Бизнес-курс английского языка методические указания для студентов заочной формы обучения по специальности

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Тип Методические указания
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numerous - многочисленный

to attempt - попытаться

notable - примечательный

scarce - скудный, ограниченный

witticism [witisizm] - острота, шутка

practitioner [prask'tijns] - терапевт

to comprise - включать в себя

vast - обширный, громадный

core - ядро

casual observations - зд. повседневные наблюдения

weather forecasting - прогноз погоды

array - массив, масса, множе­ство

closely interrelated - тесно взаимосвязанные

phenomena - явления

to convey - передавать

income - доход

employment - занятость

expenditure - затраты, издержки, расход(ы)

interest rate - процентная ставка

range - ряд

pharmacist - фармацевт

plumber - водопроводчик

conceivable - мыслимый, вероятный, возможный

expedient - целесообразный (-о), соответствующий, подходящий, надлежа­щий

to claim - приписывать себе, претендовать

to invade – вторгаться

1. General understanding
1. Is there a common opinion on the content and character of economics?

2. What definition of economics is referred to as «especially useless»?

3. With what sciences does the author compare economics? Why?

4. What similarities with economics have the following sciences: a) psychology b) astronomy c) meteorology particle physics and molecular biology 5) art, fantasy writing, mathematics, metaphysics, cosmology, and the like

5. What is the scope of economics? What does economics deal with?

6. What does the author refer to as «popular opinion»?

7. According to the text, can such problems as marriage and extramarital affairs be the subject of economists attention? Is there a division between «economic» and «noneconomic» problems?

8. What fields have economists «invaded» in recent years?
2. Defining economics.
A. Use the text to fill in the spaces:
Таблица 20

Period of time



19" century

«a study of mankind in the ordinary business of life.»

George Bernard Shaw


«the science of choice among scarce means to accomplish unlimited ends.»

B. What other two definitions could be found in the text? How does the author refer to each of them?
Таблица 21

Science (es)






particle physics and molecular biology

art, fantasy writing, mathematics, metaphysics, cosmology, «and the like»

  1. Which of the following is not true about economics and economists:

A. There is no brief description of the content and character of economics.

B. Alfred Marshall and Lionel Robbins agreed that: «Economics is what economists do.»

C. In the 19th century economics was called «the science of wealth».

D. Economics is only a theoretical science.

E. Einstein once said, «One person's meat is another person's poison».

F. Economics deals with the problems of income, employment, and interest rates.

G. Economics also deals with weather forecasting, psychology and fantasy writing.

H. In recent years economists switched to the new fields, such as political science and sociology.

  1. Say in your own words what each of the following

outstanding people thought of economics and economists:
a) George Bernard Show

b) Alfred Marshall

c) Lionel Robbins

3. What is the profession of people who work in the field of:

(example): Those working in the field of economics are economists.

  1. physics

  2. astronomy

  3. meteorology

  4. psychology

  5. astronomy

  6. meteorology

  7. sociology

h) mathematics
Текст №12
The word «micro» means small, and microeconomics means economics in the small. The optimizing behavior of individual units such as households and firms provides the foundation for microeconomics.

Microeconomists may investigate individual markets or even the economy as a whole, but their analyses are derived from the aggregation of the behavior of individual units. Microeconomic theory is used extensively in many areas of applied economics. For example, it is used in industrial organization, labor economics, international trade, cost-benefit analysis, and many other economic subfields. The tools and analyses of microeconomics provide a common ground, and even a language, for economists interested in a wide range of problems.

At one time there was a sharp distinction in both methodology and subject matter between microeconomics and macroeconomics.

The methodological distinction became somewhat blurred during the 1970s as more and more macro-economic analyses were built upon microeconomic foundations. Nonetheless, major distinctions remain between the two major branches of economics. For example, the microeconomist is interested in the determination of individual prices and relative prices (i.e., exchange ratios between goods), whereas the macro-economist is interested more in the general price level and its change over time.

Optimization plays a key role in microeconomics. The consumer is assumed to maximize utility or satisfaction subject to the constraints imposed by income or income earning power. The producer is assumed to maximize profit or minimize cost subject to the technological constraints under which the firm, operates. Optimization of social welfare sometimes is the criterion for the determination of public policy.

Opportunity cost is an important concept in microeconomics. Many courses of action are valued in terms of what is sacrificed so that they might be undertaken. For example, the opportunity cost of a public project is the value of the additional goods that the private sector would have produced with the resources used for the public project.
Theory of the Consumer
The individual consumer or household is assumed to possess a utility function, which specifies the satisfaction, which is gained from the consumption of alternative bundles of goods. The consumer's income or income-earning power determines which bundles are available to the consumer. The consumer then selects a bundle that gives the highest possible level of utility. With few exceptions, the consumer is treated as a price taker — that is, the consumer is free to choose whatever quantities income allows but has no influence over prevailing market prices. In order to maximize utility the consumer purchases goods so that the subjective rate of substitution for each pair of goods as indicated by the consumer's utility function equals the objective rate of substitution given by the ratio of their market prices. This basic utility-maximization analysis has been modified and expanded in many different ways.
Theory of the Producer
The individual producer or firm is assumed to possess a production function, which specifies the quantity of-output produced as a function of the quantities of the inputs used in production. The producer's revenue equals the quantity of output produced and sold times its price, and the cost to the producer equals the sum of the quantities of inputs purchased and used times their prices. Profit is the difference between revenue and cost. The producer is assumed to maximize profits subject to the technology given by the production function. Profit maximization requires that the producer use each factor to a point at which its marginal contribution to revenue equals its marginal contribution to cost.

Under pure competition, the producer is a price taker who may sell at the going market price whatever has been produced. Under monopoly (one seller) the producer recognizes that price declines as sales are expanded, and under monopsony (one buyer) the producer recognizes that the price paid for an input increases as purchases are increased.

A producer's cost function gives production cost as a function of output level on the assumption that the producer combines inputs to minimize production cost. Profit maximization using revenue and cost functions requires that the producer equate the decrement in revenue from producing one less unit (called marginal revenue) to the corresponding decrement in cost (called marginal cost). Under pure competition, marginal revenue equals price. Consequently, the producer equates marginal cost of production to the going market price.
behavior – поведение

to investigate – исследовать

applied economics – прикладная экономика

distinction – отличие

subject предмет, субъект

matter вопрос, материал

to blur затуманивать, размывать

to remain оставаться

exchange ratio ставка (соотношение) обмена

optimization оптимизация

utility полезность

utility function функция полезности

satisfaction удовлетворение

constraints ограничение

monopsony монопсония (рынок, на котором выступает лишь один покупатель товара, услуги или ресурса)

opportunity cost альтернативные издержки

to sacrifice пожертвовать, приносить в жертву

to undertake взять на себя

to allow позволять, разрешать

to influence влиять

to maximize максимально увеличивать

revenue – доходы
General understanding:

  1. What is, according to the text, microeconomics?

  2. What is meant by «economics in the small»?

  3. What economic phenomena are of microeconomists attention?

  4. Where is microeconomic theory used?

  5. What is «optimization»?

  6. What is the concept of the theory of consumer?

  7. What is the major difference between the theory of consumer and the theory of producer?

1. Find equivalents in Russian:
a. optimizing behavior of individual units

b. industrial organization

c. labor economics

d. international trade

e. cost-benefit analysis

f. sharp distinction in both methodology and subject matter

g. subjective rate of substitution

2. Translate into Russian:
A. Microeconomic theory is used extensively in many areas of applied economics.

B. Their analyses are derived from the aggregation of the behavior of individual units.

C. The consumer then selects a bundle that gives the highest possible level of utility.

D. The consumer is free to choose whatever quantities income allows but has no influence over prevailing market prices.

E. The producer equates marginal cost of production to the going market price.

F. The producer recognizes that price declines as sales are expanded.

G. Under pure competition, the producer is a price taker who may sell at the going market price whatever has been produced.
3. Give definition to the following:
a) microeconomics

b) applied economics

c) optimization

d) opportunity action

e) utility maximization
Questions for discussion:

  1. What areas of applied economics are of the most importance?

  2. What distinction in methodology between macro – and microeconomics is the most distinctive?

  3. Does the author's concept of theories of consumer and producer comply with your own?

Текст №13
Law of supply
Supply is a fundamental concept in both macro- and microeconomic analysis. In macroeconomic theory, aggregate supply is mainly a function of expected sales to consumers, businesses, and governments. In microanalysis supply is mainly a function of prices and costs of production. A more complex view of the supply curve for a commodity is its relation between quantities forthcoming and the possible current prices of that commodity, its expected future prices, the prices of alternative goods and services, the costs of the producer, and time.
Opportunity Costs
Incorporated in the supply curve of goods and_services are opportunity costs. Economists differ from accoun­tants and from the Internal Revenue Service by including both explicit and implicit costs, or opportunity costs. Implicit costs are mainly business costs for wages, rents, and interest, whereas opportunity costs are the alternative costs of doing something else. A sole proprietor or the owners of businesses should calculate what they forgo in wages, rents, and interest by not working for someone else, or by renting the property they use to others, or by the possibility of converting plant and equipment to alternative investment projects.
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