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Сборник текстов и упражнений для второго курса. Содержание. Введение
1) Education in Russia. 2) The system of education in the USA. 3) Education in Britain. Life at school. University education. Библиография MEALS. Text 1. FOOD IN AMERICA. WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS:
As American as apple pie. The expression “as American as apple pie” means something that is typically American, but even apple pie came from somewhere else. The only true American foods are those that the Native Americans gave the first settlers, including corn, squash, pumpkin, turkey, and buffalo. Roast turkey, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie are still eaten at Thanksgiving. Immigrants have brought all kinds of dishes with them from their home countries. People enjoy tasting new dishes and often exchange recipes with friends. Fast food. People on the go because of busy work or social schedules don’t have much time for cooking at home. Takeout meals from restaurants, pizza parlors, and delicatessens (also called delis) have become a regular part of everyday life. Food can be picked up at a restaurant, or people call in orders by phone and the takeout meal is delivered to their homes. Ready-to-eat and instant processed foods that are quick to prepare are very popular. TV dinners are complete dinners on a tray that you take from the freezer and heat up in the oven or microwave. Snacks and junk food like doughnuts, popcorn, cookies, or potato chips are also easy to eat. What’s for breakfast? The day starts with breakfast. During the week this might be something quick: cereal with milk, a muffin or toast with coffee, tea, milk, or juice to drink. At weekends when people have more time, breakfast might be pancakes, waffles, an omelet, or bacon and eggs. Lunch at work or school is usually between 12 and 1 p.m. Some people prefer to bring their lunch from home. Tuna fish, sliced meat called cold cuts, or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are kids’ favorites. Most schools and some businesses have cafeterias that serve lunch. Dinner, the biggest meal of the day, is generally at 6 or 7 p.m. A typical dinner includes a hot vegetable, a salad, meat or some kind of vegetable protein, and a potato or pasta dish. Stew (meat cooked with vegetables) and soup are also favourite dinner foods. Exercise 1. Translate into Russian: true American foods; takeout meals from restaurants, pizza parlors, and delicatessens; lunch at work or school; favourite dinner foods; some kind of vegetable protein; the first settlers; roast turkey; pumpkin pie; all kinds of dishes; home countries; tasting new dishes; quick to prepare; prefer to bring their lunch from home; a regular part of everyday life; to heat up in the oven or microwave. Exercise 2. Translate into English: холодные закуски; на ходу; богатая калориями, нездоровая пища; горячая сдоба; ореховое масло; обычный ужин; мясо с овощами; в выходные; иметь больше времени; в течение недели; тост с кофе; что-то быстрое; очень популярный; вынуть из холодильника; обычная часть жизни; обмениваться рецептами с друзьями. Exercise 3. What can you tell about the expression “as American as apple pie”/fast food/food of the Native Americans/American breakfast, lunch, dinner? Exercise 4. Fill in the missing words:
Exercise 5. Describe your breakfast/lunch/dinner at home/at the college/somewhere else. Exercise 6. Retell the text. Text 2. EATING OUT. WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS:
Twenty years ago British people usually ate at home. They went out for a meal at special times, like for somebody’s birthday. But today many people eat out at least once a week. There are many kinds of restaurants in England. Some of them are traditional restaurants where a waiter serves customers, and others are self-service restaurants. There are cafes and sandwich bars which are very popular and crowded, especially during the lunch-hour, but it is getting more and more expensive to have meals there. At self-service cafeterias a customer serves himself, and he can get a meal more quickly and less expensive there than in other types of restaurants. But the most popular place “for a drink and a chat” has been and still is the famous English pub with its cosy and friendly atmosphere. People go to pubs not only for some beer or whisky, but to meet their friends and they often spend the whole evening there till closing time. A lot of people buy fish and chips – the classic English take-away food in “fish-and-chips shops” and eat it there or in the street. Fast food restaurants and bars are very popular too. The most common food there is hamburgers, of course. But the British people also like Chinese, Japanese and Indian cuisine which shows that they have become quite cosmopolitan in their eating habits. Exercise 1. Translate into Russian: to go out for a meal at special times; to become quite cosmopolitan in their eating habits; to get a meal more quickly and less expensive; sandwich bars; during the lunch-hour; at least once a week; to spend the whole evening; self-service restaurants; very popular and crowded; fish-and-chips shops; in the street; Chinese, Japanese and Indian cuisine; the most common food. Exercise 2. Translate into English: многие люди; очень популярный; классическая английская еда на вынос; знаменитый английский паб; встречать друзей; время закрытия паба; конечно; двадцать лет назад; ходить на чей-либо день рождения; традиционный ресторан; официант обслуживает посетителей; более дорогой; дружеская атмосфера. Exercise 3. Agree or disagree. Give your reasons.
When two Englishmen meet, their first words will be "How do you do?" or "How are you?" And after the reply "Very well, thank you: how are you?" the next remark is almost certain to be about the weather. "It's a lovely morning, isn't it?" or "Isn't it hot today?" and the other person will reply "Yes, it's wonderful weather we are having. I hope it will keep fine." Or perhaps the day is dull, it is raining a little, the sky is grey, and everyone is wearing a mackintosh or carrying an umbrella. As the cars and buses go along the street, they splash the water and mud on the passers-by. Gradually it gets darker: a thick fog is spreading over London. The lamps are lit in the streets and in the shops and offices; cars and buses put on their lights and can only crawl along. As one friend bumps into another, he says. "Isn't it a beastly day?" — "Yes," replies the other, “you can hardly see a yard in front of you." Then comes winter. There has been a good fall of snow and a hard frost. It is just the day for a good country walk; let us have a tramp down the country lanes. The ground is like iron and rings under our feet, the frost sparkles on the branches, and icicles hang from the houses. It is still freezing hard and the ponds are frozen over. There are crowds of people on them sliding and skating, and here is a merry group of schoolboys having a fight with snowballs. It is very pleasant while the frost lasts; the unpleasant time comes when the thaw begins. A few months have passed and it is a beautiful spring day. The rain fell heavily last night, but now the soft white clouds are floating across the blue sky, and the sun is shining brightly. Raindrops and dewdrops shine on every small green leaf and every blade of young grass. The farmer has ploughed his fields and the new corn is just beginning to appear above the ground. In a few months autumn and harvest time will come. When the corn has turned ripe and golden the farmer will reap it and put it in his barn. Exercise 1. Translate into Russian: after the reply; the remark about the weather; floating across the blue sky; go along the street; a good fall of snow; to appear above the ground; harvest time; to turn ripe and golden; a beautiful spring day; the unpleasant time; a thick fog; crowds of people; a merry group of schoolboys; soft white clouds; on every small green leaf and every blade of young grass; to splash water on the passers-by; to put on the lights; hardly see a yard in front of you; to carry an umbrella. Exercise 2. Translate into English: первые слова; вспахать поля; сверкать на ветках; ярко светить; свисать с крыш домов; звенеть под ногами; сильный мороз; день для загородной прогулки; расстилаться по Лондону; чудесная погода; убрать в амбар; спустя несколько месяцев; играть в сражение снежками; начинается оттепель; постепенно темнеет; хмурый день. Exercise 3. Answer the questions:
Exercise 4. Copy out the sentences (or parts of the sentences), separating them in columns ‘Present Simple’, ‘Past Simple’, ‘Future Simple’, ‘Present Continuous’, ‘Present Perfect’. Exercise 5. Retell the text. Text 2. WEATHER TALK. WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS:
Leon: Lovely day today, isn't it? G e о r g e: It is. There's hardly a cloud in the sky in fact. Leon: We'll have a heat wave, I fear. It must be 25 degrees in the shade. George: It is very close today. Not a leaf is stirring. Leon: There's hardly a breath of air. George: By the way, I've just read the weather-forecast in my newspaper here. Leon: What does it say? George: (reading) "Pressure will remain high to the southwest of the British Isles. There will be occasional rain or drizzle, but bright weather with a few scattered showers will spread to England and Wales." Leon: I fear a thunderstorm is coming. George: The sky is overcast and the sun is going in. Leon: It looks like rain. Actually it's beginning to rain. And I have left my umbrella at home. It never rains but it pours! George: Fortunately enough, I've got my folding umbrella with me. Let me put it up. Leon: What a tremendous clap of thunder! George: And what a flash of lightning! Leon: But the English have a saying about the weather, if you don't like it now, just wait a bit. George: Look! It's clearing up. The clouds are lifting. Leon: It has stopped raining. Look at this wonderful rainbow! George: Bright sunshine again. Now I know why English weather is something worth talking about. Exercise 1. Translate into Russian: to wait a bit; a tremendous clap of thunder; to the southwest of the British Isles; the weather-forecast in my newspaper; a heat wave; in fact; I fear; fortunately; to clear up; bright weather with a few scattered showers; a breath of air; actually. Exercise 2. Translate into English: кратковременный дождь или изморось; забыть зонт дома; чудесная радуга; стоит говорить о чём-либо; высокое давление; идёт шторм; кстати; 25 градусов в тени; очень душно; вспышка молнии; поговорка о погоде. Exercise 3. Learn the dialogue. MASS MEDIA. |
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