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БАШКИРСКИЙ ИНСТИТУТ ФИЗИЧЕСКОЙ КУЛЬТУРЫ Н.Г.УХИНА Методические рекомендации по чтению на английском языке для студентов 2 курса факультета спорта и адаптивной физической культуры. Печатается по решению Учебно-методического совета Уфа 2014 БАШКИРСКИЙ ИНСТИТУТ ФИЗИЧЕСКОЙ КУЛЬТУРЫ Н.Г.УХИНА Методические рекомендации по чтению на английском языке для студентов 2 курса факультета спорта и адаптивной физической культуры. Печатается по решению Учебно-методического совета Уфа 2014 УДК 811.111 ББК 81.432.1 М 54 Ухина Н.Г. Методические рекомендации по чтению на английском языке для студентов 2 курса факультета спорта и адаптивной физической культуры: методические рекомендации. – Уфа: РИЦ БашИФК, 2014. 59 с. Методические рекомендации по обучению чтению на английском языке предназначены для студентов 2 курса факультета спорта и адаптивной физической культуры. Целью методических рекомендаций является развитие навыков чтения, аннотирования и реферирования профессионально-ориентированной оригинальной литературы. Тексты методических рекомендаций содержат наиболее употребительную лексику из области физкультуры и спорта. В качестве основного материала для чтения, перевода и аннотирования служат аутентичные тексты по специальности. Рецензенты: Кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков БГАУ, Басырова Ф.А., © БашИФК, 2014 © Ухина Н.Г., 2014 Содержание Part I 4 Unit 1 Track-and-field athletics 4 Unit 2 Volleyball 7 Unit 3 Basketball 10Unit 4 Weightlifting 13 Unit 5 Wrestling 16 Unit 6 Football 18 Unit 7 Ice hockey 20 Unit 8 Speed-skating 25 Unit 9 Skiing 29 Unit 10 Bobsleigh 34 Part II Additional Reading 39 Olympic Movement 39 Gymnastics 41 Gorodki 45 Lapta 48 Fencing 49 Savate 54 Thai boxing 56 Biathlon 57 History of ice hockey 61 Greco-roman wrestling 63 Long jump running 66 Sports for disabled 69 Wheelchair dance 71 Gym-dance 72 Part III 75 Vocabulary 75 Использованная литература 90 PART I UNIT 1 Прочитайте и переведите текст. Track-and field athletics Track-and-field athletics is a world- wide sport that has grown in popularity since the days of the Greeks. Records of organized competitions in track events date back from the first Olympic Games in 776 В. С. It is a sport in which techniques constantly change as stronger athletes taught by better coaches break through new record barriers. In our time track-and-field is called the "Queen of Sport". Track-and-field athletics includes many different events such as walking, pentathlon, decathlon, throwing which involves the discus throwing, the hammer throwing, the javelin throwing, the shot- put; running which involves sprint, medium (middle) distance race, long-distance race, steeple-chase, relay race, cross- country race, hurdling, marathon race, etc.; jumping which involves high jump, long jump, hop step and jump (triple jump), pole vault, etc. Besides there are races and jumps meant specially for training such as: races-trial run, running on toes, running in the curve, jogging, drive to accelerate, final race, speed race, etc. and jumps – squat jump, running jump, etc. Each of these events has their own skill and many of them are very difficult to learn. There are certain general principles, which must be followed. The athlete must study his event as regards both its technique and training methods. All international competitions must conform to the rules of the International Amateur Athletic Federation for men and women’s competitions. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания. B. C. (before Christ) — до нашей эры discus throwing – метание диска hammer throwing – метание молота sprint — бег на короткие дистанции javelin throwing – метание копья medium (middle) distance race — бег на средние дистанции shot-put – толкание ядра walking – ходьба (спортивная) long-distance race — бег на длинные дистанции meant specially for training –предназначенные только для тренировки steeple -chase — бег с препятствиями relay race — эстафетный бег trial run – контрольный бег cross-country race — бег по пересеченной местности running on toes – бег на носках jogging – разминочный бег hurdling — барьерный бег drive to accelerate – бег с ускорением marathon race — марафонский бег final race – финальный бег high jump — прыжок в высоту speed race – быстрый бег long jump — прыжок в длину squat jump – прыжок согнув ноги pole vault — прыжок с шестом running jump - прыжок с разбега throwing — метание 1. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. When did you begin to engage in track-and-field? 2. What events does it include? 3. What event are you training in now? 4. What is your life record in jumping (running, javelin throwing, walking, etc)? 5. When did you start competing in this event? 6. What distances do you know in track-and-field athletics? 7. Are you a runner? 8. What distance do you run? 9. What is your favourite distance? 10. What kinds of jumping do you know? 11. Name the most effective jumpers (throwers, walkers, pentathletes, decathletes, etc.)? 12. What sporting qualities does track-and-field athletics develop? 2. Закончите предложения словами из текста. 1. Track-and-field athletics is a world- wide …. 2. Track-and-field athletics includes …. 3. There are races and jumps meant …. 4. Each of these events has their own …. 5. The athlete must study his event …. 6. All international competitions must conform …. UNIT 2 Прочитайте и переведите текст. Volleyball Volleyball is a modern game. It originated in America. The game was invented in 1895 by William G. Morgan in Holyoke, Massachusetts. Volleyball was then growing in popularity, but it proved too strenuous for the older men. The game of volleyball was developed as a modification of tennis. For some time people did not show any great interest in this game. But after the first exhibition of the game in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1896, volleyball had become increasingly popular. Later volleyball became a splendid recreational game. The basic idea of play was to volley the ball back and forth over the net. Slowly more and more people were attracted and the number of participants steadily increased. In the beginning the game had a few simple rules. The first complete set of rules was formulated in 1917 and since then volleyball has seen many additions and modifications as the game developed and became more specialized. Volleyball has spread to far off lands and it is played throughout the world. It is estimated that the game is popular in many countries. The game spread from one country to another. The International Volleyball Association was formed in 1947. The first World Volleyball Championship was held in 1949 at Prague, Czechoslovakia, when twelve countries were represented. Reports say that the championship was conducted at the winter stadium before daily crowds of fifteen thousand. The USSR team easily became the champion defeating Czechoslovakia in the finals. The second world championship was held in 1952, at the famous Dynamo Stadium in Moscow. Teams from eleven countries competed for the world title. Fifty thousand spectators watched the great thrills of international volleyball. The USSR annexed the championship without losing a single set throughout the tournament. In 1957, volleyball was given Olympic Status, and was officially recognized for Olympic competition by the International Olympic Committee. As volleyball can be played both indoors and outdoors, it is an all-season sport. The potential of the game for team participation, and the emotional satisfaction derived from the playing of the game make it an ideal sport for inclusion in the physical education program. The game is adapted to school and institute use since it provides for varying amounts of players. Volleyball is annually making tremendous progress in many countries and today it is one of the leading sports. Many thousand cities in many countries now play volleyball. Volleyball is played not only as a recreative sport but also as a competitive sport. Inter-school and inter-university tournaments are popular and highly contested. In addition, thousands of local, state and regional tournaments, involving highly skilled teams are held annually throughout the world. Millions of enthusiastic spectators witness big and interesting matches. Volleyball has a beneficial effect upon the health and trains all-round muscular coordination. It develops many good qualities, a sharp eye, quick thinking, will-power, fast reaction, a feeling of comradeship, etc. It is played both indoors and outdoors. Volleyball is played by two teams of six players each. The team consists of a captain, back players and forward players or spikers – left forward and right forward. The game is played on a rectangular court 18 m long and 9 m wide. The net is stretched across the center of the court and is about 1 m wide. All the players of the team take up their positions on one side of the net. The play begins when a serve is made by one player standing in the service area. After the serve the ball is batted back and forth over the net. The player may pass the ball forward, backward, to the receiver, etc. Fifteen points constitute a game. There are several kinds of service in volleyball such as: the drop serve, the overhand serve, the underhand serve, etc. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания. service area – место подачи underhand service – подача снизу drop service – подача крюком back player - защитник overhand service – подача сверху forward player, spiker - нападающий All the players take up their positions on to require - требовать one side of the net. — Все игроки занимают свои места с одной стороны сетки - drill - тренировка beneficial – благотворный will-power — воля to master— овладевать Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Are you a volleyball player? 2. What is your future speciality? 3. When did you begin to play volleyball? 4. In what countries is volleyball played? 5. How many players make up a team? 6. What players does volleyball team consist of? 7. Who are the best volleyball players in our country? 8. What team do you play for? 9. What volleyball team is the best in our country? 10. How many volleyball courts are there in our city? 11. How long do our volleyball players train before a contest? 12. Name the most resultative volleyball players in the world. 13. What qualities does volleyball develop? UNIT 3 Прочитайте и переведите текст. |
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