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BasketballBasketball is played on the court by two teams of five players each: two forwards, one centre, two guards. The purpose of each is to throw the ball into the basket of the opponent and to prevent the other team from securing the ball or scoring. The object of the game is quite simple. To win you must put the ball through the hoop more often than your opponent. This means the basketball player must learn to shoot effectively. All the players may take part in both the attack and the defence. The game begins by tossing up the ball between 2 players standing in the centre circle, one player of each team. '' There are five basic shots in basketball: 'the lay-up shot, the set shot (chest shot), the jump shot (throw on the jump), the pivot shot (shot with pivot), and the foul shot (penalty, free throw). The game for men lasts 40 minutes and consists of two 20 minutes halves with an intermission of 10 minutes. Basketball develops many good qualities such as quick reaction, accuracy, dexterity, agility, endurance and the like. It is played on a court 26 m long and 14 m wide. The goals are metal rings 45 cm in diameter, rigidly attached to a backboard so that they lie in a horizontal plane 3 m 5 cm above the floor. The ball is round, it is made of a rubber bladder covered with a leather, synthetic material, or rubber case; it is not more than 75 cm nor less that 73 cm in circumference; its weight is not less than 600 g nor more than 650 g. It may be bounced, rolled, batted or thrown in any direction with one or both hands, but the players are not allowed to run with it more than two steps. When catching a basketball, the receiver assumes a comfortable stance in a stride position, knees slightly bent with the left foot forward, right foot back, to be in a position to pass or move after catching the ball. For receiving a ball above the waist, the forearms are bent with the outspread thumbs pointing diagonally backward and upward. The ball is stopped in its flight with the fingers. When a pass is above the chest the fingers should be pointing up with the thumbs back to help stop the ball. For receiving the ball below the waist the forearms are bent, the back of the hand is towards the floor, the fingers are pointing downwards and the thumbs up. The ball is advanced by passing or by dribbling. The dribble is used to advance the ball to the forecourt, to move to an offensive position, or to get past an opponent. The dribbling position includes bent knees, straight back, head up, looking ahead. The ball is con- trolled by the fingertips, pushing the ball ahead and never slapping. The hand dives with the ball on its upward flight for better ball control. The ball should be held as close to the body as possible, without hitting the knee. The lower the dribble, the more difficult it will be for a de- fence man to steal the ball. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания. assumes a comfortable stance in a stride position - принимает удобную стойку с широко расставленными ногами to get past an opponent — чтобы обойти противника to prevent the other team from securing the ball or scoring — не давать другой команде завладеть мячом или забить гол to shoot effectively — бросать мяч эффективно lay-up shot — бросок в корзину одной рукой в прыжке set shot (chest shot) — бросок двумя руками от jump shot (throw on the jump) — бросок в прыжке pivot shot (shot with pivot) — бросок на повороте foul shot (penalty, free throw) — штрафной бросок with an intermission of 10 minutes = with a break of 10 minutes accuracy — точность dexterity— проворство, ловкость 1. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Are you a basketball player? 2. What made you play this game? 3. Where is the game played? 4. How many players constitute a team? 5. What players take part in the defence? in the attack? 6. How long does the game last? 7. What is the object of the game? 8. Who is the best basketball player in our country? 9. What team do you play for? 10. What basketball team is the best in our country? 11. What are the duties of the players? 12. How many basic shots are there in basketball? 2. Закончите предложения словами из текста.
UNIT 4 Прочитайте и переведите текст. Weightlifting Weightlifting is a very popular kind of sport among the people of our country. The history of Russian and Soviet sports knows many excellent weightlifters. In 1885 V. F. Kraevsky organized for the first time in Russia a "Weightlifting Lover's Club". Similar clubs and circles were founded one after another in various parts of the country. In 1898 Sergei Eliseyev won the first place at the World Championship in Milan. But the number of weightlifting lovers was so small that it could be called a "drop in the ocean" as compared with several hundred thousands engaged in this sport at sport clubs to- day throughout the country. Since 1934, when international weightlifting rules were set up, Soviet strongmen began smashing world records one after another. In 1946 the Soviet Union joined the International Weightlifting Federation. Since then on Soviet weightlifters began to compete in the world championships and win gold, silver and bronze medals. Our best weightlifters won over 90 European championship medals and over 40 world championship medals. Weightlifting is one of the best ways to build up a man's body. It develops coordination, balance, control of muscles, etc. It speeds up the blood circulation, keeps the blood coursing all through the body. Weightlifters are strong, muscled, square shouldered and full-chested men. They develop a strong heart and healthy lungs of great capacity. There are nine weight-divisions in weightlifting: fly-weight, bantam-weight, feather-weight, light-weight, middle- weight, light-heavy-weight, middle heavy- weight, heavy weight and super heavy- weight. The Olympic Set includes snatch and jerk. There are different snatches: two- hand snatch, left-hand snatch, one-hand snatch, right-hand snatch, standing snatch, etc. There are two distinct styles in two- hand snatch: the split which consists of splitting or sliding the feet apart, one front, one back and the squat, in which the lifter's body is lowered to a full squatting position as the bell goes over- head. Weightlifting is one of the most attractive sports. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания. Olympic Set — олимпийское двоеборье snatch — рывок jerk — толчок two-hand snatch — рывок двумя руками left-hand snatch — рывок левой one-hand snatch — рывок одной рукой right-hand snatch — рывок правой standing snatch — рывок с места split style — стиль «ножницы» squat style — стиль «разножка» splitting the feet apart — разведение ног squatting — подсед «глубокая разножка» one-hand clean and jerk — толкание одной рукой jerk from the neck — толкание от шеи jerk from the neck with knee bending — толкание от шеи с приседанием standing jerk with knee bending — толкание с места с приседанием narrow grip — узкий хват broad grip — широкий хват weighing in — взвешивание reduce one's weight — сгонять вес "drop in the ocean" — капля в море capacity — здесь емкость weight-division — весовая категория fly-weight — наилегчайший вес (до 52 кг) bantam-weight — легчайший вес (до 56 кг) feather-weight — полулегкий вес (до 60 кг) light-weight — легкий вес (до 67,5 кг) middle-weight — полусредний вес (до 75 кг) light-heavy-weight — средний вес (до 82,5 кг) middle heavy-weight — полутяжелый вес (до 90 кг) heavy weight — первый тяжелый вес (до ПО кг) super heavy-weight — второй тяжелый вес (свыше 110 кг) 1. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Are you a weightlifter? 2. What weight-divisions do you know? 3. What is your weight-division? 4. What kinds of jerk do you know? 5. What grips are there to be trained? 6. What must every weightlifter do before a competition? 7. What must a weightlifter do if his weight is above the required one? 2. Закончите предложения словами из текста.
UNIT 5 Прочитайте и переведите текст. Wrestling Wrestling is a sport practically as old as civilization and is popular with people of all lands. It is one of the finest forms of exercise bringing into play all the muscles of the body, and is also a wonderful mental stimulant. Many adults find this sport useful in a recreative sense. It is strenuous, however, and only those who are training should be allowed to enter tournament. Wrestling is an example of a group of games in which personal combat is the main feature. This fact is often overlooked, since people think of team games as the type and forget that tennis singles, checkers and chess are games, although there is but one contestant on a side. The essential features of a game, including strategy, deception and free choice of manner of attack, are conspicuous in com- bats, making them games rather than simple contests. There are many distinctive types of wrestling, the most important of which are free-style and the Greco-Roman style, judo and sambo. With free-style wrestling, which has evolved from the "Lancashire" and "catch-as-catch-can" styles, any fair hold is al- lowed, but in the case of the Greco-Roman style no holds are allowed below the waist and the use of the legs for attack or de- fence is not permitted. Wrestlers are divided into the following weight classes: up to 48, up to 52, up to 57, up to 62, up to 68, up to 74, up to 82, up to 90, up to 100, over 100. Judo evolved from the old schools of ju-jutsu (jiu-jitsu). Soviet national sport sambo is very popular among the Soviet people. Sambo means in Russian "self-defence without arms". The best defence and attack methods from different types of the national wrestling became the basis of sambo which originated in the USSR in the 1930's. It is a fast and dynamic kind of sport. Judo and sambo differ in the rule, costume and the mattress on which the con- test is held. At the same time, however, these two kinds of sport have many points in common. They are both intended to make the human being stronger and more beautiful and to help him protect himself at the moment of danger. 1. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания. to bring into play — приводить в действие wrestling is also a mental stimulant— здесь:борьба развивает также духовно personal combat — единоборство the "Lancashire" and "catch-as-catch-can" styles—стили «Ланкашир» и «хватай как можешь» fair hold — правильный прием Greco-Roman wrestling — классическая 2. Закончите предложения словами из текста.
UNIT 6 Прочитайте и переведите текст. Football Football, a name initially defining in English, and subsequently in many other languages, a family of team games whose object is to move a ball to a specific goal. It may be a goal or the back (goal) line of the field and sometimes both. In some cases, the name football accompanied by some other term refers to a ball game that uses a different goal, e.g.> LAWN FOOTBALL. Etymology. The original Eng. Name consists of 2 elements whose origin and meaning seem quite apparent [foot+ball]. Therefore, the popular interpretation was that the name meant, from the very beginning, a game in which a ball was put in motion with the foot. However, this is the case of only some games whose names are derived from football and it applies mainly to >ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL (i.e. soccer) and its historical predecessors, e.g. >WINCHESTER COLLEGE FOOTBALL, >HARROW FOOTBALL, >RADLEY GAME, and >ETON FIELD GAME. The ‘foot’ element seems unjustified in the names of many other games since the ball is put in motion with hands, the feet being used only sporadically, which puts in question the presence of this element instead of, for instance, the fist or the palm. This applies, among others, to aquatic football, a var. of >WATER POLO, where it is technically impossible to play with the feet; >GAELIC FOOTBALL, in which the players use their fists to put the ball in motion, although kicking is also acceptable. In >RUGBY, the actual full name of which is ‘rugby football’, both hands and feet are used but due to the origin of the game the name football is justifiable here. Many games originated in the 19th cent. acquired the name football almost automatically, although players used both feet and hands. They include such games as >AMERICAN FOOTBALL, >AUSTRALIAN FOOTBALL, >CANADIAN FOOTBALL. These names demonstrate unequivocally that the tendency to use the term to refer to a foot-sized ball, rather than only a ball kicked with the foot, persists. Another proof of the same tendency is >SKI FOOTBALL, in which the feet and legs do not touch the ball which instead is only passed from hand to hand by skiers, and yet the word football. 1. Закончите предложения словами из текста.
UNIT 7 Прочитайте и переведите текст. Ice hockey 1. Ice hockey, a six-a-side team game played with sticks and a rubber puck on a rectangular sheet of mechanically-frozen or natural ice, called a rink, measuring, ideally, 200 ft (61 m) long and 85 ft (26 m) wide and surrounded by barrier boards. The game is won by the team which scores the most goals. 2. The barrier boards, curved at each of the four corners, must not be more than 4 ft (1.22 m) high nor less than 40 in. (1 m). Red goal lines, 5 cm wide, are marked 3.50 m from each end of the rink. In the centre of these lines are the goals, 1.22 m high and 1.83 in wide, measured from the insides of the upright posts and the crossbar, with nets not less than 60 cm at the base. Two blue lines, each 30 cm wide, divide the rink into three equal zones, and a centre red line, also 30 cm wide, is equidistant between them. All these lines are drawn completely across the width of the ice and are continued vertically up the sides of the barrier boards. A circular blue spot, 30 cm in diameter, is painted on the centre of the ice, in the centre of a blue circle 5 cm wide, with a radius of 4.6 m. Four more similar-sized spots and circles are marked in red on the rink, two in each half-midway between each goal post and the nearest side of the rink and 4.6 m out from the goal lines. On each side of these four 'face-off spots are red lines 60 cm long, parallel to the -goal lines. Other red lines 91 cm long extend from each outer edge of the four defence zone face-off circles. Two other similar-seized red spots are marked in the centre zone, one in each half, 1.5 m from each blue line and midway between the side barrier boards. Other marks on the ice indicate semicircular or rectangular areas, one in front of each goal, called the crease, marked by red lines 5 cm wide. The semicircles have a radius of 1.83 m. The rectangles are 2.44 m wide and 1.22 m deep, marked by red lines 5 cm wide. 3. A game is divided into three periods, each of 20 minutes actual playing time. An official stopwatch — in major matches synchronized with a huge dial clearly visible to the spectators — measures only the time while the puck is in play. Between the three playing periods are two intervals, each of approximately ten minutes’ duration, during which the ice is resurfaced. 4. Only six players from each team are allowed on the ice at the same time, the normal line-up being a goalminder, two defence-men, and three forwards — the centreman and two wingers. Substitute players are considered essential because of the fast speed at which the game is played. A team usually carries between 11 and 18 players. A top professional side normally comprises two goalminders, five or six defencemen and ten or eleven forwards. Generally two pairs of defencemen and three trios of forwards are used in turn. Substitutes may be introduced into play whenever the game is stopped, i. e. when the puck is 'dead', but no substitution may be made unless the player to be relieved has left the ice. It is not obligatory to play a goalminder throughout a match and when the occasion warrants, it is not uncommon for a team to play the final seconds of a period with no goalminder at all and all six men up in all-out effort to score, a desperate tactic which can provide considerable excitement. 5. Play is commenced at the beginning of each period, and after a goal has been scored, by a 'face-off. The puck is dropped by the referee in the centre of the rink between the sticks of the opposing centremen (centre forwards), who must stand approximately one stick-length apart, squarely facing their opponents' end of the rink, and with full blades of their sticks on the ice. No other player is allowed within 3 m of the two face-off players. Play is re-started at other times of the game by face-offs on the nearest of the other eight marked spots to the point at which a misplay occurred. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания. stick n клюшка; to play with a stick puck n шайба; a rubber puck; to drop a puck; to push the puck forward; to pass the puck rink n каток; a rectangular rink board n борт (коробки); barrier board sсоге v зд. забивать гол; набирать очки; scoring а голевой; scoring position. goal п ворота; гол; goal line; goal post; in front of the goal; to concede a goal. spot n зона, место; blue spot face-off - вбрасывание шайбы между двумя противниками; face-off spot; face-off circles defence n защита; defence zone; defenceman line-up n - состав команды goalminder n - вратарь; syn. goalie; A team comprises two goalminders, five or six defencemen and ten or eleven forwards. winger n - нападающий; left / right winger substitute п заменяющий игрок; substitution п замена; to make a substitution. dead a зд .вне игры; when the puck becomes dead hit v бить, ударять; to hit the puck; to hit the stick; to hit the barrier boards infringement n нарушение; the infringement of the rules shut-out n. сухой счет; notable shut-out records; Shut-out occurs when a goalminder concedes no goal. stick handling владение клюшкой, обвод клюшкой. Stick handling is the equivalent of the dribbling. pass n пас; to take a pass; to accept a pass off-side n положение вне игры penalty n штраф; minor penalty; major penalty; penalty, special penalty box; to impose penalty on smb for (fighting) = to penalize shot n бросок; удар; shot penalty offence n нарушение tripping n подножка; Minor penalties are imposed for such offences as tripping, elbowing, charging (недозволенный силовой прием). 1. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Are you a hockey player? 2. Why do you fancy hockey? 3. What kinds of hockey do you know? 4. Where is Russian hockey especially popular? 5. Where is ice- hockey played? 6. How many players constitute a team? 7. What is the object of the game? 8. What is the size of the field? 9. What is the size of the puck? 10. What kinds of passes do you know? 11. What kinds of shots do you know? 12. How is the puck put in play? 13. When does the face-off occur? 14. How long is the duration of the game? 2. Назовите английские эквиваленты, следующих русских слов и словосочетаний. играть клюшкой; резиновая шайба; передать шайбу; прямоугольный каток; голевое положение; линия ворот; пропускать шайбу; проталкивать шайбу вперед; перед воротами; вбрасывание шайбы; зона защиты; синяя линия; состав команды; левый/ правый нападающий; сделать замену; когда шайба находится в положении пне игры; обвод клюшкой; принять пас; штрафной удар; нарушение правил; подножка. 3. Прочитайте текст "Ice Hockey" и разделите его на 5 смысловых частей в соответствии с подзаголовками, данными ниже. 1. Definition of Ice Hockey. 2. Description of the Rink. 3. Organization of the Games (Periods, Intervals). 4. Ice Hockey Line-Up. 5. Playing Strategy. A Face-Off. 4. Закончите предложения словами из текста.
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UNIT 8 Прочитайте и переведите текст. Speed-skating The modern word 'skate' is believed to be derived from the early German schake (meaning a shark or leg bone) and the early English word, scatch. The first skates were made from the shank or ribs of the elk, ox, and other animals, well before the discovery of steel, and there still exist in some museums bone skates believed to be 20 centuries old. In the history of the world, the natural conditions in the northern countries were ideal for sliding on skis. However, those in the Netherlands were more suited for sliding on skates. The canals, the chief means of transportation, were frozen over the winter and the clear ice seldom covered with snow. In the early days, bones were tied to shoes. Around 1250 A. D., iron blades were affixed in wooden sotes and people started skating in the modern sense. It was under these circumstances that speed-skating, the national sport of the Dutch, began. The first recorded round trip from town to town was made on the frozen canals of Holland in 1676. The first recorded speed-skating competition was held in Holland. This competition was for women only. The next recorded competitions were recorded in 1823 in Netherlands. Straight courses, U-shaped courses and two-man heats that decided the winner were all a part of the development of the competitions in the sport of speed-skating. From Holland, speed-skating spread to Germany, France, Austria and also England. The first American Championships were held over courses of 10-20 miles in length about 1879. The first International speed-skating competition was held in Hamburg in 1885. The Dutch were the first to propose the double track concept with racing in pairs to be conducted over a variety of distances, both short and marathon. The first World Championships were held in Amsterdam in 1889. In 1892 the world's international governing administrative body the International Skating Union (I.S.U.) was founded to supervise and standardize regulations in the three main variants of the sport: ice figure skating, ice dancing and ice speed-skating. Separate European men's championships date from 1893, the first women's world title was contested at Stockholm in 1936. Men's speed-skating gained Olympic stands in 1924, when the first Winter Olympic Games were staged in Chamonix, France, but women's Olympic speed-skating was not added until 1960 at Squaw Valley, California, USA. Distances. Now international races may be held only over the following distances: 500, 1,000, 1,500 metres (called short distances), 3,000, 5,000, 10,000 metres (called long distances) and either over each of these distances with an award of prizes for each distance, or over several distances with one prize. In addition to the distances prescribed in paragraph 1, races may also be held over more than 10,000 metres. Such races need not be held on the ordinary tracks. Special regulations must be announced by the organizer. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания. skating n катание на коньках; speed-skating; ice skating; skate n конек; bone skates; steel skates; skater n конькобежец; speed-skater; distance skater sliding n скольжение; suited for sliding on skates tie v соединять, скреплять, связывать; bones tied to shoes blade n лезвие конька; iron blades; steel blade affix [a'fiks] v (to, on, upon) прикреплять, присоединять. iron blades affixed on wooden soles (подошва, подметка), course n трасса; U-shaped courses heat [hi:t] n забег; two-man heat track n , дорожка; double (single) track; speed-skating track race n 6er на коньках, соревнование; racing in pairs; to conduct racing over a variety of distances; international race; speed-skating races; racer n бегун. standardize ['stsendsdaizj] v стандартизировать; to standardize regulations stand n место, положение; to gain (take) stand distance n дистанция; short distances; long distances announce v объявлять; to announce special regulations ice rink n каток; open (covered or closed) ice rink; ice rink with double track curve n поворот беговой дорожки; вираж; inner curve внутренний (малый) поворот дорожки; the radius of the inner curve. crossing n пересечение, переход; crossing area condition n состояние; condition of the ice cover v пройти, проехать расстояние; to cover the distance wind drag сквозняк; to lessen the wind drag air resistance сопротивление воздуха; to avoid air resistance 1. Назовите английские эквиваленты следующих русских слов и словосочетаний. конькобежный спорт; спринтер; стайер; стальное лезвие конька; металлическое лезвие, прикрепленное к деревянной подошве; U-образная трасса; забег двойками; двойная дорожка; проводить соревнования на различных дистанциях; занять место; объявлять специальные правила; крытый/открытый каток; поворот беговой дорожки (вираж); вираж на внутренней/внешней дорожке; линия перехода на другую дорожку; состояние льда; сопротивление воздуха. 2. Выпишите из текста " Skating " интернациональные слова и назовите их русские эквиваленты. Переведите слова с одинаковым корнем, обращая внимание на суффиксы ski v — ski n — skiing n — skier n compete v — competition n — competitor n — competitive race v — race n — racer n — racing n place v — place n — placement n require v — requirement n combine v — combination n — combined a 3. Прочитайте текст "Speed-Skating" и скажите, сколько смысловых частей можно выделить в нем. Озаглавьте их. Сравните ваш план с данным ниже. 1. A Brief History of Speed-Skating. 2. Organization of Competitions. 3. Tracks. 4. Speed on Ice, 5. Speed-Skating Equipment. 6. The Soviet Union Skaters on the International Arena. 4. Закончите предложения словами из текста.
UNIT 9 Прочитайте и переведите текст. Skiing 1. Skiing as a competitive sport is either racing or jumping with feet attached to shaped runners, known as 'skis1 over snow surfaces. It is a sport for all ages and for both sexes. It gives one a feeling of being one's own master, yet at the same time there exists a wealth of comradeship. Skiing is an exhilarating and vigorous fun sport. 2. Skiing is divided into two main sections: Alpine and Nordic. Alpine skiing is racing on skis down steep, prepared snow slopes, one competitor after the other, the fastest time deciding the winner, 3. Alpine ski racing is divided into three categories or disciplines — downhill, giant slalom and slalom. In each the object is to slide down a steep, predetermined course in the fastest time, the racers departing at intervals varying from 1/2 min. to I min. Races in all three disciplines take place on a much steeper descent than cross-country (Nordic) skiing and equipment and technique are very different. 4. The three races of Alpine skiing have certain aspects in common. The ideal course on which a racer is held by a system of gates. These are poles with marker flags dug into the snow and placed in tandem so that the racer must go between them. Their width and placement vary according to the type of race. 5. The downhill, a test of speed, is the most highly regarded of Alpine events. International downhill events require a vertical descent of up to 1,000 m for men. The length of a course for men is between 3,500 and 4,500 m and between 1,600 and 2,500 m for women. 6. Giant slalom was introduced into world championship in 1950 and it was gradually developed into its own characteristics. The course of the giant slalom is about 1,500 m in length with a vertical drop of 450 m. 7. Slalom, sometimes called 'special slalom’ to differentiate it from giant slalom, has two consecutive runs on different, though usually adjacent courses. The winner is the competitor with the fastest aggregate time for the two runs. The average length of a course is about 575 m with a vertical drop of 150 to 200 m. Thus skiers have a one-in-three slope to negotiate through a maximum of 75 gates, each a minimum of 3,20 m wide and 75 cm apart. 8. Slalom is primarily a test of control. There are two types of gate, open and closed. The open gate is one in which the imaginary line between the poles is across the fall-line, while the closed gate is down the fall-line. Observers are at every gate to disqualify a competitor who misses one. 9. Nordic skiing includes cross-country skiing with four dis-tances for men (10, 15, 30, 50 km and relay race 4X5 km) and three distances for women (5, 10, 20 km and relay race 4X5 km) and ski jumping, competitive jumping on skis from an elevated position downwards on to a steep snow slope. 10. The Olympic ski jumping programme includes jumping from a normal (70 m) and large (90 m) hills. Ski jumping competition is based on both distance and style. The jumper takes off down a sloping channel known as an in-run. The distance from the lip of the take-off to the middle point where the jumper's feet touch the snow on landing is measured to an accuracy of 0.5 m. Style, or form, is evaluated by official judges. The points for distance and style of the best two rounds of jumping are added together and the jumper with the most points wins. In ski flying, a form of ski jumping from higher hills, distance alone decides the winner. 11. There is also the Nordic combination, the most traditional of the Nordic skiing contests where the object is to show a balance of skill and performance in both cross-country running and jumping. It is a combination of a I5-km cross-country course and jumping from a 70 m hill. 12. Biathlon. The winter biathlon is based on the old military patrol race and was first accepted .into the Olympic programme at Squaw Valley in 1960. It consists of a 20-km cross-country race on skis in the course of which four firing exercises with five shots each have to be completed. Competitors have to carry rifle (single shot) and ammunition. At or near the 4, 8, 12 and 16 km marks competitors fire at targets, lying at the first shoot, standing at the second, lying at the third and standing for the fourth. In the lying position the target is 25 cm in circumference with 12.5 cm inner ring. Standing the target is 50 cm with a 35 cm inner. Two minutes are added to the competitor's overall time for a complete miss and one minute if he only hits the outer ring of the target. The distance of each range varies between 100 m and 250 m with the longer distances used for prone shooting position. The biathlon relay is a race for teams of four and was introduced at the Winter Olympics at Grenoble in 1968. Each of four runners must fire twice during laps of 7.5 km. At the first shoot they have five targets of 30 cm for a standing shoot, and at the second, five targets of 10 cm for a prone shoot. They have up to eight bullets to shatter the five targets in each instance, but for each target they fail to hit they must run a penalty lap of 200 m. The biathlon is controlled and administers by the International Modern Pentathlon and Biathlon Union. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания. skiing n лыжный спорт; Alpine skiing; Nordic skiing racing n лыжная гонка; downhill racing; Alpine ski racing; race n состязание, соревнование, гонка; syn. event; race schedule; relay race surface n поверхность; snow surface fun n удовольствие, развлечение; fun sport slope n склон, скат; syn. hill; a steep snow slope downhill n скоростной спуск; downhill event (race) slalom n слалом; giant slalom; slalom racer slide v (slid p. p.) скользить, двигаться плавно; syn. glide; to slide down course n трасса; syn. run; to slide down a steep course; to take the course; to ski off the course; the length of a course descent n спуск; ant. ascent; a vertical descent cross-country skiing лыжная гонка technique n cnoco6, ход; syn. style; classical (free) technique gates n ворота; a system of gates; open (closed) gates; start-line gates; to go through the gates; gate line pole n (лыжная) палка ; стойка ворот; poles with marker flags; to go between the poles; to place the poles into tandem drop n падение, спад; a vertical drop перепад высот. run n заезд, бег, маршрут, трасса; two runs on different courses; take-off run разбег; in-run гора разгона aggregate a общий, совокупный, суммарный; aggregate time for two runs fall-line линия падения склона Nordic skiing северные дисциплины hill n трамплин; 70 m hill landing n приземление; on landing ski flying полеты на лыжах Nordic combination лыжное двоеборье 1. Выпишите из текста " Skating " интернациональные слова и назовите их русские эквиваленты. Переведите слова с одинаковым корнем, обращая внимание на суффиксы ski y — ski n — skiing n — skier n compete v — competition n — competitor n — competitive race v — race n — racer n — racing n place v — place n — placement n require v — requirement n combine v — combination n — combined a 2. Назовите английские эквиваленты следующих русских словосочетаний. снежная поверхность; горнолыжный спорт; северные дисциплины; лыжное двоеборье; график бега; соревнования по спортивному спуску; слалом-гигант; двигаться плавно вниз; крутой снежный склон; пройти трассу; сойти с трассы; длина трассы; вертикальный спуск; классический ход; пройти ворота; расположить палки в тандеме; перепад высот; суммарное время для двух заездов; палки с цветными флажками; 70-метровый трамплин. 3. Составьте краткую аннотацию к тексту “Skiing”, используя следующие слова и словосочетания 1. The text is on the problem of … 2. The article deals with… 3. The article consists of…parts. 4. The purpose of the article is to show UNIT 10 Прочитайте и переведите текст. Bobsleigh Bobsleigh, a winter sport in which sleds, normally manned by four-man or two-man crews, are guided down a specially prepared, descending track of solid ice with banked bends. The bobsled, originally of wooden construction, is now a precision-built machine of steel and aluminium. It has two axes, with two rounded runners mounted on each. The rear axle is fixed and the front one turns for steering. The sled may be steered either by ropes or a wheel. Americans tend to favour the steering-wheel, whereas most Europeans prefer the sensitivity of ropes. The brake, a bar made of hardened steel located between the two rear runners, has a serrated edge which cuts into the ice. But because the ruts it makes can render the course dangerous, braking is not permitted during a competition except when disqualification would be automatic. The length of a two-man sled, often called a boblet, must not exceed 2.7 m. For four-man crews the length limit is 3.8 m. The width of either must not be greater than 67 cm. The crew seats are no more than 20 cm above the ice. The front of the sled is fitted with a streamlined cowling which reduces wind resistance. A maximum weight of bobs with their teams must be 375 kg for a two and 630 kg for a four. Within these limits additional weights may be bolted to the sled to assist light crews. All bobs with their team members are weighed before starting. Since 1952, this rule has eliminated the advantage heavy riders previously had when only the weight of the bob and not its crew was taken into account. 5. A championship event normally comprises four heats or runs for each sled, two on each of consecutive days if Conditions permit; the lowest aggregate of time for the four runs determines the winner. An intimate knowledge and experience of the course are of prior importance before participating in competitions because if one's bobsled touches the steep, packed ice banking, one is likely at least to lose a vital split second. Arts which help to reduce decimal time fractions include the driver's trick of turning his head before moving into a bend, the pace being too quick to enable him otherwise to realign his sights for the new direction on exit. The skill of weight transference to the necessary degree to correct a skidding sled has also to be acquired by trial and error.
Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания. bobsleigh n бобслей sleds санки, сани; a two-man sled = boblet = bobs crew [km:] n экипаж, команда; two-man crew; four-man crew descending a спускающийся, нисходящий; descending track of solid ice bend n поворот, наклон; banked bend bobsled n сани с рулем; bobsled of wooden construction runners n полозья; rounded runners steering n управление рулем; steering-wheel; steer v управлять рулем brake n тормоз; A brake has a serrated (зазубренный) edge, braking nторможение; Braking is not allowed during competitions. rut n выбоина; The brake makes ruts that make the course dangerous. cowling n обтекатель; steamlined cowling rider n гонщик; heavy riders run n заезд; at the end of the run; syn. heat aggregate n сумма, совокупность transference n перенос; weight transference. skidding n тормоз, занос, скольжение skidding sled comply with действовать согласно чему-либо; to comply with regulations course n трасса; the length of the course 1. Найдите в тексте ответы на вопросы.
4. Why is it very important to know the course before partici pating in competitions? 2. Переведите следующие словосочетания. a winter sport, of wooden construction, a precision-built machine of steel and aluminium, hardened steel, automatic disqualification, the length limit, to reduce wind resistance, a maximum weight, a championship event, the world administration, electrical refrigeration, international championship regulations, Winter Olympic Games venues, for a specific Olympic occasion, tennis player, motor-racing. 3. Выделите корневые основы. sledbuilding, sleiglvriding, bobsled-maker, brakeman. 4. Переведите глаголы, образованные от существительных способом конверсии. steer — руль — to steer time — время — to time run — заезд — to run sled — сани — to sled ride — гонка — to ride 5. Организуйте слова в пары антонимов. Переведите их. front, heavy, over-estimate, light, rear, ascending, underrate, descending. 6. Назовите английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний. Двухместный бобслей; двух/четырехместный экипаж; спускающийся вниз желоб трассы из твердого льда; бобслей деревянной конструкции; закругленные полозья; руль (управления) торможение; обтекатель; гонщик; в конце заезда; перенос веса; тормоз; действовать согласно правилам; длина трассы. 7. Прочитайте текст и к каждому пункту предложенного ниже плана назовите номер соответствующего абзаца. Definition of bobsleigh. Construction of bobsled. Organization of competitions in bobsleigh (number of runs, course requirements). Desirable skills and knowledge of the crew (driver, brakeman, middle men) in a crew of four. The world's major championship courses. 8. Назовите страны, в которых распространен бобслей. |
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