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Exercise 8. Read the text «Stress Management» and answer the following questions. 1. What is definition of stress? 2. What physical and chemical factors can cause stress? 3. Is all stress bad for our health? 4. Is it necessary to eliminate stress from our life? 5. What external factors can influence people’s mental health? 6. What are internal factors which influence our ability to handle stress? 7. What managing stress involves? Exercise 9. Read the following recommendations and divide them into two categories – things you should or shouldn’t do to handle stress. Which of them do you follow and find especially useful?
![]() ![]() 1) … stay in bed; 2) … seek out someone to talk; 3) … listen to music; 4) … go out and take a walk; 5) … make a schedule to manage your time; 6) … take good care of yourself; 7) … write about the things that are bothering you; 8) … make regular exercise; 9) … let your feelings out; 10) … do something positive for someone else. Exercise 10. It seems to you that your friend is lack of time. He doesn’t like his study; he is always tired and nervous. In 120-150 words suggest some recommendations for your friend how to avoid stress and how to gather good emotions and energy. Exercise 11. In groups make a list of factors that can cause stress and prove that mental health is very important to many people. Compare your list with other groups. Exercise 12. Comment on the sayings. 1. People who laugh actually live longer than those who don’t laugh. 2. Diseases of the soul are more dangerous and more numerous than those of the body. 3. A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book. 4. To wish to be well is a part of becoming well. Recall examples from life or literature to prove the sayings. Module 2 WORLD OF SPORT ![]() Unit 6 Kids and Sports ![]() Before reading Look at the pictures and answer the following questions: 1. Which picture shows the healthiest way of life for children? 2. What is the easiest way for children to become healthy? ![]() Physical Activity in Teenagers A negative health consequence of not engaging in adequate amounts of physical activity is obesity. It is important in today’s society to continue to be physically active in order to maintain a healthy body. Several studies have found a positive association between the time spent viewing television and increased prevalence of obesity in children. In order to maintain a healthy body children and teenagers need an hour of physical activity a day. However, the recommended hour of physical activity does not have to be all at one time. Doing smaller tasks throughout the day also count as physical activity. To be more active in their lives teens need to find fun and easy ways to become more active: walk to school, ride a bike, play a sport, etc. The most important thing is to start developing healthy behaviors now that they can maintain throughout their lives. T ![]() Excessive time spent in front of a screen has its adverse effects. Research has shown that high levels of electronic media can lead to school problems, attention difficulties, sleep disorders, eating disorders, and obesity from a lack of physical activity. There are many benefits to physical activity outside of the obvious obesity problems. Physical activity can help teens to perform better in school, feel better about themselves, develop skills in sports, build strength and endurance. To have more sports is a great way to become active and develop other skills such as leadership and teamwork. However not everyone wants to play a sport because of time commitments or other various reasons. There are many other ways to get the amount of physical activity that you need. Some of the more simple ideas for daily activity include taking a walk, dancing, walking the dog, riding a bike, taking the stairs, playing ball in the back yard, washing cars, doing yard work, swimming, taking classes such as yoga or aerobics, weight lifting, going to the local park, or going in-line skating. Physical activity in children and teenagers [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:www.mydr.com.au › Sports & Fitness Topical Vocabulary
EXERCISES Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words: society [səˈsaɪətɪ], body [ˈbɔdɪ], association [əsəʊsɪˈeɪʃn], hour [ˈaʊə], positive [ˈpɔzətɪv], disease [dɪˈziːz], excessive [ɪkˈsesɪv]. Exercise 2. Find the correct pronunciation of these words in the dictionary, read and translate them into Russian: obese, amount, however, develop, cancer, disorder, commitment. Exercise 3. Match the words with the opposite meaning: a) teen, negative, local, adverse, excessive, disease. b) extra, good, adult, health, abroad, favorable. Exercise 4. Match the words with the similar meaning: a) overweight, lack, engage, frustration, ability adequate. b) participate, sufficient, skill, obesity, absence, disorder. Exercise 5. Read and translate the text «Physical Activity in Teenagers» consulting the topical vocabulary. Find in the text the information about: a) skills that sport can develop; b) simple ideas for daily activity; c) healthy behaviors for teens. Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
1. There are many … to physical activity outside of the obvious obesity problems. 2. Doing smaller tasks … the day also counts as physical activity. 3. A negative health … of not engaging in … amounts of physical activity is … . 4. Physical activity can help teens to build strength and … . 5. In order … a healthy body children and teenagers need an hour of physical activity a day. 6. Teens need more physical activity … health problems in the future. 7. Excessive time spent in front of a … has its … effects. 8. Research has shown that high levels of electronic media can lead to school problems, eating disorders, and obesity from a … of physical activity. Exercise 7. Read the statements and mark them as true (T) or false (F). Prove your point. In your arguments use: I quite agree with…; I don’t think so...; I can’t agree with...; I guess…; on the contrary; quite so; exactly; from my point of view; as for me; to tell you the truth. 1. It is important in today’s society to be physically active in order to maintain a healthy body. 2. Children and teenagers need four hours of physical activity a day. 3. Doing smaller tasks throughout the day doesn’t count as physical activity. 4. Teens that are obese are extremely likely to become obese adults. 5. High levels of electronic media can lead to school problems, attention difficulties, sleep disorders, eating disorders among teens. 6. Physical activity builds strength and endurance. 7. We don’t want to play a sport because of time commitments. Exercise 8. Read the text «Physical Activity in Teenagers» and answer the following questions. 1. Is it important to be physically active? Why? 2. How much time children need to be fit? 3. What health problem is observed among children nowadays? 4. What are fun and easy ways for children to become more active? 5. What health problems obesity leads to? 6. What are the benefits of being engaged in sport for teens? Exercise 9. Read the statements about how sports promote healthy child development in many areas with positive effects. Name some disadvantages for kids who don’t do sports. Sports help physical development. Kids who do sports:
Sports help cognitive and academic development. Кids who do sports:
Sports help psychological development. Kids who do sports:
Sports help social development (games and teams are miniature social systems). Kids who do sports:
Sports help character development. Kids who do sports:
Kids and Sports: Creating a Healthy Experience for Every Child ... [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: www.aboutourkids.org/.../kids_sports_creating... Exercise 10. Read and translate the following article into Russian with the help of a dictionary and give the heading. Born in Maryland on June 30, 1985, Michael Phelps started swimming when he was seven years old. At the age of 15, he placed fifth in the 200-meter butterfly at the 2000 Olympics, where he was the youngest male to compete in the games since 1932. At the 2001 Spring Nationals in the United States, Phelps became the youngest man ever to break a world record in swimming, at the age of 15 years and 9 months. P ![]() At the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, Phelps won eight gold medals, breaking the record of seven golds in one Olympics set by Mark Spitz in 1972. He holds a total of 16 Olympic medals of which two are bronze and the rest gold. Michael Phelps Biography – Facts, Birthday, Life Story ... [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: www.biography.com/people/michael-phelps-345192 |
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