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Part 4. Emergency Unit 10. The Concept of Emergency Active vocabulary 1) accident – авария, несчастный случай, катастрофа; 2) incident – происшествие, эпизод, случайность; 3) to define – определить, определять; 4) occurrence – появление; 5) intention – намерение; 6) to disembark – высадиться, высадить; 7) to sustain – поддерживать, выдержать; 8) to affect – влиять, повлиять; 9) hull – корпус; 10) comprehensive – комплексный, всесторонний; 11) similar – похожий, подобный, аналогичный; 12) emergency procedures- порядок действий в аварийной обстановке; 13) definition – определение; 14) generic – общий; 15) uncertainty - неопределенность; 16) alert – предупреждение, уведомление, оповещение; 17) distress – бедствие; 18) apprehension – опасение, восприятие, предчувствие; 19) to threaten- угрожать, грозить; 20) imminent – неизбежный. Guess the meaning of the following words: seriously, structural, immediate action, warning lights, two identical, instructions, phraseology, standard procedures, chaos, controller's work, occupants, phase, situation, information, safety, danger, assistance. A. Aviation Accidents and Incidents An aviation accident is defined in the Convention on International Civil Aviation Annex 13 as an occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft which takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight and all such persons have disembarked, in which a person is fatally or seriously injured, the aircraft sustains damage or structural failure and/or the aircraft is missing or is completely inaccessible. An aviation incident is also defined there as an occurrence other than an accident, associated with the operation of an aircraft, which affects or could affect the safety of operations. An accident in which the damage to the aircraft is such that it must be written off, or in which the plane is destroyed is called a hull loss accident. B. Emergency Definitions Emergency is a serious event that needs immediate action. Summarizing aeronautical experience a list of most common reasons for the crew to declare an emergency can be made: mid-air explosion, serious fire in the cabin or engine, oil or door warning lights, loss of an engine, bird strikes, illness on board. However, this list will never be comprehensive and complete. Thus, each emergency must be treated as an event of its own. It may be similar to other emergencies, but there hardly could be two identical in every respect. That is why it is totally impossible to define instructions for all cases and write such a document as phraseology for emergencies. Nevertheless, there are some standard procedures which help to prevent chaos and make controller's work organized and regulated. ICAO has some definitions concerning emergency procedures. Emergency phase is a generic term meaning, as the case may be, uncertainty phase, alert phase or distress phase. Uncertainty phase is a situation wherein uncertainty exists as to the safety of an aircraft and its occupants. Alerting phase is a situation wherein apprehension exists as to the safety of an aircraft or its occupants. Distress phase is a situation wherein there is reasonable certainty that an aircraft and its occupants are threatened by grave and imminent danger or require immediate assistance. A. Comprehension 1. Read text A. Give the definitions of the following words: 1) An aviation accident; 2) An aviation incident; 3) A hull loss accident. 2. Read text B. Point out its main ideas and write them out. 3. Arrange the sentences below in the order they appear in the text. 1) ICAO has some definitions concerning emergency procedures. 2) Each emergency must be treated as an event of its own. 3) There are some standard procedures which help to prevent chaos. 4) The aircraft’s occupants are threatened by imminent danger or require immediate assistance. 5) A situation wherein uncertainty exists as to the safety of an aircraft and its occupants. 4. Answer the following questions: 1) What list of most common reasons for the crew to declare an emergency can be made? 2) Why isn’t it complete? 3) Is it possible to write phraseology for emergencies? 4) What can help to prevent chaos and make controller's work organized? 5) What is uncertainty phase? 6) In what situation do aircraft’s occupants require immediate assistance? B. Vocabulary practice 1. Agree or disagree with the following statements: 1) The list of most common reasons for the crew to declare an emergency is always comprehensive and complete. 2) There hardly could be two identical emergencies. 3) There are some standard procedures which make controller's work organized. 4) Emergency phase is a generic term meaning. 5) Distress phase is a situation wherein apprehension exists as to the safety of an aircraft or its occupants. 2. Give definitions to: 1) Aviation accident; 2) Aviation incident’ 3) Hull loss accident; 4) Emergency. 3. Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below. Use the words only once. Seriously, immediate, define, standard, alerting, generic, reasonable, require, imminent, prevent. 1)……….certainty; 6) …….injured; 2)……….phase; 7) to……instructions; 3)…………procedures; 8)…... assessment; 4) ……….assistance; 9) to……chaos; 5)…….. danger; 10)……term. 4. Give Russian equivalents for: 1) with the intention of flight; 2) completely inaccessible; 3) summarizing aeronautical experience; 4) mid-air explosion; 5) phraseology for emergencies; 6) to make controller's work regulated; 7) concerning emergency procedures; 8) uncertainty phase; 9) reasonable certainty; 10) to require immediate assistance; 11) safety of an aircraft and its occupants; 12) alerting phase; 13) distress phase. 5. Underline the correct word (s) in bold. 1) An aviation incident is defined as an occurrence/ event associated with the operation of an aircraft, which affects the safety of operations. 2) Emergency is a serious event that needs serious /immediate action. 3) There is a list of most common reasons for the crew to define /declare an emergency. 4) ICAO has some definitions according/concerning people safety. 5) Each emergency must/ can be treated as an event of its own. 6) There is reasonable certainty/ apprehension that an aircraft is threatened by imminent danger. 6. Fill in the correct preposition then make sentences using the completed phrases: 1) occurrence associated …. the operation … an aircraft; 2) serious fire … the cabin; 3) loss … an engine; 4) illness … board; 5) to be similar … other emergencies; 6) an aircraft … emergency; 7) the safety … an aircraft and its occupants; 8) to be threatened … grave; 9) instructions … some cases; 10) … every respect. 7. Give English equivalents for: Авиационное происшествие, событие, связанное с использованием воздушного судна ,с намерением совершить полет, смертельно или тяжело ранен , несчастный случай, безопасность полетов, немедленное действие, список наиболее распространенных причин, взрыв в воздухе , болезнь на борту, во всех отношениях, стандартные процедуры , общий термин, в зависимости от обстоятельств, неопределенность, безопасность воздушного судна, бедствие, обоснованная уверенность, под угрозой серьезной опасности, немедленная помощь. 8. Read the sentences and write P for the Subjective Participial Complex, I for the Subjective Infinitive Complex and A for the Absolute Participial Construction. 1) An aviation incident is defined to be an occurrence other than an accident. 2) A plane was heard flying high in the sky. 3) The pilot having informed a supervisor, he was able to do most of the liaison. 4) The English is considered to be confusing in emergency. 5) An aircraft having some difficulties, the pilot can inform about it by flashing its navigation lights. 6) Two unusual situations are likely to overlap. 7) The controller is needed to make a reasonable assessment of the situation. 8) The pilot was seen transmitting radiotelegraphy signal. 9) A new technique having been worked out, radio silence may be imposed on all traffic. 9. Read the text. Fill in the gaps with words from the list. Disaster, lower, opposite, involving, among, struck, arriving, aboard, exploded, uncontrollable. Major Disasters The crash of Japan Airlines Flight 123 in 1985 is the single-aircraft 1)… with the highest number of fatalities. In this crash, 520 died on board a Boeing 747. The aircraft suffered an explosive decompression from a failed pressure bulkhead repair, which destroyed its vertical stabilizer and severed hydraulic lines, making the 747 virtually 2)… The world's deadliest mid-air collision was the 1996 Charkhi Dadri collision involving Saudia Flight 763 and Air Kazakhstan Flight 1907 over Haryana, India. The crash was mainly the result of the Kazakh pilot flying 3) … than the altitude for which his aircraft was given clearance. Three hundred and forty-nine passengers and crew died from both aircraft. The Chandra Commission, empowered to study the causes, also recommended the creation of "air corridors" to prevent planes from flying in 4) … directions at the same altitude. On June 23, 1985, Air India Flight 182 crashed off the southwest coast of Ireland when a bomb 5) …in the cargo hold. On board the Boeing 747-237B were 307 passengers and 22 crew members, all of whom were killed when the plane disintegrated. One passenger checked in as "M. Singh". He didn't board the flight but his suitcase that contained the bomb was loaded onto the plane. Mr. Singh was never identified and captured. This was, at the time, the deadliest terrorist attack 6) … an airplane. Iran Air Flight 655 was a civilian airliner shot down by US missiles on Sunday 3 July 1988, over the Strait of Hormuz killing all 290 passengers and crew 7) … , including 66 children, ranking it seventh 8) … the deadliest airline disasters. In August of 1985 Delta Airlines flight 191 was brought down by a microburst in Dallas Texas. Flight 191 was 9) … at DFW around 6 o'clock and entered a thunderstorm just north of DFW. The plane struck the ground the first time in a field just north of the airfield. The plane then bounced back in the air and came down a final time on highway 114. It 10) … a car killing its driver then went on to smash head on into two huge water tanks. 10. Make up some questions to the underlined words. 11. Match the numbers to the letters: 1. mid-air; a) causes; 2. crew; b) collision; 3. civilian; c) corridor; 4. air; d) members; 5. to study; e) airliner; 6. to strike; f) ground; 7. to board. g) flight. 12. Distribute the words below according to the parts of speech. Underline suffixes and prefixes. Translate the words. Verb Noun Adverb Adjective Flight, fatality, suffer, explosive , pressure, vertical, virtually, collision, mainly, clearance, empower, recommend, creation, direction, altitude, coast, deadliest, civilian, brought, final, highway, went, huge, tank. 13. Fill in the following table as in the example:
14. Translate the following sentences find the gerunds and define their functions. 1) The proper use of aeronautical phraseology is an important element in reducing the risk of misunderstandings. 2) A proposal to amend several annexes by introducing a requirement to translate on board documents into English was adopted in 2001. 3) There is the ultimate goal of developing enhanced communication procedures. 4) Flight 191 was arriving at the airport around 6 o'clock. 5) ICAO is involved in language training for a good number of years. 6) The necessity of transferring all the rest traffic to another frequency may arise. 7) Airport screening was established in the USA in January 1973. 15. Translate the following sentences into English: Авиационное происшествие определяется в Конвенции о международной гражданской авиации в качестве события, связанного с использованием воздушного судна, в котором человек смертельно или тяжело ранен, а воздушное судно получает повреждение или разрушение конструкции. Авария является серьезным событием, которое требует немедленного действия. Список наиболее распространенных причин, чтобы объявить чрезвычайное положение, никогда не будет всеобъемлющим и полным. Именно поэтому совершенно невозможно определить инструкции для всех случаев. Тем не менее, есть некоторые стандартные процедуры, которые помогают предотвратить хаос. ИКАО имеет некоторые определения, касающиеся чрезвычайных ситуаций. Фаза неопределенности – это ситуация, когда существует неопределенность в отношении безопасности воздушного судна и его обитателей. Фаза бедствия – это ситуация, при которой имеется обоснованная уверенность в том, что воздушное судно и его обитатели находятся под угрозой серьезной и непосредственной опасности. С. Discussion 1. Using the information given in the text “Emergency Definitions” analyze and supplement the list of most common reasons for the crew to declare an emergency. 2. Find the information about one of the major disasters in the Internet, describe the accident and its consequences, define the reasons. Use the following words to note consequences: so, therefore, as a result, consequently, despite the fact that, since. |
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