Урок 4 Тема. Чёрные и цветные сплавы

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Тема. Коррозия металлов и сплавов.

Грамматика. Причастие в функции обстоятельств (повторение).

Степени сравнения прилагательных (повторение).

Слова – заменители.
Упр. 1. Вспомните, какие русские слова имеют те же корни, что и следующие английские слова:

negative, national, natural, aggressive, calculation, localized, selective, intercrystalline, separate, service, expert.
Упр. 2. Переведите следующие словосочетания:
negative influence

national economy

a major source of failure

in the presence of

percentage of aggressive substances

certain area of the surface

separate structural components

10 tonnes per each 100,000 tonnes of metal

to consider carefully

an intensive growth of metal application

a national anti-corrosion service

to save national riches
Упр. 3. В следующих предложениях найдите слово, вместо которого употреблено выделенное слово, затем переведите предложения.

  1. In some cases glass pipes can replace steel ones.

  2. Stainless steels were developed later than carbon ones.

  3. A numerically controlled machine-tool machines much more parts than an ordinary one.

  4. Now metal science occupies a far more important place in research than it did in the last century.

  5. Engineers use pure metals much more seldom than they do alloys.

  6. Copper melting point is much lower than that of steel.

  7. In most engineering applications the mechanical properties of steels together with economical considerations cannot be compared with those of other alloys.

Упр. 4. а) Образуйте предложения противоположного значения по предлагаемому образцу, затем переведите предложения на русский язык. Обратите внимание на образование сравнитель­ной степени многосложных прилагательных.
In some cases alloying metals is more desirable than heat treatment.

В некоторых случаях легирование металлов более желательно, чем термообработка.

In some cases heat treatment is less desirable than alloying metals.

В некоторых случаях термообработка менее желательна, чем легирование металлов.

  1. Cast iron is more brittle than steel.

  2. Stainless steel is more resistant to corrosion than carbon steel.

  3. Iron properties are more familiar to scientists than titanium ones.

  4. Copper and aluminium are more ductile than cast iron.

  5. Sea water is more aggressive for metals than fresh water.

б) Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания. Обратите внимание на образование превосходной степени мно­госложных прилагательных.
the most (least) significant method – самый (наименее) важный метод

  1. the most (least) intensive process

  2. the most (least) active metal

  3. the most (least) dangerous test

  4. the most (least) brittle metal

  5. the most (least) ductile alloy

  6. the most (least) desirable design

Упр. 5. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия в функции обстоятельств.

  1. (While, when) studying new methods of welding scientists pay special attention to the properties of welded materials.

Изучая новые методы сварки, учёные обращают особое внимание на свойства свариваемых металлов.

  1. Having obtained all the necessary data, the scientists started the experiment.

Получив все необходимые данные, учёные начали экспери­мент. (Т.к. учёные получили ..., они ... .)

  1. Being manufасtured from high-grade steels the drill string is a rather expensive drilling equipment.

Будучи изготовлена из высококачественной стали, буровая колонна является довольно дорогостоящим буровым обору­дованием. (Т.к. буровая колонна изготовлена из..., она является … .)

  1. (When) increasing the speed of a machine-tool to some extent, it is possible to raise labour productivity.

  2. Having discussed the suggested methods of welding the designers have chosen gas welding.

  3. Being one of the most important engineering materials due to its strength, steel is widely used for pipes manufacturing.

  4. Being a tremendously rich region of our country, Siberia plays a great role in the development of Russia’s national economy.

  5. Having come to light recently, powder metallurgy has taken its place in such branches of industry as the engineering, the electronics, the radio and electrical engineering.

  6. (While) constructing the Urengoi-Pomary-Uzhgorod export gas pipeline the engineers used a lot of innovations.

  7. Having been tested with modern methods, the Blue Stream gas pipeline was put into operation.

  8. Being heat treated, steel acquires specified mechanical properties.

  9. Having been invented in the 19th century, the Bessemer process of steel making is used nowadays.

Упр. 6. Переведите следующие словосочетания на английский язык:

  1. Используя этот метод, инженеры ...

  2. Изучая физические свойства этого материала, учёные …

  3. Конструируя оборудование для химических заводов, инженеры …

  4. Обладая хорошей теплопроводностью, алюминий ...

  5. Будучи прочным материалом, сталь ...

  6. Выдерживая огромные нагрузки, сталь ...

  7. Изгибая трубы, рабочие ...


  1. Использовав этот метод, рабочие ...

  2. Изучив физические свойства этого материала, студенты …

  3. Согнув трубы, рабочие ...

  4. Закончив испытания, инженеры ...

  5. Получив хорошие результаты, исследователи ...

  6. Изготовив образец, рабочий ...

  7. Модернизировав завод, рабочие ...

Упр. 7. Слова к тексту “Corrosion of Metals and Alloys”.

1. natural disaster ['nxtSrql dI'zRstq] n

стихийное бедствие

The 2007 flooding is the worst natural disaster to hit England for decades.

2. loss [lOs] n


Loss of health is more serious than loss of money.

3. cost [kOst] n


Cost is always an important consideration when selecting a material.

4. cost (cost, cost) v


Compared to other materials titanium costs more than stainless steels but due to its excellent properties titanium equipment is more cost effective.

5. make up ['meIk'Ap] v

составлять; равняться

Two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen make up a molecule of water.

6. income ['Inkqm] n


People should live within their income.

7. claim [kleIm] v

претендовать, требовать

Every citizen may claim the protection of the law.

8. amount [q'maunt] n


We have spent equal amounts of time in London and Paris.

9. amount v


Corrosion occurs on some metals in water if water velocities amount to 2 to 3 ft/s.

10. gradual ['grxdjuql] a


Education is a gradual process.

11. total ['toutql]

общий, целый, весь

The first attempts to raise airplanes into the air were a total disaster.

12. acid ['xsId] n


Aluminium alloys are resistant to a wide variety of organic compounds, besides they are resistant to most acids, alcohols and phenols.

13. alkali ['xlkqlaI] n


An alkali is a substance that forms a chemical salt when combined with an acid.

14. subject (to) [sqb'Gekt] v

подвергать чему-либо

Heat treatment at 425°C does not reduce the hardness of some stainless steels and in this condition these alloys show exceptional resistance to some acids and corrodents to which these alloys may be subjected.

15. uniform ['jHnifLm] a


Food must be kept at low uniform temperature for it not to be spoiled.

16. dissimilar [dI'sImIlq] a

разнородный, непохожий

People with dissimilar tastes often argue and don’t come to any agreement.

17. involve [In'vOlv] v

включать в себя; вызывать, (по-)влечь за собой

The transportation of an offshore platform involves several very complex operations.

18. petrochemical ["petrq'kemIkql] a


The feedstock for the petrochemical industry is petroleum and natural gas.

19. pulp-and-paper ['pAlpqnd'peIpq] a


The pulp-and-paper industry uses wood pulp, besides recycles waste paper.

20. comprehensive ["kOmprI'hensIv] a

обширный, всесторонний, подробный

Before going to London I’ve bought a comprehensive guide-book to the British capital.

21. electroplating ['Ilektro(u)"pleItIN] n


Electroplating is the process of putting a very thin layer of metal on the surface of an object using electrolysis.

22. lead [lJd] (led [led], led) v to

привести к чему-либо

Improper selecting a material for a structure can lead to a failure.

23. rate [reIt] n

скорость, темп

Iceland is getting wider at a rate of about 0.5 cm per year.

24. moisture ['mOIstSq] n


Plants absorb moisture from the soil.

25. boundary ['baundqrI] n


The Urals form a natural boundary between Europe and Asia.

26. combat ['kOmbqt] v


In storms ships combat the wind and waves.

27. set up ['set'Ap] v

учреждать, начинать

My friends want to set up their own import-export business.

28. nationwide ['nxSqnwaId] a


There is nationwide television in Russia.

29. coating ['koutIN] n


Protective coatings on metals may vary in thickness.

30. apply [qp'laI] v

применять, наносить (покрытие)

Zink is the least expensive of the metals used for protective coatings. It may be applied by an electroplating process but more often it is applied by dipping the metal into molten zinc.

31. lacquer ['lxkq] n


A lacquer forms a hard shiny surface on wood or metals.

32. lacquer ['lxkq] v

покрывать лаком

All Paleh boxes are lacquered.

33. in turn ['tWn]

в свою очередь

The industrial utilization of titanium is due to its excellent corrosion resistance, in turn the strength properties are also utilized, but to a less extent.

34. in everyday terms ['tWmz]

на разговорном языке, в повседневной речи

Exploratory wells, in every day terms “wildcats”, are drilled after geologists and geophysicists have found oil.

Прочитайте текст “Corrosion of Metals and Alloys”. Выполните следующие задания:

  1. Скажите, какие виды коррозии вам известны. Что может быть причиной коррозии?

  2. Найдите в тексте предложения с причастиями в функции обстоятельств.

Corrosion of Metals and Alloys
Corrosion has a negative influence on the national economy of all countries. It can be compared to a natural disaster. In the industrialized countries direct and indirect losses from corrosion and the cost of protective measures make up about 10 per cent of the national income annually. Atmospheric corrosion known in every­day terms as rust was the least dangerous form. If 50 years ago due to the activity of atmospheric corrosion rust claimed around 1.5 – 1.8 per cent of the world steel output, today, as a result of the pollution of the atmosphere, the corrosion rate has become higher, and according to calculations made by experts, total losses from corrosion amount up to 20,000 tonnes per each million tonnes of metal (i.e. 2%). The corrosion of metals provides a major source of failure of metallic structures.

Corrosion may be defined as a gradual destruction of metals in the presence of aggressive media (environments). Air, water, especially sea water, different acids and alkalies, soil are considered to be aggressive media and cause corrosion.

The rate of corrosion depends on the following three factors: 1) the percentage of aggressive substances in the engineering material; 2) the percentage of aggressive substances in the surrounding medium. Such substances as moisture, oxygen, hydrogen, sulphur and others cause corrosion of metals and alloys; 3) the temperature of the surrounding medium – the higher the temperature, the higher the rate of corrosion.

There are different types of corrosion. Some of them are as follows:

1) uniform corrosion in which the whole surface of the metal is subjected to the action of corrosion with equal intensiveness;

2) localized corrosion in which only certain areas of the surface corrode;

3) selective corrosion in which separate structural parts of an alloy are attacked;

4) intercrystalline corrosion in which destruction occurs along the grain boundaries of the metal or alloy;

5) galvanic corrosion may be a problem when dissimilar metals are placed in contact with each other and are located in a corrosive environment. This problem should be carefully considered while designing and selecting materials. For example, being connected to steel brass may cause rapid corrosion of the steel, in the case of aluminium – steel rapid corrosion of aluminium may be caused.

From the mentioned above it is clear that corrosion involves great difficulties. There is an intensive growth of metals and alloys application in those industries in which machines are subjected to the aggressive action of the industrial environment – for instance, the chemical, petrochemical, pulp-and-paper and others. A nationwide programme of combating corrosion should bе developed in each country.

The programme includes the following principal corrosion protection methods:

1) developing technologies for alloying metals to obtain chemically inactive alloys;

  1. forming oxide films which protect metals against further corrosion;

  2. developing technologies to protect metals with the help of different coatings.

These methods include:

  1. electroplating, i.e. applying protective metallic coatings, for example, nickel, chromium, tin on other metals;

  2. applying coatings of paint or lacquer;

  3. applying polymer and powder coatings;

4) electrochemical protection method, i.e. cathodic and anodic protection.

These measures are expected to result in a reduction of metal losses which in turn will lead to saving national riches.
Упр. 8. Найдите в тексте слова близкие по значению следующим словам и словосочетаниям:
main (2), for example, thanks to, speed, medium, structural materials, the following, to lead (to), to determine, about 2 per cent, to locate, to take place.
Упр. 9. Найдите в тексте слова противоположные по значению следующим словам:
positive, direct, absence, similar, an increase, to spend.
Упр. 10. Переведите следующие пары глаголов и существительных:
to influence – influence; to cost – cost; to turn – turn; to machine – machine; to name – name;

to term – term; to place – place; to load – load; to start – start; to amount – amount; to speed – speed; to paint – paint; to lacquer – lacquer; to contact – contact.

Упр. 11. Переведите предложения, определив, какой частью речи являются выделенные слова.

  1. All bridges are designed to withstand great loads.

  2. The researcher loads specimens of different metals to determine their strength.

  3. A thin film of paint can protect an iron roof against corrosion.

  4. We annually paint the roof of our country cottage to protect it against corrosion.

  5. We name corrosion a natural disaster.

  6. We know a new welding machine for welding pipelines to have been given the name “Sever”.

  7. The percentage of chromium in high-alloyed steels amounts from 10 to 20.

  8. Until recently all amount of pure molybdenum was found as powder.

Упр. 12. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:
стихийное бедствие, косвенные потери, стоимость защитных мер, самая безопасная форма коррозии, загрязнение атмосферы, общие потери, постепенное разрушение, подвергать действию коррозии, определённая область (участок), вдоль границ зёрен металла, тщательно рассмотреть, разработать обширную программу, анти-коррозионная служба, нанести защитное покрытие, порошковые покрытия, привести к снижению потерь металла, экономить национальные богатства страны.
Упр. 13. Переведите следующие словосочетания на английский язык:
1. Вызывать коррозию

вызывать разрушения

вызывать потери металла

2. загрязнение атмосферы

загрязнение рек и морей

загрязнение почвы

3. привести к потерям металла

привести к загрязнению атмосферы

привести к постепенному разрушению металла

4. подвергаться коррозии

подвергаться разрушениям

подвергаться загрязнению

5. разработать меры борьбы с коррозией

разработать новые защитные покрытия

6. экономить природные ископаемые

экономить национальные богатства

экономить топливо
Упр. 14. Заполните пропуски предлогами и союзами, где необходимо.

  1. Corrosion may be called … a natural disaster.

  2. … … calculations by experts, losses … rust take up … 2 per cent … metal output.

  3. Metals corrode … the presence … aggressive media.

  4. Intercrystalline corrosion takes place … the grain boundaries.

  5. If brass is placed … contact … steel, steel corrodes.

  6. To combat … corrosion means to increase the national income.

  1. In petrochemical industry different units are subjected … corrosion.

  2. Properly applied protective corrosion measures are sure to result … saving metals.

  3. … the temperature rises, the rate … corrosion increases.

  4. Corrosion is a dangerous problem … it can lead … a failure … a metallic construction.

Упр. 15. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Applying a thin aluminium film on the surface of ordinary rolled steel, we can increase its service life by 8-10 times.

  2. Metal plating is one of the most widely used methods of applying protective and decorative coatings.

  3. Having developed a new method of electroplating the scientists from the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology saved 0.3 rouble on every square metre of the surface.

  4. Being the heaviest metal in common use, lead has good corrosion resistance – it is covered with an oxide film which protects the metal against further corrosion.

  5. Titanium resists the attack of almost all acids over a very wide range of temperatures.

  6. There are two very dangerous forms of corrosion – pitting (точеч­ная, питинговая) and crevice (щелевая). Having added chromium, molibdenum and nitrogen to some stainless steels, scientists raised the steels resistance to these forms of corrosion.

  7. It should be noted that there are metals which are heavily affected by certain chemicals that results, in turn, in failure of the equipment.

  8. An important ecological problem, e.g. the atmosphere pollution by industrial enterprises, results in a higher rate of corrosion and, in turn, in considerable losses of metals and alloys.

  9. From the earliest times man has been combating corrosion with the help of different methods – from the simpliest ones such as paints, lacquers and lubricants (смазочные средства) up to the most complex ones – such as alloying, controlling environment and electrochemical methods.

Упр. 16. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

  1. Были разработаны сплавы на основе никеля, которые устойчивы к некоторым кислотам.

  2. Молибден является одним из легирующих элементов, который значительно повышает коррозионную стойкость сталей.

  3. Если разрушить окисную плёнку, покрывающую металл, он начнёт разрушаться под воздействием окружающей среды.

  4. Чтобы избежать проблем, связанных с гальванической коррозией, теоретически нужно строить конструкции из одного металла, что не реально.

  5. Нанося защитные покрытия на поверхность металла, мы значительно повышаем срок его службы, что, в свою очередь, приводит к экономии металла.

  6. Металлы можно защищать от коррозии при помощи как металлических, так и неметаллических покрытий.

  7. Сообщают, что потери металлов от коррозии велики.

  8. Каждая страна должна уделять большое внимание защитным мерам от коррозии, так как это приводит к экономии национальных богатств страны.

  9. Загрязнение окружающей среды вызывает более быстрое разрушение металлических конструкций.

  10. Обширная технологическая программа по борьбе с коррозией должна быть разработана в каждой стране.

Упр. 17. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные значения слова “one”.

  1. One must remember … – нужно (следует) помнить …

  2. One can take into account, that … – можно принять во внимание, что …

  3. Scientists pay special attention to the methods of combating corrosion, the ones which help save metals and man’s labour. – Учёные уделяют особое внимание методам борьбы с коррозией, методам, которые помогают экономить металлы и человеческий труд.

  4. One alloying element can substantially change the properties of any alloy. – Один легирующий элемент может значительно изменить свойства любого сплава.

  1. Engineers must provide protective measures for all metallic constructions, the ones which are most effective under given conditions.

  2. One magnesium anode is capable of protecting approximately 100 ft (30 m) of a bare (без покрытия) pipeline, while it can provide protection for approximately 5 miles (8 km) of a coated one.

  3. One must protect aluminium articles against mechanical damages as aluminium may corrode because of defects in its protective oxide film.

  4. Pitting corrosion is the one which destroys the metal through its thickness.

  5. One must use nickel-base alloys such as Inconel and Monel only in very severe services because of their high cost compared to stainless steels.

  6. The particles of iron are strong magnets; those of nickel and cobalt are weaker ones.

  7. Friction is оnе of the means of changing mechanical energy into heat one.

  8. As one might expect the first metals that were used by primitive man were those that are found free in nature in large quantities.

  9. To one unknown to a theory of any science it is difficult to use it in practice.

  10. One of the most important tasks of a mechanical engineer is to establish the allowable stress – the one under which failure will not occur.

  11. In designing equipment one's task is to take into account all possible stresses that may develop during the operation.

Упр. 18. Ответьте на следующие вопросы, опираясь на текст “Corrosion of Metals and Alloys”.

  1. What can corrosion be compared to? Why?

  2. Why isn’t rust the least dangerous corrosion form now?

  3. What is corrosion?

  4. What factors does corrosion rate depend on?

  5. What types of corrosion protection methods does the anti-corrosion programme include?

Упр. 19. Прочитайте текст “Duplex Stainless Steel Holds up Liberty’s Torch”. Выполните следующие за ним упр. 20,21,22.
Duplex Stainless Steel Holds Up Liberty’s Torch
hold up v = support v – поддерживать

torch [tLtS] n – факел, горелка

vital ['vaItql] a – важный, насущный

harbour ['hRbq] a – гавань

framework n – каркас
skin n – зд. оболочка

rectify v – исправлять, выпрямлять

bar [bR] n – балка, брусок, стержень
Ferralium alloy 255, a super stainless steel developed in Britain played a vital role in the structural restoration on the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbour. After 98 years, the wrought iron framework which supports the statue’s skin is severely cor­roded. The restoration works lasted two years and had been finished by its 100-th anniversary in 1986. Ferralium alloy 255 bars replaced corroded iron ones in the secondary support structure. Ferralium alloy was also used to rectify a structural weakness introduced when the statue's framework was assembled in l886. The right arm holding the torch was mounted two feet away from the position shown on the designer's drawing. This weakened the skeleton of the arm which was strengthened by replacing Ferralium alloy members for wrought-iron bars in the shoulder and arm.

The restoration project cost 40 mln. dollars.
Упр. 20. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:
восстановительные работы; вспомогательная опорная конструкция; монтировать, устанавливать; чертёж конструктора; ослабить каркас; упрочить каркас.
Упр. 21. Выразите несогласие со следующими высказываниями. Подтвердите свою точку зрения фактами из текста (упр. 19 стр. 62), используя предлагаемые разговорные формулы:
I can’t agree with you; you are wrong; on the contrary; in my opinion; on the one hand; on the other hand; according to the text.

  1. Super stainless steel framework supporting the skin of the Statue of Liberty is severly corroded.

  2. The restoration works lasted a year.

  3. The structural weakness of the framework was rectified in 1886.

  4. The Statue of Liberty holds the torch in the left arm.

  5. The restoration works had been finished by the 100-th anniversary of the Statue of Liberty.

  6. The restoration project was a cheap one.

Упр. 22. Выполните следующее задание.

  1. Определите основную идею текста.

  2. Разделите текст на смысловые части.

  3. Определите основную мысль каждой части.

  4. Напишите заключительную часть текста.

  5. Составьте аннотацию текста.

Упр. 23. Переведите текст “Galvanizing” на русский язык, пользуясь словарём. Выполните следующие за текстом задания.
with this in mind – имея это в виду

In 1740 a French chemist named Melouin discovered that zinc could protect steel from the effects of rust. But it was to be almost 100 years before the practical problems of coating steel with zinc could be solved. In 1837 Sorel, a French engineer, secured a patent for Hot Dip Galvanizing. It is essentially upon this method that today's techniques have been developed.

Zinc's unique ability to inhibit the rusting of steel depends on a natural phenomenon – the electrical reaction between dissimilar metals, first noted by an Italian scientist named Luigi Galvani over two hundred years ago. With this in mind, Sorel called his process “Galvanization”.

Over the years, hot dip galvanizing has proved to be a very effective and economical means of protecting iron and steel against corrosion.

The process itself is simple and economical. Steel is first pickled in hydrochloric acid to produce a clean and rust free sur­face, though if the steel is badly contaminated it mау be shot-blast first. The steel is then fluxed prior to, or during dipping in a bath of the molten metal at 450°C.

The zinc coating is metallurgically bonded to the steel. Exceptionally tough, resistant to impact and abrasion damage, it will withstand all types of handling or freighting.

Commonly galvanized steel has an effective lifetime of 15 to 20 years in aggressive industrial environments, 25 years plus in the more friendly rural atmosphere.
Задание 1.

  1. Определите основную идею текста.

  2. Разделите текст на смысловые части.

  3. Определите основную мысль каждой части.

  4. Напишите заключительную часть текста.

  5. Составьте аннотацию текста.

Задание 2. Прокомментируйте следующие тезисы, используя выражения из задания 2 стр. 22 (урок 2).

  1. For the first time steel was protected with zinc in 1740.

  2. The electrical current between zinc and steel destroys zinc coating in 15-45 years and protects steel.

  3. Before galvanizing steel surfaces are carefully cleaned.

1   2   3   4   5   6   7


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