Элективный курс

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1. Ознакомьтесь с новыми словами и терминами текста 1.

  1. personal computers — персональные компьютеры

  2. competitive operating systems — конкурирующая опера­ционная система

  3. IBM (International Business Machine) — фирма по про­изводству компьютеров

  4. to enter the fray — ввязаться в драку

  5. computer of choice — лучший компьютер

  6. to fall by the wayside — остаться в стороне; уступить до­рогу

  7. to survive onslaught — выдержать конку­ренцию

  8. word size — размер слова; разрядность двоичного слова

  9. soft-copy output — вывод электронной, программно-управляемой копии

  10. hard-copy output — вывод «твердой» печатной копии

  11. online storage — неавтономное хранение данных в ЗУ

  12. offline storage — автономное хранение данных отдельно от компьютера

  13. input media — носитель для входных данных

  14. output media — носитель для выходных данных

  15. general-purpose — универсальный; общего назначения

  16. stand-alone — автономный

  17. to plug in — подключать; подсоединять

  18. leisure activities — досуговая деятельность

2. Прочтите текст и скажите, существуют ли отличия пер­сональных компьютеров от больших компьютеров и в чем они заключаются.


Personal computers are supposed to appear in the late 1970s. One of the first and most popular personal computers was the Apple II, introduced in 1977 by Apple Computer. During the late 1970s and early 1980s, new models and competitive oper­ating systems seemed to appear daily. Then, in 1981, IBM en­tered the fray with its first personal computer, known as the IBM PC. The IBM PC quickly became the personal computer of choice, and most other personal computer manufacturers fell by the way-side. One of the few companies to survive IBM's on­slaught was Apple Computer, which is sure to remain a major player in the personal computer marketplace. In less than a de­cade the microcomputer has been transformed from a calcula­tor and hobbyist's toy into a personal computer for almost ev­eryone.

What is a personal computer? How can this device be char­acterized?

— First, a personal computer being microprocessor-based, its central processing unit, called a microprocessor unit, or MPU, is concentrated on a single silicon chip.

— Second, a PC has a memory and word size that are small­er than those of minicomputers and large computers. Typical word sizes are 8 or 16 bits, and main memories range in size from 16 К to 512 K.

— Third, a personal computer uses smaller, less expensive, and less powerful input, output and storage components than do large computer systems. Most often, input is by means of a keyboard, soft-copy output being displayed on a cathode-ray tube screen. Hard-copy output is produced on a low-speed character printer.

— A PC employs floppy disks as the principal online and offline storage devices and also as input and output me­dia.

— Finally, a PC is a general-purpose, stand-alone system that can begin to work when plugged in and be moved from place to place.

Probably the most distinguishing feature of a personal com­puter is that it is used by an individual, usually in an interactive mode. Regardless of the purpose for which it is used, either for leisure activities in the home or for business applications in the office, we can consider it to be a personal computer.

3. Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию текста.

1. When did the first personal computer appear? 2. What was one of the first PC model? 3. What is a personal computer? 4. What are the four main characteristics of a PC? 5. What does the term "microprocessor-based" mean? 6. What are the typi­cal word sizes of a PC? 7. How is input carried out in personal computers? 8. What principle storage devices does PC use? 9. What kind of a system is a PC? 10. What differs personal com­puters from large computer systems?

4. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

Конкурирующая операционная система; появляться ежедневно; ввязаться в драку; лучший компьютер; остаться в стороне; выдержать конкуренцию; главный поставщик на компьютерном рынке; игрушка для любителя; микро­процессорный; цельный кристалл (микросхема) из крем­ния; размер слова; компоненты меньшей мощности; по­средством; вывести на экран; низкоскоростной принтер с посимвольной печатью; использовать гибкие диски; при­боры (не) автоном-ного хранения данных; универсальный; автономная система; отличительная черта; интерактивный режим; независимо от цели; досуговая деятельность.

5. Переведите сложные предложения:

А) бессоюзные; В) с сочинительной связью. Запомните следующие сочинительные союзы: and, but, or, while, both ... and, as well as, not only ... but also, either ... or, neither ... nor.

A) 1. The computer you told me about was constructed at a Russian plant. 2 We hope we'll buy the computer your friend spoke so much about 3. This is the principle the electronic computer is based upon. 4. The teacher says we may ask any questions we like. 5. Elements integrated circuits are made of are electrically interconnected components. 6. The main tendencies of 1С development scientists are working at are to increase the scale of integration and to improve reliability. 7. — Where are the computer games I gave you yesterday? — The computer games you are asking about are on the top shelf. 8. He was one of the greatest scientists the world had ever known.

B) 1. These devices can perform both the input and output functions. 2. Data are recorded on magnetic discs and tapes either by outputting the data from primary storage or by using a data recorder. 3. Neither the programmer nor the analyst could explain the cause of the computer errors. 4. Data as well as instructions must flow into and out of primary storage. 5. This grammar exercise is not only too long but also very difficult. 6. Printers may be either impact or nonimpact. 7. Character printers are used with all microcomputers as well as on computers of all sizes. 8. Both primary and secondary storage contain data and the instructions for processing the data. 9. The CPU functional units can be in one of two states: either "on" or "off". 10. High-speed devices are both input and output devices that are used as secondary storage.

6. Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 2.

  1. word processing — обработка текста

  2. telephone dialing — набор номера те­лефона

  3. security — безопасность; охрана

  4. appliance — устройство; прибор

  5. maintenance — поддержание; сохранение; эксплуатация

  6. application software — прикладные программы

  7. to delete — удалять; стирать; очищать память

  8. to move paragraphs around — менять местами абзацы

  9. accountant — бухгалтер

  10. accounting — бухгалтерский учет

  11. income tax — подоходный налог

  12. stock market forecasting — биржевые прогнозы

  13. worksheet — электронная таблица

  14. scheduling — составление расписания, графика

  15. computer-assisted instructions — компьютерные команды

  16. to meet the demands — удовлетворять потребности

  17. record keeping — регистрация; ведение записей

  18. grading — оценивание; классификация.

7. Прочтите текст и укажите сферы деятельности, где ис­пользуются персональные компьютеры.


Personal computers have a lot of applications, however, there are some major categories of applications: home and hobby, word processing, professional, educational, small business and engineering and scientific.

Home and hobby. Personal computers enjoy great popularity among experimenters and hobbyists. They are an exciting hob­by. All hobbyists need not be engineers or programmers. There are many games that use the full capabilities of a computer to provide many hours of exciting leisure-time adventure.

The list of other home and hobby applications of PCs is al­most endless, including: checking account management, bud­geting, personal finance, planning, investment analyses, tele­phone answering and dialing, home security, home environment and climate control, appliance control, calendar management, maintenance of address and mailing lists arid what not.

Word processing. At home or at work, applications software, called a word processing program, enables you to correct or modify any document in any manner you wish before printing it. Using the CRT monitor as a display screen, you are able to view what you have typed to correct mistakes in spelling or grammar, add or delete sentences, move paragraphs around, and replace words. The letter or document can be stored on a dis­kette for future use.

Professional. The category of professional includes persons making extensive use of word processing, whose occupations are particularly suited to the desk-top use of PCs. Examples of other occupations are accountants, financial advisors, stock brokers, tax consultants, lawyers, architects, engineers, educators and all levels of managers. Applications programs that are popular with persons in these occupations include accounting, income tax preparation, statistical analysis, graphics, stock market forecast­ing and computer modeling. The electronic worksheet is, by far, the computer modeling program most widely used by profes­sionals. It can be used for scheduling, planning, and the exam­ination of "what if situations.

Educational. Personal computers are having and will contin­ue to have a profound influence upon the classroom, affecting both the learner and the teacher. Microcomputers are making their way into classrooms to an ever-increasing extent, giving impetus to the design of programmed learning materials that can meet the demands of student and teacher.

Two important types of uses for personal computers in edu­cation are computer-managed instruction (CMI), and comput­er-assisted instruction (CAI). CMI software is used to assist the instructor in the management of all classroom-related activities, such as record keeping, work assignments, testing, and grading. Applications of CAI include mathematics, reading, typing, com­puter literacy, programming languages, and simulations of real-world situations

8. Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию текста.

1. What are the main spheres of PC application? 2. Do you enjoy computer games? 3. Is it necessary for a person to be an analyst or a programmer to play computer games? 4. What other home and hobby applications, except computer games, can you name? 5. What is "a word processing program"? 6. What pos­sibilities can it give you? 7. Can you correct mistakes while typ­ing any material and how? 8. What other changes in the typed text can you make using a display? 9. Which professions are in great need of computers? 10. How can computers be used in education?

9. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

Много областей применения; тем не менее; обработка текстов; пользоваться популярностью; любители; способно­сти компьютера; бесконечный перечень; анализ инвести­ций; набор номера телефона; автоответчик; ведение календаря; хранение адресов и почты; и так далее; прикладные программы; исправлять ошибки в написании; стирать предложения; переставлять абзацы; бухгалтер; биржевые брокеры; консультант по налогам; юристы; работники об­разования; управленцы; бухгалтерский учет; подоходный налог; компьютерное моделирование; электронные табли­цы; составление расписания; оказывать огромное влияние; прокладывать путь; дать толчок; удовлетворять потребно­сти; учебная деятельность; компьютерная грамотность; моделирование реально-жизненных ситуаций.

10. Найдите в текстах 1 и 2 слова:

a) близкие по значению следующим словам:

Verbs: to print; to produce; to convert; to keep; to found; to erase; to name; to change; to use; to start; to switch on; to sup­ply; to give possibility; to involve.

Nouns: rate; analyst; possibilities; use; plays; control; post; mode; profession; consultant; teacher; director; book-keeper; fight; producer; attack; amateur; device; crystal; error; storage; primary (memory); monitor; characteristic; aim.

Adjectives: flexible; thrilling; main; little; general;

b) противоположные по значению следующим словам:

Verbs: to finish; to switch on; to take; to delete.

Nouns: online; input; work.

Adjectives: cheep; weak; common; general; large; soft; high; easy.

11. Расшифруйте следующие аббревиатуры и переведите их.

12. Переведите безличные предложения. Обратите внима­ние на их специфику.

1. It is well known that personal computers enjoy great pop­ularity among experimenters and hobbyists. 2. It took years to produce a high-speed computer performing a lot of functions. 3. When making up the summary of the text one should put down the exact title of the article, the author's name and the date of the edition. 4. It is difficult to imagine modern life without a computer. 5. It is quite impossible to listen to your En­glish pronunciation: you make bad mistakes while reading. 6. Concerning these substances one must say that they vary in their composition. 7. When working with these substances one should be very careful. 8. It was once a universal practice to manifacture each of the components separately and then assemble the complete device by wiring (монтаж) the components together with metallic conductors. 9. It was no good: the more compo­nents and interactions, the less reliable the system. 10. It should first be made clear what the term "microelectronics" means.

13. Вспомните формы причастий, проанализируйте и пе­реведите следующие предложения:






being used





having used

Having been used

1. The results obtained are of particular importance for our research. 2. Having obtained the required results we informed the manager of this fact. 3. The necessary data having been obtained, we could continue our experiment. 4. Being obtained the results of the research were analysed. 5. While operating with graphi­cal interface people usually use such manipulators as a mouse and a track ball. 6. Key-to-disk devices used as data recording stations can correct data before storing it on a magnetic disk. 7. D.Mendeleyev having arranged the elements in a table, the ex­istence of yet unknown elements could be predicted. 8. All the necessary preparations having been done, the operator began assembling the machine. 9. Being built on the basis of transis­tors lasers are successfully used in technology.

14. Переведите сложноподчиненные предложения. Запом­ните союзы (союзные слова), вводящие придаточные предложения: that; so that; if, whether; which; when; while; since; till; until; whatever; whenever; in order to; regardless of, etc.

1. It is well known in computer science that the words "com­puter" and "processor' are used interchangeably. 2. The opera­tion part of the instruction is decoded so that the proper arithmetic and logic operation can be performed. 3. It is difficult to establish whether this problem can be solved at all. 4. Programs and data on which the control unit and the arithmetic-logical unit operate must be in internal memory in order to be pro­cessed. 5. The CU has a register that temporarily holds the in­structions read from memory while it is being executed. 6. Re­gardless o/the nature of the I/O devices, I/O interfaces are required to convert the input data to the internal codes used by the computer and to convert internal codes to a format which is usable by the output devices. 7. The purpose of registers in the ALU is to hold the numbers and the results of the calculation until they can be transferred to the memory. 8. Since the com­puter deals with pulses, the input device is a way of converting numbers written on paper into pulses and sending them to the storage. 9. The principal characteristics of personal computers are that they are single-user system and are based on micropro­cessors. 10. However, although personal computers are designed as single-user systems, it is common to link them together to form a network.

15. Прочтите текст и составьте аннотацию.


The piece of equipment that allows a computer to commu­nicate with other computers over telephone lines is called a modem. The modem allows the individual to access informa­tion from all over the world and use that information in every­day life. Connecting with banks, Automatic Teller Machines', cash registers to read credit cards, access travel agents, buy prod­ucts, e-mail, access databases, and teleconferencing, the mo­dems provide easy access to many services. Files can be trans­ferred easily, by uploading to another machine, or downloading to your own machine within a matter of minutes. The comput­er modem can be used as a telephone answering system, and documents can be faxed from one computer to another assur­ing fast and easy access to important documents.

A modem takes computer information and changes it into a signal that can be sent over telephone lines. The modem is a bridge between digital and analog signals. The computer is of the digital type, and the telephone using analog technology. The modem converts the "0"s and "l"s of the computer (off-on switches) into an analog signals modulating the frequency of the electronic wave or signal. The modem does just the opposite and demodulate the signal back into digital code. The modem gets its name from MOdulate and the DEModulate.

Most people believe that you need a separate phone line for a modem, but that is not true.Your modem and telephone can share one line, the problem arises when someone else needs to use the tele­phone while the modem is in use. Also disable call waiting, it could disrupt your modem connection while the modem is in use.

There are three kinds of modems — internal, external, and fax. All modems do the same thing, they allow computers to communicate through telephone lines. This lets computers ex­change information everywhere. Internal Modem is a circuit board that plugs into one of the expansion slots of the comput­er. Internal modems usually are cheaper than external modems, but when problems occur, fixing and troubleshooting the mo­dem can sometimes prove to be quite difficult. External Modem attaches to the back of the computer by way of a cable that plugs into the modem port. It is usually less expensive and very por­table. It can be used with other computers very easily by unplug­ging it and plugging it into another computer. Fax Modem can be hooked up to your telephone and used to send information to your computer. Your computer can also send information to a fax machine. Most computer modems are modems with fax­ing capabilities.

16. Выполните письменно перевод следующего текста по вариантам.


1. The organization of a microcomputer system is the same as that of a larger computer system. The microprocessor unit (MPU), usually concentrated in a single chip, consists of the control unit and the arithmetic logical unit. Internal memory is made up of random access memory (RAM) and read-only memory (ROM). Because RAM is only temporary storage, all microcomputers require some instructions to get started after they are turned on, and these are contained in ROM. A micro­computer includes both an MPU and internal memory.

The portion of the system software that is in ROM brings into RAM the additional instructions required to operate the micro­computer. Typically these instructions are stored on a magnetic disk; hence, they are called a disk operating system, or DOS. This start-up process is called bootstrapping. ROM also con­tains other programs that help to make personal computers easy to use, such as a programming language. Computer games are also stored in ROM cartridges.

In addition to the MPU, RAM, ROM, and associated con­trol circuits, other components, called peripheral devices, are needed to make a complete microcomputer system. The prin­cipal peripheral units are: input devices, output devices, mass storage units, and communication components. Like a DOS, the programs that control the flow of data between a microcom­puter and its peripheral devices are a part of systems software.

The most common input device used with personal comput­ers is the keyboard. Most personal computer keyboards have extra keys that perform special functions and that can be used to control the movement of a cursor on a screen. A leverlike device, called a joystick, is also used as an input device, com­monly for playing video games.

2. The CRT (cathode-ray tube) screen used with personal computers is called a monitor. Keyboards and monitors may be part of a single unit that also contains the microcomputer and the disc drives, or they may be separate units. Besides the mon­itor, the most common input units are dot-matrix and letter-quality printers. Dot-matrix printers are suitable for most mi­crocomputer applications. Letter-quality printers are usually used for high-quality office correspondence. Both types of print­ers are considered to be low-speed character printers.

Mass storage units are available over a range of capacities and access times. Floppy disks, or diskettes, are the most common mass storage media. They store patterns of bits on magnetically coated, flexible plastic platters. A floppy disk platter is sealed permanently in a paper jacket with a small window for reading and writing. Hard disk storage systems are also available. They may be fixed or removable. Some mass storage units contain both floppy and hard disk devices.

Low-cost modulator-demodulator devices, called modems, that allow microcomputer systems to communicate over tele­phone lines have become increasingly popular. Modems permit networks of personal computer owners to exchange information or to access large data banks. These data banks may be dedi­cated to special applications, such as law or medicine, or they may provide a variety of consumer services.


bootstrapping — начальная загрузка; leverlike — рычажковый


1. Вставьте необходимые слова вместо пропусков.

1. A personal computer is a small relatively inexpensive device designed for an individual ______.

a) person; b) producer; c) user.

2. One of the first and most popular personal computer was ______ in 1977.

a) interpreted; b) introduced; c) integrated

3. All personal computers are based on ______ technology, its CPU being called MPU.

a) microscopy; b) microprocessor; c) microelement.

4. Very soon a microcomputer was ______ from a calcula­tor into a PC for everyone.

a) transformed; b) transferred; c) transported.

5. Input in PC is usually performed by means of a_____.

a) mouse; b) scanner; c) keyboard.

6. A personal computer uses ______ disks as input and output media.

a) hard; b) fixed; c) floppy.

7. Personal computers have a lot of______, scientific, en­gineering, educational being among them.

a) multiplication; b) application; c) investigation.

8. Personal computers have a great ______ upon pupils, educators, accountants, stock brokers and who not.

a) influence; b) information; c) environment.

9. A word processing program called application______ enables you to modify any document in a manner you wish.

a) hardware; b) software; c) firmware.

10. Using a display you can ______ mistakes, ______ words and replace sentences.

a) delete; b) dial; c) correct.

2. Найдите в предложениях неличные формы глагола и назовите их:

A. a) Gerund; Ь) Present Participle Active; с) Present Participle Passive; d) Past Participle Passive; e) Perfect Participle Active; f) Perfect Participle Passive.

1. When keyed the data are held in a small memory called buffer. 2. Data keyed into the memory of a computer by typing on a keyboard are readable by humans. 3. Keyboard enables inputting numerical and text data. 4. The mouse provides the cursor control simplifying user's orientation on the display. 5. Having been constructed recently a new electronic device has important applications in space exploration. 6. Being supplied with a special appliance a television set may have a remote con­trol. 7. The control unit operates by reading one instruction at a time. 8. Improved methods of obtaining three-dimensional television pictures have been worked on the basis of holography.

B. a) Indefinite Infinitive Active; b) Indefinite Infinitive Passive; c) Continuous Infinitive Active; d) Perfect Infinitive Active; e) Perfect Infinitive Passive.

1. Input devices are used to enter data into primary storage. 2. These data appeared to have been investigated long ago. 3. We are glad to have obtained such valuable results. 4. You should have known wonderful features of computers long ago. 5. The problem to be solved is of great importance to the de­velopment of this branch of industry. 6. The first amplifying semiconductor devices (transistors) are known to have been developed in the USA in 1948. 7. He ordered these devices to be repaired as soon as possible.

3. Прочтите текст. Выберите основную мысль для каждо­го абзаца из предложенных ниже.


The personal computer can serve as a work station for the individual today. Moreover, as it has become financially feasi­ble to provide a computer for the individual worker, so also tech­nical developments have made the interface between man and machine increasingly "friendly", so that a wide array of com­puter functions are now accessible to people with no technical background.

A personal computer is a small computer based on a micro­processor; it is a microcomputer. Not all computers, however, are personal computers. A microcomputer can be dedicated to a single task such as controlling a machine tool or metering the injection of fuel into an automobile engine; it can be a word processor, a video game or a "pocket computer" that is not quite a computer. A personal computer is something different: a stand­alone computer that puts a wide array of capabilities at the dis­posal of an individual.

The first generation of true personal computers, which came on the market between 1977 and 1981, had eight-bit micropro­cessors; later introduced systems had 16-bits ones. Now 32-bit microprocessor chips are available, and soon they will be includ­ed in complete computer systems.

1. a) Performance of a wide array of computer functions;

b) Accessibility of PC for not professionals.

c) Friendly interface of a personal computer.

2. a) A microprocessor-based PC;

b) PC — a pocket computer;

c) Comparison of a microcomputer and a PC.

3. a) Microprocessor's capacity;

b) The growth of MPC's capacity;

c) The first generation of personal computers.
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9


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Поэтому, знание основ обмена деловой информацией и владение навыками деловых отношений становится востребуемыми на современном этапе,...
Элективный курс icon Рабочая программа по обществознанию (профильный уровень) элективный...
Анализ работы мбоу курагинской сош №1 по профильному обучению за 2011-2012 учебный год
Элективный курс icon Элективный курс «Фармацевтическая химия». Разработан учителем химии...
Не только сам врач должен употреблять в дело все, что необходимо, но и больной
Элективный курс icon Элективный курс по химии. «Решение задач повышенной сложности. 10-11 класс»
У хемофобии как социального явления есть объективные причины (загрязнение окружающей среды, техногенные катастрофы), но, пожалуй,...
Элективный курс icon Элективный курс: Профилактическая медицина. Методические рекомендации...
Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования
Элективный курс icon Рабочая программа курса «Химия и медицина»
Предлагаемый элективный курс рассчитан на учащихся профильных химико-биологических (10-11) классов, которые сделали выбор соответствующего...
Элективный курс icon Литература Английский язык Алгебра Геометрия История История Донского...
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение Авило-Успенская средняя общеобразовательная школа – это одно здание: здание...
Элективный курс icon Протокол №
Данный курс является авторским. Он продолжает курс «Пользователь персонального компьютера» (10 класс). Курс рассчитан на 34 часа...

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