплина: История английского языка и введение в спецфилологию. УДК 802.0.2 ББК 81.432.1-933 П 691 Практикум по курсу “История английского языка”: Учебно-методические материалы. /Ф.С. Гришкун, Л.M. Отрошко – Н. Новгород: НГЛУ им. Н.А. Добролюбова, 2006 – 112 с. Практикум по курсу “История английского языка” является органической частью учебно-методического комплекса, включающего учебно-методические материалы по введению в германистику, древнеанглийскому языку, среднеанглийскому и ранненовоанглийскому языкам, созданные на кафедре английской филологии НГЛУ. При работе над пособием соблюдена преемственность между данным практикумом и практической частью “Учебно-методических материалов по курсу “Введение в германскую филологию” в принципах составления комментариев к текстам и упражнений, а также заданий творческого характера. Предлагаемые упражнения, а также тексты с комментариями и заданиями нацелены на оптимизацию самостоятельной работы студентов. Рецензенты: канд.филол.наук, доцент НГЛУ В.И. Курышева канд.филол.наук, доцент НГЛУ А.Н. Сверчков © Издательство ГОУ НГЛУ им. Н.А. Добролюбова, 2006 Contents Conventions and abbreviations ………………………………………4 Exercises ……………………………………………………………6 Old English phonetics………………………………………………….6 Old English morphology……………………………………………….8 Old English syntax……………………………………………………..13 Middle English phonetics .…………………………………………….16 Middle English morphology…………………………………………...19 Middle English syntax…………………………………………………22 Modern English phonetics……………………………………………..25 Modern English morphology…………………………………………..29 Modern English syntax…………………………………………………32 Old English texts………………………………………………………33 The Good Samaritan…………………………………………………...33 The Coming of the English...…………………………………………..39 The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (449, 596, 787, 793, 794, ……………….43 865, 871, 878, 901, 991, 999, 1017, 1041, 1042, 1056) On the State of Learning in England…………………………………...50 The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (894, 1013)………………………………60 Glossary………………………………………………………………..72 Bibliography…………………………………………………………...111 Conventions and Abbreviations Acc. – Accusative adj. – adjective Adv. – adverbial modifier adv. – adverb AE – American English Ang – Anglian anom. – anomalous arch. – archaic art. – article Clt – Celtic coll – colloquial comp. – comparative conj. – conjuction Dan – Danish D = Du – Dutch Dat – Dative dem. – demonstrative der. – derivative dial – dialectal EME – Early Middle English EMnE – Early Modern English f. – feminine G = Ger – German Ga – Gaelic Gen – Genitive Gk – Greek Gmc – Germanic Gth – Gothic Hit – Hittite Icel – Icelandic IE – Indo-European ind.art. – indefinite article indecl. – indeclinable ind.-pers. – indefinite-personal Instr – Instrumental inter. – interrogative irr. – irregular L – Latin LGk – Late Greek Lith – Lithuanian LL – Late Latin LME – Late Middle English m. – masculine ME – Middle English MF – Middle French ML – Middle Latin MnE – Modern English MnG – Modern German n. – neuter Nom – Nominative num. – numeral Obj – Objective OE – Old English OF – Old French OFr – Old Frisian OHG – Old High German OIr – Old Irish OL – Old Latin OLG – Old Low German ON – Old Norse o/s – oblique stem OSax – Old Saxon OSl – Old Slavonic p. – person p.I – participle I p.II – participle II part. – particle pers. – personal pl. – plural poet. – poetic pr. – pronoun pref. – prefix prep. – preposition pret.-prs. – preterite-present prs. – present pt – past refl. – reflexive rel. – relative Ru – Russian s. – substantive Sc – Scandinavian Sco – Scotch sf – suffix Skt – Sanskrit str. – strong subj. – subject superl. – superlative suppl. – suppletive Sw – Swedish t. – tense v. – verb W – Welsh w. – weak Wes - Wessex The other abbreviations are such as usually employed in dictionaries. Symbols > ‘became’, ‘ developed into’ < ‘originally is’ – ‘developed from’ x ‘under the influence of’, ‘on analogy with’ + ‘with’, ‘followed by’ ∞ ‘related to’, ‘from the same root’ = ‘equal(s)’, ‘is or are, equivalent to’ ~ ‘approximately’ ? ‘possibly’, ‘not certain’ / Slant mark is used to show alternative forms. * Asterisk before a word indicates a presumed word. 1, 2, 3, etc indicate classes of verbs. Exercises OLD ENGLISH PHONETICS 1. Indicate the stress of the following OE words by placing a stress mark over the stressed vowel. A – words without a prefix; B – words with a prefix; C – compounds. A 1) brinZan “bring” 2) sceawunZ “surveying” 3) sprecan “speak” 4) tweZen “two” 5) widuwe “widow” 6) frēōdōm “freedom”. B 1) Zefeoht “battle” 2) underZitan “understand” 3) beZinnan “begin” 4) ūtrīdan “ride out” 5) tōcyme “advent” 6) undyrne “open”. C 1) sundlida “sailor” 2) brimclif “cliff by the sea” 3) nōntīd “ninth hour” 4) sunnandæZ “Sunday” 5) sæman “seaman”. 2. Determine the sound values of the letters Z, þ, ð, s, and f in the OE words listed below. Z 1) Zān “go” 2) āZān “gone” 3) dæZ “day” 4) Zēār “year” 5) folZian “follow” 6) sorZa “sorrow” 7) Zrund “ground” 8) Zūð “battle”. þ/Đ 1) þæt “that” 2) oððe “or” 3) oðrōwan “row away” 4) sūð “south” 5) tēoða “tenth” 6) þider “thither” 7) āð “oath”. S 1) sunu “son” 2) rīsan “rise” 3) þis “this” 4) steorra “star”. F 1) feorh “life” 2) wīf “wife” 3) āfen “evening” 4) æfre “ever”. 3. Examine the following OE words to determine the environments in which the sounds of each pair occur. f/v, O/ð, s/z 1) folc “people” 2) þurh “through” 3) sōna “soon” 4) bæþ “bathing” 5) hūs “house” 6) fīf “five” 7) offrunZ “offering” 8) maðelian “make a speech” 9) māðm “object of value” 10) cēōsan “choose” 11) misenlic “various” 12) swīðe “very” 13) efen “even”. Which of the six sounds occur at the beginning of a word? Which sounds occur next to a voiceless consonant? Which sounds occur between vowels? Which sounds occur between a vowel and a voiced consonant? 4. How do you account for the length of the root vowel in the following OE words? For reference use their cognates given in brackets.
5. Explain the absence of /h/ in the infinitive and the presence of this consonant in the past singular of these OE verbs. 1) slēān “kill” – slōh 2) tēōn “draw” – tēāh 3) flēōn “flee” – flēāh 4) sēōn “see” – seah. 6. Explain the origin of the root vowel in each of the following OE words by comparing them with their cognates in other Germanic languages.
7. How can you account for instances of vowel interchange in the following pairs of MnE words?
5) France – French. 8. Explain the root vowel differences between the OE forms and their cognates. 1) OE sceaft “shaft” – MnG Schaft 2) OE scēāp “shape” – OHG scaf 3) OE sceot “shot” – MnG Schoss 4) OE Zēār “year” – OHG jār 5) OE Ziefan “give” – OHG geban 6) OE Zeard “yard” – Gth gards, OHG gart 7) OE eard “earth” – OHG art 8) OE ēāhta “eight” – MnG Acht 9) OE Zefeoht “battle” – OHG gifeht 10) OE healf “half” – MnG halb 11) OE heard “hard” – MnG hart 12) OE heorte “heart” – MnG Herz 13) OE steorfan “die” – MnG sterben 14) OE seolf “self” – MnG selb 15) OE feoh “cattle” – OHG fehu. 9. In the following pairs the first word has a mutated vowel omitted from its spelling, and the second word is a related form without mutation. Supply the missing vowel. 1) d…man “to judge” – dōm “judgement” 2) …niZ “any” – ān “one” 3) h…lan “to heal” – hāl “whole” 4) m…tan “to meet” – mōt “meeting” 5) str…nZest “strongest” – stranZ “strong” 6) m…s “mice” – mūs “mouse” 7) f…dan “feed” – fōd “food” 8) Z…s “geese” – Zōs “goose” 9) t…þ “teeth” – tōþ “tooth” 10) l…ran “to teach” – lār “lore” 11) b…rZan “to bury” – burZ “town”.“ OLD ENGLISH MORPHOLOGY 1. Give the plural of the following OE nouns. 1) dæZ “day” (a-stem m.) 2) word “word” (a-stem n.) 3) dēōr “animal” (a-stem n.) 4) oxa “ox” (n-stem m.) 5) fōt “foot” (root-stem m.). 2. Explain the absence of the plural inflexion in SHEEP, DEER, SWINE. 3. Examine the following OE nouns to determine their stem suffixes. All of them are given in the Nominative case plural.
4. The following OE nouns are cited in the Dative case singular which coincided with the Nominative and Accusative plural. State the type of the stem and determine the Nominative singular form of each noun. 1) сy 2) lys 3) bēc 4) Zæt 5) fyrh 6) æc 7) byriZ. 5. What is the gender of each of the underlined nouns? 1) sēō ceaster “that camp” 2) þæt scip “that ship” 3) sē tūn “that homestead” 4) þēs blostm “this blossom” 5) þēōs talu “this tale” 6) þis land “this land” 7) þā word “those words”. 6. State the number, gender and case of nouns in the phrases given. 1) on þæm dæZe “(on) that day” 2) hira manna “of their men” 3) on þæm daZum “(on) those days” 4) þā bōc “that book” 5) þā bēc “those books” 6) þone here “that army” 7) þā swīn “those swine”. 7. In the following phrases determine the case, number, gender and the type of declension of each adjective. 1) þā ricostan men “the richest men” 2) þone mæstan dæl “the biggest part” 3) swyðe mycel ēā “very big river” 4) fram þære hālZan lāre “from that holy script” 5) ZunZum mannum “(to) young men” 6) tamra dēōra “tame animals” 7) habbað māran spēda “(they) have greater riches” 8) þā swiftan hors “those swift horses”. 8. Give the comparative and superlative forms of these OE adjectives. 1) ZeonZ “young” 2) eald “old” 3) stronZ “strong” 4) lonZ “long” 5) lytel “little” 6) micel “large” 7) yfel “bad” 8) Zōd “good” 9) Zlæd “glad” 10) wilde “wild”. 9. Give the Latin counterparts of the OE personal pronouns IC and ĐŪ and explain the sound correspondencies between the related forms. 10. What OE pronominal forms gave rise to the MnE possessive pronouns? 11. Compare the Nominative dual of OE personal pronouns with their equivalents in Lithuanian to determine the origin of – t in the OE forms. 1) 1st person OE wit – Lith mudu 2) 2nd person OE Zit – Lith judu. 12. Give the OE equivalents of the following pronominal forms of MnG.
13. Examine the principal forms of the Gth strong verb REISAN /ri:san/ “rise” of class I and its OE counterpart RĪSAN. Determine the root vowel correspondences between the two sets of related forms. Gth reisan – rais – risun – risans; OE rīsan – rās – rison – risen. 14. Build the principal forms of the following OE strong verbs of class I. 1) stīZan “climb” 2) Zewītan “go” 3) scrīfan “prescribe”. 15. Examine the principal forms of the Gth strong verb BIUDAN “command” of class II and its OE counterpart BĒŌDAN to explain the root vowels in the related forms. Gth biudan – baud – budun – budans; OE bēōdan – bēād – budon – boden. 16. Give the principal forms of the following OE strong verbs of class II. 1) cēōrfan “carve” 2) drēōsan “fall” 3) flēōtan “flow”. 17. Supply the missing principal forms of the following OE strong verbs of class III. 1) windan “wind” – ? – wundon – ? 2) ? – spranZ “(he) jumped” – ? – sprunZen 3) winnan “fight” – ? – ? – wunnen. 18. Explain the root vowel changes in the principal forms of the Gth strong verb BAIRAN /bε:ran/ of class IV and its OE counterpart BERAN. Gth bairan – bar – berun – baurans; OE beran – bær – bæron – boren. 19. Build the principal forms of the following OE strong verbs of class IV. 1) teran “tear” 2) brecan “break” 3) helan “conceal”. 20. Compare the principal forms of the Gth verb QIĐAN /´kwiOan/ “speak” (class V) and its OE counterpart CWEĐAN and comment on the root vowel correspondences between the two sets of forms. Gth qiþan – qaþ – qeþun qiþans; OE cweðan – cwæð – cwædon – cweden. 21. Build the principal forms of the following OE strong verbs of class V. 1) tredan “tread” 2) sprecan “speak” 3) wrecan “avenge”. 22. The OE verbs ALAN “grow” has the following principal forms: alan – ōl – ōlōn – alen. Determine the class of this verb. What type of ablaut is used in this class? 23. Build the principal forms of the following OE strong verbs of class VI. 1) standan “stand” 2) wadan “wade” 3) bacan “bake” 4) wascan “wash”. 24. Examine the principal forms of the Gth strong verb HAITAN of class VII. What means of form building were originally used in this class? haitan – haihait – haihaitun – haitans 25. What archaic features can be observed in these past tense singular forms of OE verbs of class VII? 1) heht “called” 2) leolc “played” 3) reord “advised”. 26. The following OE verbs are cited in both their infinitive and past singular forms. Classify the verbs according to the traditional division of OE verbs into strong and weak. 1) tæcan “teach” – tāhte 2) scīnan “shine” – scān 3) lōcian “look” – lōcode 4) fōn “catch” – fenZ 5) hyran “hear” – hyrde 6) brenZan “bring” – brōhte 7) faran “go” – fōr 8) wyrcan “work” – worhte. 27. Build the principal forms of the following weak verbs. 1) styrian “stir” 2) dēman “deem” 3) andswarian “answer” 4) habban “have” 5) libban “live” 6) cēpan “keep”. 28. Build the first or third person singular present of the following OE verbs and state their type. 1) maZan “may” 2) sculan “have to” 3) cunnan “can” 4) þurfan “need” 5) witan “know” 6) munan “remember”. 29. Why is the OE verb BĒŌN-WESAN called suppletive? How many stems are the forms of this verb derived from? 30. How do you account for the term “anomalous” used with reference to the OE verbs DŌN and WILLAN? 31. Conjugate the OE strong verb HELPAN and the weak verb DĒMAN in full. Their principal forms are as follows: 1) helpan – healp – hulpon – holpen 2) dēman – dēmde – dēmed. |
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