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10.Переведите предложения из этого текста. Сохранили ли Вы специфику текста? Каким образом?

  1. There are signs of a last hurrah for the coolness of the cigarette.

  2. The last Bond to smoke on screen was in 1989.

  3. British commercial TV currently runs ads featuring "bad boy" Iggy Pop looking half-naked, wrinkled. But superbad Mr Pop would not be allowed, of course, to smoke.

  4. Sit in a pub or dodgy restaurant today and watch someone light up inside near the doors, and the nostrils flaring will be those of fellow-smokers, like Dracula scenting garlic.

  5. Put a living, polluting smoker on TV, an advert, a council promo, the cover of this magazine, an anything, and they'll be as welcome as a streaker at Queen Victoria's funeral.

  6. The Hollywood stars who promoted cigarettes, and were paid handsomely or prettily to do so, mostly didn't smoke.

  7. There's Bill Hicks, the late US comic. "The worst kind of non-smokers are the ones that come up to you and cough. That's pretty fucking cruel, isn't it? Do you go up to cripples and dance?"

Действия переводчика при семантизирующем понимании
1. Подберите вариантное соответствие слову scale, исходя из предложенных микро- и макроконтекстов с учетом встречаемости данного слова в словосочетаниях:

politics of scale, scalar structuration, scalar reconstruction, scaled relationship, rescaling process, production of scale, scale transformation.
Масштаб, иерархия, сегмент, ниша, типология, таксон. Какой из предложенных вариантов отражает нечто, связанное с органами власти и бизнесом и их деление в вертикальном и горизонтальном отношении?
1) The airlines increasingly avoided wasteful competition on regional routes by establishing route-based spatial monopolies – or, equivalently, by demarcating territories within scales.
2) Although the nation-state’s attempt to disown the subnational level and to create a new transnational scale of engagement failed, the outcome of the process has complicated the boundaries between international, national and subnational jurisdictions; added a forth tier to a rescaled service network; and increased the role of technology in defining the scale and scope of air services infrastructures.
3) By the late 1970s, the rigidly scaled landscape of air services had become the arena in which new political struggles were played out.
Переведите текстовые фрагменты. Во всех ли случаях слово scale переводиться одинаково? Обоснуйте свой ответ.
2. Переведите выделенные слова, выражения. Обоснуйте Ваши переводческие решения с точки зрения теории закономерных соответствий.

  1. The crew of the boat consisted of her husband, his two mates, three engineers, twelve firemen and ten able-bodied seamen.

  2. Mendeleyev was a great student of chemistry.

  3. The salesman showed me a number of patterns for various fabrics.

  4. The officers of that company consist of the president, the treasurer, the counsel, the auditor, etc.

  5. It was a decorated, becatered and bewaitered table.

  6. There are people who have much and those who have nothing. – Well you see. I’m among muchers.

  7. The pill was sugar-coated.

  8. This man is an escapist from modern society.

  9. The then President of the US was Lincoln.

  10. The die-hards are in fact nothing but have-beens.

  11. He crowded a lot of adventures into his young life.

  12. In spring plants shoot out rapidly.

  13. This political party contains a new plank in its platform.

  14. England considered Canada as her granary, Australia as her butcher and New Zealand as her henhouse.

  15. She had ricocheted through three teen-age marriages, the first at 14 or 15.

3. Ниже приведены отрывки из книги Jonathan Culler. Literary theory: a very short introduction.

Почему глаголы to come и to have to выделены курсивом? В чем их функция? Сможем ли мы при переводе передать эту функцию? Каким образом? Предложите свой вариант перевода предложения, содержащего выделенные глаголы.
…Characteristically, historians do not produce explanations that are like the predictive explanations of science: they cannot show that when X and Y occur, Z will necessarily happen. What they do, rather, is to show how one thing led to another, how the First World War came to break out, not why it had to happen. The model for historical explanation is thus the logic of stories: the way a story shows how something came to happen, connecting the initial situation, the development, and the outcome in a way that makes sense.
Проведите семный (компонентный) анализ глагола to wrestle. Переведите предложение, содержащее это слово. Проведите семный анализ эквивалента глагола to wrestle. Все ли семы были сохранены и/или переданы в тексте перевода? Какие семы остались не задействованы, если таковые имеются?
But ‘What is literature?’ might also be a question about distinguishing characteristics of the works known as literature: what distinguishes them from non-literary works? What differentiates literature from other human activities or pastimes? … are there any essential, distinguishing features that literary works share?

This is a difficult question. Theorists have wrestled with it, but without notable success. The reasons are not far to seek: works of literature come in all shapes and sizes and most of them seem to have more in common with works that aren’t usually called literature than they do with some other works recognized as literature.
4. Проведите компонентный анализ слова delicious. С учетом выявленных сем осуществите перевод этого слова в разных контекстах. Какие семы были задействованы при переводе, а какие нет? Почему?

  1. Last night we went to see a delicious new comedy on Broadway.

  2. The vanilla ice cream in that restaurant, served with fresh berries and whipped cream, was particularly delicious.

  3. Then as now, New York seemed a delicious place to visit, but not somewhere I could live.

  4. If financial elites misprice risks and offer delicious loans to consumers, then many of those consumers will end up grabbing them.

  5. Her acting style displayed a delicious mastery of technique and diction.

  6. My friend told you all kinds of delicious gossip about what the teacher had been doing all last year.

5. Проведите компонентный анализ слова icon(ic). С учетом выявленных сем осуществите перевод этого слова в разных контекстах. Какие семы были задействованы при переводе, а какие нет? Почему?

  1. The Statue of Liberty is an iconic monument for all Americans.

  2. Piaf’s own secretary had written a book about the icon.

  3. Of Heath Ledger’s performance in the film “The Dark Knight”, released after his death, critics wrote, “It’s amazing, it’s stunning, it’s iconic. It’s going to just blow people away”.

  4. Regarding Michelle Obama: The many meanings of a new American icon.

6. Переведите подчеркнутые слова/выражения, основываясь на компонентном анализе.

  1. Half the "bag ladies" and 37 per cent of homeless men are mentally ill.

  2. Last year, there were nearly 800,000 recorded instances of "autocrime" in England and Wales, the Home Office reports.

  3. The buzzword among the blue-sky researchers of Japan now is bioholonics.

  4. The irony of development is that to the extent that it succeeds, the world situation worsens and the dangers of ecocide are increased.

  5. There was a dramatic confrontation between one of the dismissed lecturers and the Director.

  6. However, the president's drive toward "deregulation" goes in exactly the opposite direction, proposing to ease restrictions on coal dust and air pollution in general.

  7. He proposed as a preliminary step in the direction of total disarmament immediate disengagement in Europe.

  8. He has the command of language and certainly the understanding. But he lacks the wish of the true political animal to act for effect.

  9. The biggest teach-in for London Telephone region engineers is to be launched early next year.

  10. It is as though the aged were an alien race to which the young will never belong. Indeed, there is a distinct discrimination against the old that has been called ageism.

  11. The BBC television comedy series “Yes Minister” has proved to be more than a delight. It has also been an eye-opener.

  1. Прочитайте предложение. В чем состоит трудность перевода? Каким образом будет решаться данная трудность? Предложите свой вариант перевода.

Femininity (and masculinity), bodily size, and appearance are raced and classed, as well as gendered.
8. Выделите ядерные структуры в данных предложениях.

  1. As they participate in the fight for dramatic reforms, large sections of the population come to realize the necessity of unity of action with the working class and become more active politically.

  2. There is a popular tendency among most newsmen and radio and TV commentators, to portray Congressmen as men who are working themselves to death, sweating and suffering heart attacks to serve the people.

  3. He seems to have excluded himself from the vice-presidential candidacy at a time when the public opinion polls report that he is more popular than both the President and the Vice-President.

  4. The meeting expressed the hope that the remaining points of differences would be settled when the conference is resumed in Geneva.

  5. Dominated by young people, the demonstration was one of the biggest seen for many years, bringing together around 50 anti-nuclear groups from all over the country.

  6. The establishment of a group of impartial investigators who would investigate the facts about a particular international dispute appears, at first glance, to be sensible. But neither this idea nor that of a handbook on how to settle disputes has yet been worked out in sufficient detail for its probable success to be judged.


Коммуникативная структура

предложения при переводе

  1. Какие особенности синтаксического строя английского и русского языков являются причиной трудностей передачи коммуникативной структуры высказывания при переводе?

  2. Каковы грамматические способы выделения ремы в английском языке? Что вы будете делать при переводе таких структур на русский язык?

  3. Каковы позиционные способы выделения ремы в английском языке? Что вы будете делать при переводе таких структур на русский язык?

  1. Найдите рему в каждом предложении. Какие грамматические средства используются для выделения ремы? Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. A rumour spread immediately round the city.

  2. Three main questions arise.

  3. At the conference the issues of economic stability will be considered.

  4. Unequivocal evidence is claimed to be obtained in the new series of experiments.

  1. Сколько вариантов перевода на русский язык вы можете предложить:

  1. In front of the carriage rode two men.

  2. There rode two men in front of the carriage.

  3. In front of the carriage there rode two men.

  1. Измените порядок слов в предложениях на неинвертированный. Посмотрите, какие члены предложения меняют свою позицию. Какую роль они выполняют в неинвертированном предложении? Какую роль они выполняют в инвертированном предложении? Какова цель инверсии в каждом случае?

  1. Hanging on the walls were the pictures of scientists.

  1. Amazing those pictures were.

Переведите все 4 предложения на русский язык.
4. Переведите следующие предложения, предварительно определив, является ли подлежащее тематичным или рематичным, и используя при необходимости соответствующие трансформации. Прокомментируйте ваше переводческое решение.

1. The first approximation is the most important one. Retardation correction is found in it.

2. Some uncertainty, however, arises in the interpretation of these experiments.

3. We don’t go into the details now. More detailed comparisons between experimental results and theory are presented in later sections.

4. The peak split and additional more diffuse lines appeared at higher photon energies.

5. First, the energy of a photon responsible for a particular photo-disintegration effect can be determined. Then some other data can be obtained.

6. John Brown is reported to have been seen at the party.

7. Considerable possibilities were offered for practical exploitation of this apparatus.

8. The field may be due to a system of electric currents. But the question of the prior cause arises in either case.

9. It is interesting to note that characteristic sites can be found in the DNA molecules.

10. The discovery by Crick and Watson was made in the fifties.

11. The above data were compared with those previously obtained on normal healthy individuals.

12. In this respect a wide range of choice exists.

13. A novel empirical method has been developed recently but a different procedure has not been yet discovered so far.

14. The indefinite article rather than the definite one should be used in this context.

15. No negative protons in a region suitable for identification have been observed recently.

16. Important attacks were made on the problem of the Earth’s outer layers by near-earthquake studies.

17. Meanwhile a great deal of progress had been taking place independently on the mathematical front. Studies of wave motion were fashionable among applied mathematicians and much mathematical theory relevant to seismology was produced.

18. As far back as records in the rock take us into the Earth’s history, volcanoes are found to have been present.

19. No machinery was needed to perform this test.

20. In 1913 Niels Bohr offered a new explanation to the nuclear atom.
5. Определите цель инверсии в предложении, найдите тему и рему, переведите предложения, используя при необходимости соответствующие трансформации.

  1. In the two reactions are corresponding initial and final states.

  2. Pencilled on the paper sheet were several diagrams.

  3. ‘Morality you should respect!’

  4. She worked hard. But most laughable of all was the work which she had done in opening the clinic for the children and aged people of the township.

  5. There is already an extraordinary high level of international cooperation in reporting the basic meteorological data.

  6. Closely related with grammar tense is grammar mood and aspect of verbs.

  7. ‘A very good week it was!’

  8. Not cold and blaming was Hesseling now, but an older and wiser brother, very compassionate.

  9. Enclosed in the test-tubes were the portions of streptolysin which were to be analysed.

  10. On the installation were mounted a number of devices to be used in the test.

  11. There were all the tools and devices needed for the test in the small partitions.

  12. For fourteen years he had lived in Leningrad, and then he went to Moscow.

  13. At most stations in the central Pacific, three nitrite maxima were observed.

  14. Standing on the shelves were all the chemical dishes: bulbs, test-tubes, bottles with solvents.

  15. Fussy she was – a regular old maid.

  16. Taken here into account are the following two factors: coupled with the phenomenon of population growth is the constantly increasing annual kilowatt usage per capita.

  17. There is no satisfactory classical explanation for the detailed characteristics of the photo-electric effect.

  18. He was a student of Wordsworth. His holidays he spent at Dalat.

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