Сборник лексико-грамматических упражнений - страница 14

Сборник лексико-грамматических упражнений

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Сегодня на лекции мы поговорим о мусоре, который мы выбрасываем каждый день, а также о том, какие проблемы он вызывает.

В США каждый человек выбрасывает около 4 фунтов мусора ежедневно. В масштабах страны количество мусора достигает 180 тонн. И это, как вы понимаете, очень внушительная цифра.
Что происходит с мусором? Большую часть мусора вывозят на специальные места свалки, которые разбросаны по всей стране. Место свалки представляет собой большую яму. Но эти ямы имеют тенденцию быстро заполняться. Проблема в том, что мусора слишком много, а мест для его хранения мало. Мы не можем сваливать весь мусор только в эти ямы.
Что делать? Решить проблему можно, но для этого необходимо помнить о двух вещах. Во-первых, мы должны прекратить сбрасывать мусор в места свалки и, во-вторых, важно сократить количество выбрасываемого мусора.
Прежде всего, необходимо знать, ЧТО именно мы собираемся выбросить. В Америке 50 % мусора составляет бумага (газеты, книги, журналы), другие 13 % – природные материалы (еда и дерево), 10 % – пластик (пакеты и пластиковые бутылки), 6% – метал (жестяные банки из-под напитков и еды), 1% – стекло (бутылки и банки). Другие 20 % – остальной мусор (мусор от старых зданий, старые шины).
Чтобы сократить количество мусора, мы должны сократить размеры контейнеров под мусор, то есть уменьшить их. Некоторые компании уже ввели подобную практику. Многие продукты, которые мы покупаем в магазинах, упакованы в большое количество бумаги и пластика, что составляет много мусора. В 1970-х годах пластиковые бутылки под соду были очень толстыми и тяжёлыми, поэтому приходилось выбрасывать много пластика. Теперь эти бутылки стали более тонкими и лёгкими. Итог – меньше пластика и меньше мусора.
Другой способ сократить количество мусора – это переработка мусора, из которого получаются новые продукты по качеству не хуже оригинальных. Во многих странах люди перерабатывают мусор. Так, например, из старых пластиковых бутылок из-под соды некоторые компании делают одежду. Другие компании производят обувь из старых шин.

В настоящее время нам всем необходимо думать о способах сокращения количества мусора и его переработки, чтобы жить в здоровой обстановке.
Task 10 a) Match environmental terms 1)-13) with their definitions a)-m) and learn this vocabulary b) think of your own sentences with these notions.

  1. carbon footprint

  1. the natural world, including the air, water and land in or on which people, animals and plants live;

  1. environmental

  1. keep and protect something from waste;

  1. a bottle bank

  1. a place where wind turbines (tall structures with blades that are blown; round by the wind) are used to produce electricity from the power of the wind;

  1. wind farm

  1. relating to the natural world and the effect humans have on it;

  1. the greenhouse effect

  1. not using artificial chemicals in the growing of plants or raising animals for food and other products;

  1. pollution

  1. human-caused increase in the global temperature;

  1. environmentalist

  1. an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere which the majority of scientists think causes global warming;

  1. the environment

  1. designed not to damage or harm the environment;

  1. environmentally friendly / green

  1. collect and treat rubbish to produce useful materials which can be used again;

  1. organic

  1. damage caused to water, air, etc. by harmful substances or waste;

  1. global warming / climate change

  1. a large container which people put empty bottles and other glass objects into so that the glass can be used again;

  1. conserve energy / electricity / power

  1. an individual's or organization’s total output of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases caused by their everyday actions;

  1. recycle

  1. person who wants to protect the environment from being damaged by human activities;

Task 11. Translate the sentences using the terms from the previous exercise. The phrases in the box can help you translate the sentences.

to lower smth • to reduce the threat of smth • to be on a flight • to go into waterways • to turn central heating down • to make/produce such a racket

  1. Нам многое нужно сделать, чтобы защитить окружающую среду от загрязнения.

  2. Загрязнение от машин, заводов и фабрик приводит к так называемому парниковому эффекту.

  3. Использование машин, сжигание угля – примеры того, что может вызвать проблемы окружающей среды в будущем.

  4. Он говорит, что использование безвредного для окружающей среды стирального порошка означает, что меньше химических веществ проникает в водостоки каждый год.

  5. Она – защитник окружающей среды. Она считает, что посадка деревьев поможет уменьшить глобальное потепление.

  6. Пластиковые стаканчики можно переработать и сделать из этого материала карандаши.

  7. Несмотря на то, что органическая пища дороже, она полезнее и лучше на вкус, так как в ней не содержится «химия».

  8. Чтобы не жечь (не тратить) много электричества, он выключил отопление и надел на себя больше одежды.

  9. Все считают, что ветровые электростанции – хорошая идея, однако никто не хочет жить рядом с ними, так как они производят много шума.

  10. Необходимо снизить выбросы парниковых газов, чтобы предотвратить угрозу глобального потепления.

  11. Многие рабочие жаловались на то, что загрязнение от фабрик и заводов вызывает у них множество различных заболеваний.

  12. За этот год она три раза ездила заграницу, и она обеспокоена «углеродным следом», который она оставила.

Task 12. Role-play the following interview about ageing population. Comment on any new information.


Hello! I’m Alice and this is 6 Minute English. I’m joined today by Abdu. Hi Abdu.


Hi Alice.


Today we’re talking about ageing populations, pensions and retirement. I’m going to start by asking you Abdu – what age do you expect to retire?


I’m planning to retire around 65 to 70.


And do you have a pension?


Unfortunately not.


I’ve also got a third question – according to the United Nations in 1950, 8% of the world’s population was over 60 years old. Currently 11% of the world’s population is over 60. Any guesses what percentage will be over 60 in 2050?


I’m not sure – it looks like it’s going up? I would guess 15%.


Have a think about it. There are lots of terms for people who have reached retirement age. Official terms in British English are ‘OAPwhich stands for old aged pensioner’ and in American English ‘Senior Citizen’ or ‘Senior’.


You hear the term OAP less frequently these days in the UK. It doesn’t sound as respectful perhaps as ‘Senior Citizen’.


In many countries, economists and politicians are talking about the impact of an ageing population. In many countries around the world people are living longer and will spend more time in retirement. Experts are worried about how we will pay for the health and services for an increasing number of people in retirement.


Some people save money in pension plans or retirement funds as they’re called in the United States. What’s interesting is how many people don’t have pensions despite the warnings given by governments about saving for retirement. According to a BBC survey, only 2 out of every 10 people around the world have a pension.


We asked people if they were scared about getting old and not having enough money to live on. Here’s what they said:

Goodness there’s a question – I currently have a pension in my job so I’m not too worried that way and I’m also hoping to save for my retirement and for later years by owning property and renting that out and selling it on when I need more income. I’m not fussed about getting old –we all have to get older sometime, you know, so I’m not scared about it. Life is life and that’s the way life should be. I’m not scared about getting older or being unemployed, at all. Not very scared – I’m more scared about getting older than being unemployed. Absolutely terrified – I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future. I’m really worried and I really need to sort that out.


Some people have other plans for how they will survive financially when they retire. One man said he was hoping to save for retirement by owning property and renting it out or selling it when he needs more income.


And one man said he was terrified – very very frightened about what’s going to happen in the future because he hasn’t thought about planning for retirement.


In some countries the age of retirement is increasing so that people will work longer before they collect their pensions. This is very controversial in some societies.


In France people went on strike to complain about proposals to increase the retirement age from 60 to 62.


And in the UK, some people in their 20s and 30s are annoyed that they may have to work longer than people in previous generations – especially those born in the 1940s and 50s who are sometimes called the baby boomer generation.


The baby boomers – people born between the years of 1945 and 1964 after the Second World War, when there was a large increase in the number of children born.


Here’s Rosamund Irwin, a 26-year-old journalist, talking to her father Nigel, a 60-year-old lawyer. She thinks life is going to be very difficult for young people in the future:

Well, I think the baby boomers are guilty of great generational injustice. What they’ve done to the future is they have had the very advantageous position of having access to very generous pensions. They’ve had cheap housing when they came out of university and they didn’t pay to go to university. This problem that arises is because of changes in demographics, and the expectation that we’ll all live longer and I think that the next generation has every prospect of living longer, than we baby boomer generation. And so if they want to complain that they’ve got to work longer to earn those pensions it’s because they will live longer overall.


So Rosamund Irwin says it’s unfair that her generation will have to work longer than her parents did. She says there is generational injustice.


She says her parent’s generation started from an advantageous position.


They have generous pensions and had cheap housing compared to today. But her father says his generation shouldn’t be blamed. He thinks the problem arises because of changes in demographics. In this case, that’s the spread of ages across the population, the fact that there are more older people than there were before.


But he says that younger people have every prospect of living longer.


I think he means that the younger generation should be grateful that they will live longer than people have ever done before – but they will have to pay for it. So have you had a thought about our question at the beginning of the programme Abdu? What percentage of the world’s population will be over the age of 60 in 2050?


I’m sticking with my original answer – 15%.


Actually, it’s a bit higher. By the middle of this century, the United Nations estimates that 22% of people will be over the age of 60. Well that’s all we’ve got time for today. Thanks for joining us and see you next time.




Task 13. Answer the questions to the text above.

  1. How many people are over 60 nowadays?

  2. What do “OAP” and “Senior Citizen” stand for?

  3. What worries and problems do an increasing number of ageing people cause with economists and politicians?

  4. Do people save money today?

  5. Are people scared about getting old and not having enough money to live on? Why/why not?

  6. How do people plan to survive financially when they retire?

  7. In some countries the age of retirement is going up, isn’t it? Provide figures and statistics.

  8. Why does Rosamund Irwin think that the baby boomers are guilty of great generational injustice? Do you agree with her?

  9. Do you agree that young generation should be grateful that they have every prospect of living longer? Will they have to pay for this “luxury”?

Task 14. Hold a conference with your groupmates on environmental issues. Each of you represents a country. Discuss environmental problems you face in your country and ways of addressing them.
Task 15. Do research. Use the statement “To be old does not mean being ill” to compare senior citizens from different cultures and countries. What life do they lead after they retire? Do they retire from life as well? Use real examples, books and movies. Present your results in class.
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